Chivalry is full of rivers and lakes

Chapter 356, The Destination of the Shuangsha

Chapter 356, The Destination of the Shuangsha

It is said that Lin Zhonghe discussed with General Yuan, and finally released the besieged Jin Ge, and at the same time released Fengli, a hundred-odd inner master.

Jin Ge walked out from the spear array, and when he passed General Yuan's horse, he saw Lin Zhonghe was there, so he said coldly to Lin Zhonghe, "Why did you let me go? Didn't you want to kill me a few years ago?"

"One moment, another moment. Because your life is not worth as much as my brother Yang Jialie's. That's all, but when we meet in the future, we have to rely on our own ability." Lin Zhonghe also sneered.

"Okay! I, Jin, want to repay the favor of the two swords that you bestowed back then." Jin Ge said as he walked out of the Imperial Forest Army and walked towards the troops led by Feng Li.

Lin Zhonghe said loudly: "I hope you won't disappoint me."

Jin Ge had already arrived in front of Fengli, and he didn't answer Lin Zhonghe's words, but scolded Fengli: "Why are you here now? Do you know the consequences of being late?"

After Jin Ge finished speaking, he disappeared into the night.

Fengli didn't expect Jin Ge to be surrounded by it, and seeing a street of houses destroyed, he knew that it must have caused immeasurable losses to Jin Kemu, which made Jin Ge lose his temper with Fengli.

But he didn't argue, and after Jin Ge left, he quickly led his men back.

Here, Lin Zhonghe had already greeted Yang Jialie.

When he saw You Jun was helping Yang Jialie over.I was taken aback.

This Ludong hero who saved his life eight years ago, he always wanted to come to pay his respects.But it is true that people are in the rivers and lakes and cannot help themselves.Due to many things, it has not been possible until now.

For this matter, Lin Zhonghe has always felt guilty in his heart, especially the old hero You, in order to save Lin Zhonghe, hurt his own daughter, such an extraordinary means, Lin Zhonghe always thinks of this matter, and feels uneasy and sad in his heart.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Zhonghe let go of the benefactor's daughter, You Meihua, Bai Niangniang's closed disciple, which has been explained in the previous book and will not be repeated.

After eight years of vicissitudes, Lin Zhonghe is now an amazing figure in the martial arts world.And from a sick boy, he grew into a grown man.

You Jun helped Yang Jialie to walk in front of General Yuan and Lin Zhonghe, of course he couldn't recognize Lin Zhonghe.

Lin Zhonghe nodded to Yang Jialie, Yang Jialie smiled lightly, he was extremely weak at this time, General Yuan had already ordered Yang Jialie to be taken back to the Admiral's Mansion.

At this time, Lin Zhonghe bowed to You Junna: "Please benefactor, please accept Lin Zhonghe's bow. I will never forget the kindness you have always given me, Lin Zhonghe, for saving my life."

The torches in the army were shining brightly like daylight, and You Jun had already seen clearly the handsome, but slightly thin young man in blue shirt in front of him, prostrated himself at his feet, and couldn't help but be surprised.What happened to this young man?Why bow down to yourself?
When You Jun heard the word "Lin Zhonghe", the leader of the Three Mountains, Six Factions, Nine Gangs, Eighteen Villages, and 36 Alliances was startled.

The young man in front of me is the boy I rescued back then, but now he is a figure on the sharp edge of the rivers and lakes.

Hearing this, You Jun hesitated for a moment, and hurriedly helped Lin Zhonghe up: "You are really Lin Zhonghe."

Lin Zhonghe's voice was choked with sobs: "This junior is Lin Zhonghe. Thanks to the senior who saved this junior's life back then, Lin Zhonghe has everything that Lin has today. However, he caused the senior to lose his beloved daughter. To this day, the father and daughter do not recognize each other. This is Lin Zhonghe's fault. Every time this junior thinks of this, his heart aches. Sister Meihua was so cute at the time, but it's a pity..."

"Let's not talk about Master Lin, isn't the little girl living a good life now? It's a pity that he went astray. Fortunately, after Master Lin Shao made his debut in the world, his reputation became a pillar of the martial arts. Hahaha, the palm of the old man back then It's worth it to slap your own daughter." Although You Jun was sad to lose his beloved daughter, but seeing Lin Zhonghe's mighty power shaking the mountains and rivers, leading all the heroes to fight against the white lady, he, You Jun, was of course excited.

This time he brought a hundred masters to help Lin Zhonghe, halfway through the journey, he discovered that Bai Niang was going to launch a palace coup, and heard that Shuangsha and Fengli would also be recalled.Lin Zhonghe will also rush to Shenjing.

Therefore, he decided not to go south, but waited on the way, and lived in that small county under the pretext of practicing medicine, and a hundred masters also lived in this county to follow.

Maybe there was God's will in the dark, and Yang Jialie was rescued by accident.

At this moment, Dao Xian and the others also came to meet General Yuan and You Jun.

