Chivalry is full of rivers and lakes

Chapter 474, the end of collaborating with the enemy

Chapter 474, the end of collaborating with the enemy
It is said that after several hours of hard fighting, the heroes finally ended the battle of Gou Zai Chong and captured the leader of the bandits, Yamamoto 52, on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

However, according to Lin Zhonghe's words, the heroes were preparing to escort Yamamoto 52's cub to the pier, and sacrifice his life to our compatriots who died in China for decades.

At this time, dozens of warships flew towards the sea, and surrounded the two big ships of the heroes in an instant.

The heroes were taken aback. Seeing that it was an official ship, Lin Zhonghe felt relieved, and spoke out with his internal strength: "Ask your general who leads the troops to speak up."

After a while, a middle-aged general appeared on the ship accompanied by an old man who was nearly seventy years old.

When Lin Zhonghe saw this old man, he was startled, and an ominous feeling enveloped his heart.It seems that this Yang Bingbu Shangshu still misses himself and his comrades in the rivers and lakes.

In this way, what Teng Yetaro said is true, maybe Fengli has indeed received the secret order of the Emperor of Heaven, which is to get rid of himself.And with a two-pronged approach, the sea and the land will attack from both sides.

Lin Zhonghe recalled the arrogance and arrogance when talking with the Emperor of Heaven in Huashan, saying that you were in the rivers and lakes and I was in the court, thinking that the Emperor of Heaven was different from his father.

But now it seems that since ancient times, emperors have ulterior motives!
It's no wonder: how can you allow others to sleep soundly when you are lying on the couch?
Lin Zhonghe has read a lot of books since he was a child. It is recorded in the books that the father and son brothers of the emperor fought against each other.

Regarding the records in the book, Lin Zhonghe thinks that they are just nonsense and cannot be taken seriously.

Now, Lin Zhonghe believed it!For people who are scheming, they can really kill their relatives for the sake of power!Especially the emperor, whose heart is ten times more sinister than ordinary people.

It seems that I, Lin, have misunderstood the current Emperor of Heaven. To protect him on the throne and help him exterminate the White Lady is indeed a great achievement, but it is also a great achievement!

Lin Zhonghe thought of this, so he clasped his fists and said to Yang Bingbu Shangshu, "Master Yang, don't you come here without itching?"

"Oh, thanks to Master Lin Shao, everything is fine, old man, and congratulations on your success in suppressing the bandits. On behalf of the Heavenly Emperor, I would like to express my deep gratitude." Yang Bingbu Shangshu said.

"Hahaha! Minister Yang didn't just come here to thank Lin." Lin Zhonghe asked with a smile.

"Hey!" Yang Bingbu Shangshu said with a sinister smile, "Leader Lin Shao is really smart, but people who are too smart will lose Yangshou!"

"Really? Can Minister Yang Bingbu explain in detail, Lin doesn't seem to understand?" Lin Zhonghe asked with a smile.

"Alright, I've known you for a long time, so let's just say it straight. Today, I'm here by order to congratulate you and see you off to the west." Yang Bingbu Shangshu said with a smile on his face.

"According to the order? Whose order are you following?" Lin Zhonghe still did not give up, hoping that it was not the order of the young emperor.

"Whose order can I follow? The young emperor's? Master Lin Shao, don't think wrongly?" Yang Bingbu Shangshu said.

"Oh, so you said, last year when you conquered Mount Hua in the west, you and the Emperor of Heaven acted together for me, Lin, didn't you?" Lin Zhonghe asked.

"Yes, it's a pity that we are qualified actors, but you are not a qualified audience. Hahaha!" Yang Bingbu Shangshu smiled very proudly.

"That's right, it's just that Lin is tired from watching the theater and wants to become an actor!" Lin Zhonghe sneered.

Then he said: "Master Yang Bingbu, please look at the sea behind you, it seems that there is another group of people, the number is probably several times that of yours."

Yang Bingbu Shangshu turned his head and looked at the sea behind him. He saw more than a hundred buildings behind dozens of ships. The people on board were all armed with strong bows and crossbows. They surrounded dozens of ships in an instant. .

Yang Bingbu Shangshu saw that the fleet had at least 3000 people.On the first ship, a large black flag with yellow background was hung high, and a letter was written: Jiangnan Waterway Gang.

This flag is fluttering in the wind, and it is hunting!
The heroes understood that this was the arrival of Zhao Fei's troops from Jiangnan Waterway.

When the heroes were discussing, they suddenly heard a shout: "Old man Zhao Fei, please call Master Lin Shao, what's going on?"

Lin Zhonghe heard the words and immediately replied: "Senior Zhao, are we surrounded by officers and soldiers?"

"Why? Do they want to kill meritorious persons?" Zhao Fei was full of anger.

Before Lin Zhonghe could answer, Hua Rudian, who came to the boat, rushed to answer: "Because Lin Zhonghe is too powerful, it is useless now, so..."

"Oh, so that's how it is. Wait for me to talk to this dog officer." This is Zhao Lang's words. After all, he is a young man with a hot temper.

"Okay, you've settled this matter soon, and we'll have to compare sword skills later on!" The sword fairy also went up to the board.

"Yes, senior! I haven't forgotten our agreement!" Zhao Lang laughed loudly.

