Chapter 6
Facing Lin Zhonghe's questioning, Ouyang Fucang, a tough guy with first-class martial arts, was so heartbroken that he didn't know how to answer.

Ouyang Fucang is the first building in the world - the owner of the West Lake Building. He is about 31 years old and is a descendant of a martial arts family.

There are four great martial arts families in Jianghu: Penglai Shangguan family, Xihulou Ouyang family, Sichuan Tangmen dark drug family, and Qianxi Miaozhong family.

These four great families of martial arts have a long history and profound heritage, with hundreds of years of foundation, people in the martial arts generally would not provoke them.

The family of Shangguan is at the top, and the family lives in Penglai Xiandao. There were six patriarchs in a row, and they served as the leader of the martial arts for a total of 300 years. Rivers and lakes.

At that time, Shangguan An, the head of the Shangguan family and the leader of the martial arts alliance, met the enemy alone, and Shangguan An was seriously injured.

From then on, Shangguan An stepped down from the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance, and the disciples of the Shangguan family rarely traveled around the rivers and lakes.

As for Tangmen in Western Sichuan and Miaozhong in Qianxi, the former is unparalleled in the world in terms of hidden weapons for feeding poison, while the latter is unique in martial arts.

The Ouyang family has more: internal strength, lightness work, and swordsmanship are known as the three masters, occupying a place in the martial arts world, and there have been two martial arts leaders in the past.From this we can see that the Ouyang family is not an idle generation.

Ouyang Fucang's father.Died in Taishan League 30 years ago, if calculated.Ouyang Fucang's revenge for killing his father lasted longer than Lin Zhonghe's pain of losing his father.

Ouyang Fucang didn't want to hide Lin Zhonghe, so he said sadly: "Zhonghe, you have to be strong. Your father is a good man, worthy of the name of a hero, admired by the world, even death is an honor."

Lin Zhonghe was just guessing before, and he still had a glimmer of hope that his father was still alive.But hearing Ouyang Fucang's words, he suddenly felt dizzy and sad, and couldn't help but burst into tears with a "wow".

Parting from life to death is a tragedy in the world.Why don't you make people's hearts broken and their hearts cut like a knife.

Lin Zhonghe cried for a while, during this period, Ouyang Fucang made the housekeeper often regret.Go to Hidden Dragon Villa to collect Lin Shu's body, find a place to bury it, and set up a mark so that Lin Zhonghe can go to worship in the future.Then come to Duliang Inn to meet.Chang regret nodded and left.

At this time Ouyang Fucang said: "Zhonghe, don't cry, let's go, 'Xiao Shi Shuangsha' is coming down the mountain to catch up."

Although Lin Zhonghe is only 12 years old, he has followed his father since he was a child, traveled all over the world, and knows the dangers of the world. At a young age, he has a strong sense of defense.

Hearing what Ouyang Fucang said, he had already wiped away his tears, nodded and said, "Uncle Ouyang, let's go."

Ouyang Fucang picked up Lin Zhonghe, started his first-class movement, was as fast as a shooting star, and soon entered the capital city of Liang, and entered a small hotel called "Duliang Inn".

There are two flowers blooming, only one branch, Ouyang Fucang and Lin Zhonghe stayed in the Duliang Inn, not to show it for the time being.

Let's say that Xiao changed his mind and came up to Yunshan Mountain, but found nothing. He led Shang Yi and the other two down the mountain quickly.After arriving in Duliang City, Ling Shangyi and his wife went to the Duliang Yamen, called the Duliang County Magistrate, and sent people to guard the four gates of the city. They were only allowed to enter, but not to exit.I came to Rugui Inn by myself.

Xiao Zixin has already treated the wound. His own injury is not too serious, but Lu Jun is seriously injured and unconscious. Can't live now.

Only then did Xiao Zixin tell his brother what happened last night. Although he only fought with Lin Shu once, he walked away from the edge of life and death.

After finishing speaking, Xiao Zixin drew out his portable sword and posed in the same pose as Lin Shu did last night, asking Xiao to correct his comments.

After Xiao Gai looked at it, he was shocked. This shape made him have nowhere to follow, and there was no flaw at all, but he didn't have the mentality, and he didn't know the artistic conception and essence of this move.

After Xiao changed his mind about this move, he said in surprise: "Could it be that the rumors in the world are true, that the mysterious masked man's move appeared 30 years ago? Could it be that Lin Shu really has a secret book?"

"It's possible!" Xiao Zixin said.

"Leave these things aside for now. I will take a few people to Baihua Valley. This Baihua Valley has the intention of connecting martial arts. The owner of the valley, Ling Xuehua, is Linshu's confidant. Maybe she knows the whereabouts of the cheats."