After everyone met, Lin Zhonghe said to General Yuan: "Now that the two camps have declared war publicly, General Yuan has no scruples, has he?"

"Give it a go, there's no problem." General Yuan pointed his sword at the sky, full of ambition.

"Okay, before dawn, the two demons will enter the city, how about we deal with these two demons first?" Lin Zhonghe said to General Yuan.

"Okay, this is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Since Shaoxia Hua sent the news, I have deployed heavy troops in the four gates of Shenjing. Anyone who is suspicious enters the city and will be killed. I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let it go." A suspicious person." General Yuan was very excited when he saw that he wanted to ambush Shuangsha.

Shuangsha has indeed endangered the martial arts and the court for more than ten years. Many unjust cases in the court were instigated by Eunuch Jin and the two brothers.Bloody cases in the martial arts are inseparable from Shuangsha.

It can be said that Shuangsha is the two vicious tigers raised by Jin Kemu and Eunuch Jin, who have eaten countless lives. No matter in the rivers and lakes or the court, as long as there is a bit of conscience, they all want to eat the flesh of the two brothers of Shuangsha and sleep on the skin of their brothers. Then fast.However, there have been no conditions and opportunities.

Tonight is a great opportunity.It seems that Shuangsha is really full of evil.

At the south gate of Shenjing City, there was silence.

At dawn, a group of people came to the south gate of the city.

This team is exactly the hundreds of masters led by Shuang Sha.

They traveled all the way, only half an hour slower than Lin Zhonghe and the others.

The city gate had already been opened, but there was no one on the wide road.

Xiao Gaiguo knew that the situation was wrong, and hurriedly shouted: "Quickly retreat, there is an ambush."

As he said that, he drew his sword and jumped off the horse's back, pawing on the ground.

But at this moment, arrows shot from the side of the road on both sides like locusts, and the Shuangsha men and horses shot and killed half of them immediately.

Xiao Zixin sent a voice transmission to Miqi's elder brother: "What should I do, I'm afraid this time there will be more bad luck than good luck."

"Calm down, wait and see what happens." Xiao Gaigao replied.

At this time, the opponent had stopped shooting arrows, but Shuang Sha heard a familiar voice: "Shuang Sha, you two brothers, listen carefully, put down your weapons, this is your only chance to save the whole body, otherwise, thousands of arrows will go through your body. " General Yuan spoke.

"Old man Yuan, you are so insidious. You have used such means to plot against your Master Xiao. If you have the guts, come out and challenge." Xiao Gaiguo was furious.

There was only a long howl, and a figure like a roc landed on the road from the left side of the road.

Shuangsha had already seen clearly that this person was Lin Zhonghe.

At this time, the sky is already bright, the sun has risen from the east, and it is another hot day.

Although it was early morning, there was no cool air.Everyone seemed to be in a steamer.

Lin Zhonghe smiled all over his face: "Commander Xiao's wish was fulfilled by Lin. Since Lin's debut, you, Lin and Xiao have always wanted to settle it. But by accident, we always miss it.

It is rare for heaven to fulfill one's wishes today. How about we settle the eight-year enmity together? However, to reassure you both, no one will intervene until we settle the enmity.However, if you want to flee, I'm afraid you won't be able to pass the hurdle of five thousand Imperial Forest Army. If the two of you defeat Lin, you can leave on your own.If you lose, Lin doesn't need to say anything.How do you two feel?"

Xiao Gaiguo knew he was doomed today, and blamed himself for rushing on his way, forgetting that Lin Zhonghe might have sent someone to Shenjing to report the news.

People have already preemptively attacked, and have already opened their pockets, just waiting for them to drill into the pockets.

Therefore, according to Lin Zhonghe's words, he has no choice but to face Lin Zhonghe sooner or later. The boy in front of him has been the nightmare of the two brothers for eight years.It's okay to end this matter today.

At this time, he has been trapped by thousands of imperial guards, life and death are unpredictable, but if he fights Lin Zhonghe one-on-one, there may still be a glimmer of life.

Xiao Gaiguo thought of this, and he sent a voice transmission to his younger brother Xiao Zixin: "Wait a while, I will fight with Lin Zhonghe, while everyone is paying attention to the contest in the field, you wait for the opportunity to break out, stop Bai Niangniang on the way, and tell them not to enter. The four gates of Beijing and Shenjing have heavy soldiers in ambush, and they come and go."

"Brother, you can say these things yourself." Xiao Zixin has a deep brotherhood and knows that today's incident is difficult to escape unscathed.

Therefore, after he finished speaking, he rushed straight to Lin Zhonghe.

Lin Zhonghe was a little surprised to see Xiao Zixin, the enemy who killed his father, go to battle, but he was very happy in his heart. Today, he wanted to kill Xiao Zixin no matter what, to avenge his father, so that his father would not be able to rest in peace under Jiuquan.

