Chivalry is full of rivers and lakes

Chapter 331, Qucai set up an ambush

Chapter 331, Qucai set up an ambush

It is said that Lin Zhonghe, Shangguan Zi, the three masters and Du Yichou, a disciple of the Qingcheng School, and a group of six people came here on flying horses chasing the Shuangsha Xiao brothers.

Along the way, people did not disarm and horses did not unload their saddles until dusk and sunset before they caught up in a small town called Qucai.

Xiao Gaiguo had already found out that there were six people chasing after him, and he knew it was Lin Zhonghe and the others.At this time, he was not interested in fighting anymore, and because of Jin Kemu's order, he hurried back to Shenjing, and had earth-shattering things to do.

Therefore, he left Shang Yi to lead more than [-] big internal experts to ambush Lin Zhonghe and other six people in Qucai Town.

Shang Yi is a veteran insider, treacherous and cunning, and he is Jin Kemu's confidant.

But this person is jealous of the virtuous, and his ability is limited, but he is jealous of his colleagues.First of all, they refused to accept the two brothers of Xiao's Shuangsha as the chief and deputy leaders of Ouchi.

But after getting along for a period of time, it turns out that Shuang Sha is not only strong in martial arts, but also excellent in strategy.He had to be convinced.

Shang Yi followed Jin Kemu, but he hadn't been promoted for many years. It wasn't that Jin Kemu didn't promote him, but that Shang Yi was not the one who stood alone.

Later, Fengli defected to Shuangsha, and was soon appreciated by Jin Kemu.So Shang Yi's jealous target shifted to Feng Li.

It was mentioned in the previous article that when the Shuangsha bloodbathed the West Lake Tower, Shangyi and Fengli fought, but fortunately he was stopped by the Shuangsha. today.

But today, Shangyi, following Xiao's order to correct his mistakes, ambushed Lin Zhonghe and six people in Qucai Town.

After Shang Yi got the order, he was full of ambition and very happy.I finally have the opportunity to control a team of troops alone,

Shang Yi believes that the opportunity to establish an incomparable miracle has come.

This Lin Zhonghe, who was a criminal eight years ago, has always been the number one person Jin Kemu wants to destroy.

However, after countless twists and turns, eight years of ups and downs, not only did not kill Lin Zhonghe, on the contrary, Lin Zhonghe grew from a sick young man on the run into an outstanding master who caused a sensation in the world.

This undoubtedly made Jin Kemu furious, chasing the blame for Shuangsha's ineffectiveness.Therefore, Shuangsha is often urged to kill Lin Zhonghe as soon as possible, and destroy the disobedient sect as soon as possible.

Of course, Shuang Sha did not dare to be negligent, and tried his best to hunt down Lin Zhonghe and wipe out the disobedient sects in the martial arts.

Then, Shuangsha wiped out Shaolin twice, causing all martial arts gangs and factions to move south to Hengshan Mountain and merge in Nanyue, completely forming a huge force to compete with Bai Niangniang.And the core figure of this faction is actually Lin Zhonghe.

Shuangsha's pursuit of Lin Zhonghe failed again and again. Although Shang Yi was present everywhere, he was not the decision maker, but just running errands.So Shang Yi was gloating in his heart.I really hope that Jin Kemu will remove the position of Shuangsha and let him take up the position, so that he can finally display his talents.

Shang Yi always thinks that he can win the position of commander in chief, and thinks that he is underappreciated for his talents, and he is subservient to Shuangsha.

Shang Yi really feels inferior to his talents, today he can show his talents and ambitions.

To make a long story short, according to Xiao Gaiguo's instructions, Shang Yi ambushed at the south entrance of Qucai Town, which was the only way for Lin Zhonghe and the others to enter Qucai Town.

Let's say that Lin Zhonghe saw a small town in front of him, and after a day's driving, he didn't even have time to eat lunch.

Lin Zhonghe guessed that Shuangsha's men and horses must also be in the town.He intends to make plans after having dinner here.He knew that Shuang Sha had a lot of people, and he had only six people, so he was absolutely no match for them.Only outsmarting is the best policy.