"Well, brother, be careful." Xiao Zixin said worriedly.

Xiao changed his mind and said with a smile: "It's okay, you can recover from your injuries at ease. If everything goes well, come back before dark tomorrow."

Xiao Gaiguo rushed out and came straight to the government office. Seeing that the county magistrate Dewey was dispatching manpower, Xiao Gaiguo gave some orders, and then led Shang Yi and other eight senior experts to set off for Baihua Valley in Jingzhou, western Hunan.

This time going south, Xiao Gaiguo brought a total of [-] senior experts to the south of the Yangtze River. Ten people came from Duliang, including his two brothers, and another ten people were on standby at Baoqing Mansion.

Nine rode fast horses and galloped forward. Duliang arrived at the Baihua Valley for more than three hundred miles.

Xiao Gai turned around and looked at the entrance of the valley, feeling chills down his spine. The location of Baihua Valley is really excellent: the cliffs on all sides are really blocking the pass, and no one can open it. There is only one passage at the entrance of the valley that can accommodate one person, stretching into the valley.

According to legend, the founder of Baihua Valley is from Penglai, and has some connections with the Shangguan family. Later, due to various reasons, he came to the Central Plains alone. After several rounds, he settled here and changed his name to Baihua Valley.

All the women in the Valley of Hundred Flowers have a heart-rending past.The rules of the valley are very strict, women in the valley are not allowed to marry, and they regard men all over the world as enemies.

Why is this so, the ancestors of Kaipai, Qunhua, were frustrated in love and discouraged, so they established this gang rule. This is a later story, and I will explain it later.

The stars have changed, and the guild rules that have been passed down for nearly 200 years have changed. When the current guild leader's generation came, it was completely broken because Lin Shu searched for medicine and entered Baihua Valley by mistake.

Three years ago, Lin Shu and his beloved son Lin Zhonghe stepped into the Valley of Hundred Flowers, fell into the trap, and were captured alive by the women.

The owner of the valley, Ling Xuehua, personally interrogated him. During the question and answer period, Lin Shu talked elegantly, behaved civilizedly, and spoke eloquently. forest trees.

Since then, Ling Xuehua has broken the rules of the valley, and anyone in the valley who is willing to marry, the owner of the valley will personally give a hundred taels of silver as a dowry.

Then, the sisters in the valley, seeing all kinds of things in the world before, and their own miserable past, have no intention of marriage or love.Wei Lingxue has a crush on Lin Shu.

Although Lin Shu also likes Ling Xuehua, he knows that he is wandering in the rivers and lakes and has no fixed place to live, so he cannot give Ling Xuehua happiness.Therefore, although the two have this intention, they can only be regarded as confidante friends.

Lin Shu visited Ling Xuehua in Baihua Valley the day before yesterday, and told her before leaving that on the evening of the [-]th of this month, there will be a fierce battle in Hidden Dragon Villa.

Therefore, Ling Xuehua was very worried about Lin Shu's safety. Yesterday, she sent two sisters to Duliang to inquire about the news. Today at noon, she brought back the sad news that Lin Shu died in Hidden Dragon Villa...

Ling Xuehua was devastated, and took out a poem written by Lin Shu on silk three years ago:
Meeting a beautiful woman in the Valley of Hundred Flowers,
My heart has long been dusty.

I don't know the root of love,
I just hate marrying a bosom friend indefinitely!
Seeing things and thinking about people, but things are right and people are wrong, heartbroken, and I swear in my heart that I want to avenge Lin Lang!
Then, Ling Xuehua also knew that the enemy was too strong, and Baihua Valley was not an opponent. She remembered that some time ago, she wanted to contact the martial arts heroes to deal with the Shuangsha together, so she planned to leave tomorrow.

There are many things in the world that leave regrets. Ling Xuehua has this wish, but she doesn't know that the god of death has come to Baihua Valley.

It was night, a heavy rain came suddenly, maybe it was tears of sorrow for the sisters in Baihua Valley in advance, and there was a sigh of sorrow for the heaven and the earth.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Gaiguo led Shang Yi and other eight experts, and rushed towards the Valley of Hundred Flowers with a grinning grin.

The sisters in Baihua Valley never imagined in their dreams that under such a violent storm, there would still be powerful enemies sneaking up on them.

The 72 sisters, except for Ling Xuehua who was captured alive, all died overnight in their sleep. The oldest was 56 years old and the youngest was only eight years old.

Hundred Flowers Valley is full of grievances, and the falling flowers are full of hatred.

Ling Xuehua was in so much pain that her heart seemed to be torn apart!
The old bodyguard lost his life in Shenjing,
The young bodyguard was thinking of revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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