Chivalry is full of rivers and lakes

Chapter 343, Meeting You Jun by chance

Chapter 343, Meeting You Jun by chance

It is said that Feng Liling's subordinates tied up Yang Jialie, who had suffered serious internal injuries, and asked a small leader to put him on the horse's back to watch over Yang Jialie.

After Fengli bandaged the wound briefly, he got on the horse and continued on his way.

Because Fengli was injured, although it was not serious, but there was a hole more than a foot long, and he couldn't run fast, so he had to walk forward at a leisurely pace.

It took about an hour. At this time, the sun was scorching in the sky, the weather in midsummer, and the heat was unbearable.People and horses are sweating profusely.

Feng Li walked forward with the little boss, and he looked at the unconscious Yang Jialie lying on the horse's back.

This is a handsome boy with incredible martial arts.If I hadn't been vigilant and retreated in time today, I would have been cut open by this kid in front of me.

Fengli admires Yang Jialie's martial arts.Looking at the world's martial arts world, those who can break through the eighth level of heaven and earth magic power are already very rare.

Under such a powerful body shield of stellar qi, it was broken through by the Yang family's spear.And the "Prodigal Sword Technique" of the Demon Palace has a total of nine styles. These sword techniques have a sad atmosphere, but they are also unparalleled in the world.

Today, Fengli used four moves in succession, but Yang Jialie defeated them.

How powerful is the martial arts of Gun Immortals? Is the ranking of the Eight Immortals wrong?
With Fengli's current martial arts, if the evil immortal, the head of the Eight Immortals, no matter what, he would not be able to hurt Fengli.

From this we can see that if the spear fairy is compared with the evil fairy, isn't it better than the evil fairy?
In fact, Yang Jialie at this time, although his martial arts are only at the second level of Martial Immortals, he has already surpassed his grandfather's martial arts by a lot.

Therefore, realm and strength are actually two different things.

Just like the diplomas of modern people, some people with high diplomas may not be able to handle things as well as those with low diplomas.Such special circumstances, no matter what kind of industry, there are exceptions.

In martial arts, Yang Jialie is an exception!
However, Fengli himself is not an exception.Only the peak realm of the first level of Martial Immortal has the strength to leapfrog to kill Saint Tuxian.

Fengli took himself as an example, it is no surprise that Yang Jialie hurt him today.

He had pulled back his thoughts, but heard Yang Jialie's voice: "Water, water."

The little boss looked at Fengli.Fengli nodded.

The little boss understood, quickly picked up the water bottle he was carrying with him, lifted the lid, stopped his horse, lifted Yang Jialie's head, and fed him a few sips of water.

After Yang Jialie drank a few sips of water, he woke up leisurely, but his eyes were still closed.

He already remembered everything that happened, seeing himself lying on the horse's back with his hands and feet tied, he instantly understood that he was defeated and captured by Feng Li.So he smiled wryly in his heart, but in the end he was defeated and suffered serious internal injuries.

Yang Jialie opened his eyes and saw that he was riding with a middle-aged man in his forties, and he saw Fengli standing side by side.

Seeing Yang Jialie waking up, Fengli smiled slightly: "Wake up? Hold on, there is a small county town ten miles ahead, find a doctor to look at the injuries, you and I are seriously injured."

Yang Jialie's face was pale, and he didn't answer Fengli's words.But he clearly remembered that when he used the "soul-chasing gun", he broke through Fengli's powerful aura, and his left pistol seemed to touch Fengli's skin, and then he was knocked away by Fengli's aura. Nothing is clear anymore.

"What's the matter, are you a little unconvinced by this result?" Fengli smiled.

"I, Yang, are not so arrogant. If I lose, I lose. There is no excuse. Now I am a prisoner, so I can kill or cut it." Yang Jialie said with difficulty.

Feng Li smiled: "Actually, you are not defeated, it's just a tie. I caught you only because of the large number of people. At that time, I was shot by you, bleeding profusely, and I was powerless to capture you. This is the real situation."

Yang Jialie struggled and said: "You won, you have the final say."