Then Zhao Lang shouted to the officers and soldiers: "Listen up, the dog officer in charge, we are the heroes of the Jiangnan Waterway Gang, with more than 3000 troops, strong soldiers and strong horses, and are familiar with water skills. Once we attack, you will all be eaten by fish.

So, you evacuate as soon as possible, a passage is opened to the north, and we will give you a stick of incense to consider, but the dog officials who want to kill the heroes have to stay, and the rest of the brothers will not be blamed! "

The above conversations were all made with internal force, and everyone could hear them clearly even though they were on the wide sea.

The situation suddenly turned around, the leader of the officers and soldiers was General Tao's deputy general, surnamed Yue Mingneng, he was indeed a traitor to the letter, but among his hundreds of officers and troops, half of them were rogues.

Over the years, he has already colluded with Yamamoto 52 and committed heinous crimes against the coastal people.Cultivate a group of confidants without telling General Tao.

This time, under the order of General Tao, the dog rushed to the exit of the sea to block the way out. He deliberately delayed the opportunity of the battle. If his cousin Yang Bingbu Shangshu hadn't come and ordered him to lead the troops to destroy Lin Zhonghe and the heroes, I am afraid that at this time, he would still be alive. The mouth of the Yangtze River.

Seeing that his troops were surrounded, Yue Neng suddenly felt that the danger was approaching, and seeing that the officers and soldiers were required to hand over Yang Bingbu Shangshu, he was in a state of confusion, so he hurriedly asked Yang Shangshu what to do?
Although Yang Bingbu Shangshu is a scholar, he has always been very courageous. He hurriedly said: "You don't have to panic, lead your brothers to kill! It's just a group of bandits, they are mobs, what's the point? First deal with the heroes, then order to deal with them Shoot the arrow."

While Zhao Lang was yelling, Lin Zhonghe ordered the heroes with weaker martial arts to quickly retreat into the cabin and hide.

Shangguan Zi was supported by Zeng Rong and Ouyang Yu into the boat.

At this time, there were only five Void Forbidden Lords and seven saints left on the ship, and one of them was the Lord of the Demon Palace.

A total of 31 people came to the void this time, but 20 people died.All are warriors at the peak of martial arts, which shows how tragic the battle is.

To make a long story short, Yue Neng had given the order to release the arrows.

Zhao Fei also started to attack the officers and soldiers, and arrows were flying all over the sea.

The 12 people standing on the deck of the heroes' boat had no fear of arrows at all, Lin Zhonghe pulled himself up early, and shot straight at the officers and soldiers boat, protecting his body with the divine power of heaven and earth, the arrows couldn't penetrate his aura at all.

Lan Yu, the big devil, did not show any weakness, pulled himself up almost at the same time, and flew towards the official ship.

After the two peerless masters fell into the boat.Lin Zhonghe shouted: "I will only kill Yue Neng and Yang Bingbu Shangshu, and the rest will not die."

Seeing that Lin Zhonghe and Lan Yu were like two gods descending from the sky, all the soldiers were so frightened that they threw down their weapons and bowed down on the boat, not daring to act rashly.

Yue Neng and Yang Bingbu Shangshu were finally arrested.

Lin Zhonghe shouted to Yue Neng: "You sentenced the country to defect to the enemy, did you not be wronged?"

Yue Neng didn't make a sound, it was actually a tacit consent.

Then, Lin Zhonghe said to Yang Bingbu Shangshu: "You are also the same as Yue Neng, collaborating with the enemy and treason. I am surprised that there are only a few thousand rogues in the 52nd area of ​​Shanben, while my border guards have tens of thousands of soldiers, but they have been unable to eliminate them for a long time. It turns out that It's the work of your cousins.

One ordered the encirclement and suppression, but the other failed!And General Tao didn't dare to kill your cousin Yue Neng, after all he didn't dare to offend you, Minister of the Ministry of War.

Originally, you and Lin had no grievances or enmities, but you saw Lin punishing the rogues many times, so you greedily said that you want the two emperors to get rid of me. Of course, the two emperors would actually attack Lin when they left late, but it’s not like that quick.And if you come up with a bad idea, the two emperors will naturally obey.

According to Lin's investigation, you, the Minister of the Ministry of War, got one-third of the wealth robbed by the rogues.Therefore, you hope that Rogue's Plague lasts the best in the long run. "

Yang Bingbu Shangshu was already in a cold sweat.

At this time, Hua Rudian and Daoxian also jumped onto the boat. General Tao knew about Yue Neng's mutiny, so he also rushed over. General Tao told Lin Zhonghe about the treason of the two cousins, Yue and Yang. The identified situation is consistent.

It is worth mentioning that because of Zha Yue's collusion with bandits, Guan Jingtian, the old hero of "Snake Island", once defeated Xiao's Shuangsha at the Yueyang Tower Martial Arts Conference ten years ago, and eliminated Liu Shengjing Shan with one move. The nine rogue masters were killed by Yue Neng's design. Fortunately, the first-hand information he investigated was handed over to the Five Heroes of the Central Plains before his death, and was written into the "Book of Rogue Bandits".

Lin Zhonghe's heart was very heavy at this time: The scum of the martial arts is full of collusion with the enemy, and the important people in the national army are treasonable. How sad is this?

"Young man, don't kill me, don't kill me..."

The pair of cousins, Yang Yue, uttered desperate cries when they were dying.

But the chubby Dao Xian, with his palms full of internal energy, pressed on these two traitorous heads.

(End of this chapter)

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