And Lin Zhonghe has always been cautious in doing things, he knows that he shoulders the future destiny of the martial arts.Now he knows that there are spies inside him, which makes him even more careful.

Lin Zhonghe looked at the sunset slowly setting in the distance, the sky was as red as blood, and in the summer evening, the afterglow shrouded Qucai Town, and the lush and green countryside seemed to be full of vitality and prosperity.

Lin Zhonghe thought to himself: The name of this town is Qucai Town! Under Shuangsha, there is a lone bandit named Shang Yi, who defected to Jinkemu in his early years, but has never been reused. He always feels that he condescends to a great talent.Coming here today, I don't know if Shang Yi is in Qucai Town, does he feel very Qucai?
Lin Zhonghe thought of this, reined in the horse's head, and said to everyone: "You guys rest here for a while, and wait for me to go ahead to explore the road."

Taoist Mu Sang said: "I will go with Master Lin Shao, so I can take care of me."

Lin Zhonghe smiled and said: "Thank you senior, this is a trivial matter, senior can rest here for a while, junior will come when he goes."

Master Mu Sang nodded and smiled: "Forget it, Master Lin Shao, be careful."

Lin Zhonghe laughed and said, "Young generation, you should be careful." Then he dismounted from his horse and handed over the reins to Shangguan Zi.Shangguan Zi stared at him for a while, and then everyone watched Lin Zhonghe walk towards Qucai Town.

This place is about two miles away from the town, Lin Zhonghe walked unhurriedly, and arrived at the entrance of the town not long after.

Lin Zhonghe attached great importance to the two opponents, Shuangsha.Xiao's Shuangsha are all-round talents in civil and military affairs, and the two brothers are indeed good materials for leading troops.Moreover, the martial arts of the two brothers have advanced by leaps and bounds. It is said that some time ago, Lady Bai personally passed on the second and third layers of the Great Demon Handprint.

Shuang Sha was already very hungry for martial arts, so he quickly learned the two and three hands of the Great Demon Handprint handy.

Recently, there have been rumors in the world that the martial arts of Shuangsha have reached the peak of martial arts, and the evil spirits are no longer the opponents of the two brothers.

For this kind of legend, Lin Zhonghe would rather believe in its existence than in its non-existence.After all, Shuangsha is a genius in martial arts, and he can learn by himself without a teacher, draw inferences from one instance, and integrate them.

This time when he went north to Shenjing, he encountered Shuangsha, but it was unexpected.

Lin Zhonghe was only about three feet away from the entrance of South Street in Qucai Town.

More than [-] people from Shangyi were ambushing in the dark at the entrance of South Street, all armed with special strong bows and crossbows.This kind of hard crossbow is so powerful that it can pierce heavy qi. No matter how strong an internal expert is, once he is hit by an arrow, he will have no chance to fight back, and he will only die.

When Shang Yi saw Lin Zhonghe in the twilight, he felt both fear and joy in his heart.What is frightening is that Lin Zhonghe is a myth of martial arts. So far, he has almost no defeats. Not long ago, he defeated the joint attack of Xiexian, the second scholar and the fourth scholar.

It is said that if Bai Xingshi, the patriarch of Tongtian Academy, stepped out of the void and rescued the three people, Xie Xian and the other three would have died long ago.

Lin Zhonghe is famous all over the world!
Killing immortals and saints is like slaughtering pigs and dog ears!
This is a Jiangnan nursery rhyme, but it has spread throughout China.

With such a great reputation, Shang Yi couldn't help being terrified.

But the good news is that today he is in the dark, Lin Zhonghe is in the light, under the volley of dozens of powerful crossbows and sharp arrows, even if you Lin Zhonghe has the ability to reach the sky, you will hate Qu Caizhen.

Perhaps tonight's Qucai Town will make him famous in Shangyi's first battle, and his name will enter the history!
He also announced to everyone that Shangyi did have the talent to hold the sky and sail the sea, and that Jin Kemu did not reuse him, and indeed made him fall under the double evil. This is the absurdity of Jin Kemu.

Shang Yi was hoping that Lin Zhonghe would quickly enter his ambush circle in order to shoot Lin Zhonghe.

Then, Lin Zhonghe in the twilight still walked unhurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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