"Okay, don't discuss these things anymore, let's go, it's important to heal the wound." Fengli had already rode forward.

Sure enough, after traveling for more than ten miles, there was a small county town ahead.The brigade immediately entered the city, and Fengli led the troops directly to the county government.

The magistrate of this county is surnamed Song. Seeing Feng Li and other big insiders descending suddenly, he rushed out of the yamen to greet him.

Fengli spoke in an official tone, and said to County Magistrate Song: "I pass by here, and I will rest in your county office for a few hours. Go and invite a doctor with good medical skills for me. The sooner the better, I'll wait here After lunch, we still have to hurry."

A high-ranking official crushed someone to death, and County Magistrate Song hurriedly ordered his subordinates to do it.Then Feng Li and dozens of people were arranged to rest in the county government room.

Not long after, an old doctor in his sixties, short in stature, three big in height and five thick in height, came.

Doctor Feng Liling showed Yang Jialie first.The doctor obeyed, walked to Yang Jialie's bedside, took a look at Yang Jialie's pale face, then the old doctor was suspicious and calm, and took a full cup of tea to feel Yang Jialie's pulse.

After the old doctor took Yang Jialie's pulse, he was surprised: "It's strange, it's a miracle that he didn't die after being hit by such a strong force."

Fengli smiled and said to the old doctor: "How about it, no problem!"

"There is no danger of his life, but if he wants to recover to the original state, he will have to rest for two months and not use his internal strength, because several internal organs are severely damaged." The old doctor said.

"Okay, please prescribe some medicine first." Fengli smiled, "By the way, help me take a look at the wound."

The old doctor nodded, took out a pen and paper, and wrote the prescription. The county magistrate Song at the side took the prescription and ordered a policeman to go to the pharmacy to grab it, no problem.

Then the old doctor showed Fengli the wound, and he saw that Fengli's wound was longer than Yingchi, and the depth was three points.

The old doctor was slightly startled: "This is a gunshot wound. The person who caused the gunshot wound was severely wounded, and his recovery was exhausted. Otherwise, I'm afraid you would have been lying down already."

Feng Li smiled: "The doctor has good eyesight, may I ask the doctor's name?"

"Oh, the old man's surname is Jia, and the single name is a clear character. People in poor villages have little talent and learning. If the diagnosis is wrong, I hope you can forgive me." The old doctor who called himself Jia Ming smiled heartily.

"Oh, it turned out to be Dr. Jia, disrespectful, disrespectful, with Mr. Talent, why do you resign yourself to such a place." Fengli said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Dr. Jia laughed and said, "I'm laughing." He treated Fengli's wound while talking, and then got up to leave.

Fengli smiled: "It's time for Mr. Lao, sir, go slowly."

The old doctor Jia Ming smiled: "Healing the wounded and saving lives is my job, so why bother. I will leave now!" Saying this, he bowed to Fengli and County Magistrate Song one by one.Then leave.

Feng Li looked at the back of Dr. Jia Ming leaving, thoughtfully, and then ordered a group of insiders to follow him secretly.

Fengli suspects that this doctor is a well-known figure in the Jianghu, who is accurate in feeling the pulse and clear in wounds, definitely not an ordinary folk doctor, this doctor is a bit mysterious.

Fengli remembered that eight years ago, when Shuangsha was chasing and killing Lin Zhonghe, he was rescued by You Jun, a hero from Ludong, leader of the Six Factions, Nine Gangs, Eighteen Villages and 36 Alliances.

Although later discovered by Shuangsha, You Jun angered his daughter You Meihua, blamed her for talking too much, and crippled her daughter's martial arts...

Since then, You Jun killed his relatives righteously, and his reputation as a chivalrous man spread far and wide.

Today, Jia Ming is a pseudonym, and the mysterious doctor must be You Jun. A person's face can be easily disguised, but a person's height is difficult to pretend.

These five are short in stature, three big and five thick, and they have amazing medical skills in treating bruises.

This is the signature of Ludong Hero You Jun!
(End of this chapter)

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