Xiao Zixin came to stand in front of Lin Zhonghe, and then said: "Your surname is Lin, today you are looking for death, and you can't blame Erye Xiao." As he said that, the long sword had already wrapped nine sword flowers, and then he attacked Lin Zhonghe with his right sword and left palm.

Lin Zhonghe smiled: "Today is a life-and-death struggle, you should use all your ruthless moves, otherwise, I'm afraid you won't have a chance. However, Lin said what he said, and he said it yesterday. In the future, when you fight, let your brothers three moves. This is the first move. .”

When he was speaking, his body had moved three feet horizontally, avoiding Xiao Zixin's left palm and right sword.

Facing a powerful enemy, Xiao Zixin had already been calm and focused, and went all out. After all, Lin Zhonghe was a peerless master. The Jiangnan nursery rhyme "killing immortals and saints is like killing pigs and dogs." This is not groundless.

Therefore, Xiao Zixin's first move was just a test, and then the second and third moves were just casual moves, irrelevant.

Lin Zhonghe didn't fight back, he did give up three moves.

After Xiao Zixin made three symbolic moves, he was shocked to see Lin Zhonghe dodging away effortlessly.He already knew that Lin Zhonghe's martial arts were much higher than his.

Therefore, he gritted his teeth and decided to make the final blow. Even if he died here, he would seriously injure Lin Zhonghe in order to create conditions for his eldest brother to kill Lin Zhonghe.

Xiao Zixin thought of this, he put his sword back into its sheath, and pushed his palms towards Lin Zhonghe.

Lin Zhonghe had already noticed that Xiao Zixin was different, so he held the Youlong dagger in his hand and was fully on guard.

Sure enough, Xiao Zixin had bitten the tip of his own tongue, and had obtained the third peak power of the Great Demon Handprint. The air of corpse poison billowing out from both palms, changed from light to thick, and finally turned into a substantial phantom.

Xiao Gaiguo saw his younger brother make this move, and immediately shouted: "Second brother, don't do it!" When he shouted this sentence, he was already so sad that he was on the verge of collapsing.Fortunately, he was supported by the two big insiders beside him, so that he would not fall down.

It turned out that Xiao Zixin resorted to the method of "disintegrating the great demon" in order to harm both Lin Zhonghe and Lin Zhonghe.Therefore, Xiao Gai was shocked and distraught.He knew very well that if he used the big demon disintegration trick, he would almost die, even if he survived by chance, he would be an idiot.

In the arena, Xiao Zixin's body overlapped with the phantom, but the power of his palms was several times stronger than before, and he struck Lin Zhonghe like lightning.

When Lin Zhonghe saw Xiao Zixin perform this strange move, his power suddenly increased several times.

Therefore, he didn't dare to be careless, and protected his body with the magical power of heaven and earth, and he had already used the sixth move of the seven-style sword moves, "The end is not the way".

Xiao Zixin was completely magical at this time, and the evil power in both palms was surging, and he pressed down on Lin Zhonghe.But encountered a big obstacle, at the same time, the demon body seemed to be shaking, and his heart was trembling, but he doubted whether this trick could continue.

Xiao Zixin never imagined that Lin Zhonghe would be able to resist the "disintegration of the great demon", and that with his sword moves, he would be able to worry about his will and make his mind sway.

Fighting among masters, how could he be distracted? Under the protection of the supreme divine skill, Lin Zhonghe used the world's best lightness kung fu, plus a peerless sword move that is unparalleled in the world.

Lin Zhonghe instantly missed Xiao Zixin's phantom.

In an instant, blood spurted out, and under the sun, it looked extraordinarily bleak and eye-catching.

When everyone was nervous, when they looked again, Lin Zhonghe was holding Xiao Zixin's head in his hand, and a headless corpse was under his feet.

When Xiao Gaiguo saw this, he was already like a mad lion, rushing towards Lin Zhonghe.

Lin Zhonghe's eyes were already red-eyed.Seeing Xiao Gai turning around and rushing towards him, he used the same move "Wai Lu Fei Lu".

At the same time, he shouted: "You go too, on the road to Huangquan, brothers are with you."

Xiao Gaiguo had already lost his mind. Although he rushed towards Lin Zhonghe, he cried bitterly when he saw Xiao Zixin's headless corpse, and he didn't take Lin Zhonghe's life-threatening sword seriously at all.

Shaw has gone crazy.

Seeing that the sharp sword was only a chi away, he stabbed into Xiao Gaiguo's left chest.

At some point, a stunning woman seemed to descend from the sky in front of him, and stood in front of Xiao Gai and said, "I also ask Master Lin Shao to spare my father's life, he has gone mad and his spirit has collapsed."

Seeing that it was Xiao Ziyan, Lin Zhonghe frowned, said nothing, and looked at Xiao Gaigao again.

I only heard Xiao Gaigao crying with a smile: "Dead, everyone is dead, hahaha, Jin Kemu is dead. The hateful Eunuch Jin is dead. Hahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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