Chapter 87
Last time, it was said that Lin Zhonghe was suffering from a cold and a fever, and wanted to run out of the forest, but unexpectedly, his foot fell on the ground and his body fell sharply.

Lin Zhonghe was startled: this time the game may be over, his mind is in chaos, he is unwilling, he has not avenged his revenge, if he dies so unclearly, it is indeed a bit wronged.

While he was thinking wildly, his body had already fallen to the bottom, he fell heavily, he was thrown to pieces, the severe pain hit him, and he had already passed out.

When Lin Zhonghe woke up, he opened his eyes and found that the surroundings were pitch black and his whole body was in pain. He tried to turn over, but he couldn't move.

Lin Zhonghe's first reaction was: he fell into a trap more than ten feet deep, which was dug by local hunters to catch large wild animals such as tigers, leopards, wild boars and other animals.

Today is a good day, but Lin Zhonghe, a sick young man, can be caught in it.

Lin Zhonghe's second reaction was that his bones might be broken in several places.But he secretly rejoiced that he didn't die, and the high fever subsided, and his head didn't hurt anymore.But the place where the bone was broken was excruciatingly painful.

Generally speaking, Lin Zhonghe is a blessing in misfortune. When setting this kind of trap, hunters usually bury dusty tree stumps or bamboo sticks underneath. If the prey falls into the trap, it will either die or be seriously injured. However, this trap does not have these facilities. Otherwise, Lin Zhonghe's little life would have been gone long ago.

Although Lin Zhonghe said that he was still alive, if he didn't think of a way to get out of this trap, he might die of starvation or pain. He was already seriously injured.There is another risk factor. If a large animal falls into the trap, Lin Zhonghe is afraid that it will be crushed into meatloaf.

Lin Zhonghe knew his current situation very well in his heart, however, his bones seemed to be falling apart, he couldn't move, so he had to resign himself to fate, hoping for a miracle to happen.

No coincidence, no book! The owner who dug this trap has not visited the trap for several days. This afternoon, he is going to come to this forest area to have a look, and check the trap he set to see if there is any harvest.

The owner of this trap is surnamed You, and his single name is Jun. He was born with three big and five thick, and five short stature. He looks a bit fierce, like a bandit.

But people should not be judged by their appearance.You Jun is full of martial arts, and it is said that he was taught by a different person, because he was kind and generous. On the way to hunt, he met a man who suffered serious internal injuries.

This Youjun Bodhisattva was so kind-hearted that he carried this man home to heal his wounds without even thinking about it.This You Jun's ancestors hunted, and it was inevitable that the flesh would be injured and the bones broken, so he had unique research on the medicine for bruises.

This man lived in You Jun's house for more than a month, and his internal injuries were healed by You Jun.In order to repay him for saving his life, the man passed on a set of boxing skills to You Jun, making You Jun invincible within a radius of [-] li in the area at the foot of Dongtai Mountain.

It's a pity that this You Jun has well-developed limbs, but a simple mind. Due to his limited understanding of the sword technique passed down by that middle-aged man, he can't learn it no matter how he teaches it.

The middle-aged man had no choice but to give up. Before leaving, he asked You Jun to practice this set of boxing and kicks well. As long as he practiced well, he would be able to make a name for himself in the martial arts world.

After the middle-aged man left, You Jun was only 20 years old that year. Both of his parents died when he was young, and he was raised by his uncle. Now he has grown up and set up a separate family.

The sun and the moon fly like a shuttle, and time flies like an arrow. In the blink of an eye, You Jun has practiced this boxing and kicking kung fu for three years, and he has practiced it perfectly.In this year's ranking of the heroes of the six factions, nine gangs, eighteen villages and 36 alliances in Dongtai Mountain, You Jun beat all the heroes and came out on top.

For a while, the name of You Jun became famous in the whole Lu area, and it was like no other for a while.

Then naturally the interests came rolling in, flatterers and flatterers came to the door one after another, and naturally brought countless money, You Jun was also happy to refuse anyone who came.

People, with a lot of money, a wealthy party, naturally famous and well-known, this You Jun is only 23 years old, and has not yet married.

In the past, there was no mediator to propose marriage, but now there are people coming and going in front of the door, and there is an endless stream of people proposing marriage.

Although You Jun is short, he is rich and powerful, and his martial arts are resounding all over the world. He has become the leader of the six factions, nine gangs, eighteen villages and 36 alliances.

You Jun was originally an honest man, although now he is successful and famous, but he has his own ideas when it comes to marriage, he chose an honest man's daughter to marry, and now the house is full of children and grandchildren.

Gossip aside, let’s say that You Jun came up to the mountain and patrolled around, but found nothing. When he came to the trap that Lin Zhonghe dropped, he saw that the fake tree branch had collapsed and the hole was exposed. Happy.

In fact, You Jun no longer needs to hunt. He was a rich man 30 years ago, and hunting is just a habit.

Seeing that the camouflage of the trap was gone, he knew that there must be a wild animal falling, so he cautiously approached the entrance of the cave, listened carefully, and heard a sound coming from the bottom of the cave.

You Jun listened for a while, and was startled in his heart. Based on his many years of experience, he knew that the thing at the bottom of the cave was not a beast.What is that? Could it be...?
Thinking of this, You Jun turned pale, and tentatively shouted to the cave: "Is there anyone in the cave? Who fell into the cave?"

Lin Zhonghe was in so much pain that he was dying, and when he heard someone shouting from above, he was overjoyed.So he endured the pain and replied: "Someone, I accidentally fell into the trap, please help me up."

Hearing Lin Zhonghe's words, You Jun broke out in a cold sweat, and someone really fell.At the beginning, he had a benevolent thought and didn't bury the tree stump and bamboo stick, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, You Jun hurriedly said to the cave: "Wait a minute, I'll find a ladder and rescue you up. I'm ashamed, I'm not good at light work."

Seeing that he was saved, Lin Zhonghe hurriedly said, "It's okay, you can go."

Not long after, You Jun moved a ladder from home, put it down, and then went down the cave himself.

When You Jun got to the bottom of the cave, he saw Lin Zhonghe lying on the ground, unable to move.You Jun checked Lin He and found two broken ribs on his left back.Other places are fine.

So, he took out the cloth belt that he had already prepared, carried Lin Zhonghe on his back, then climbed up to the ground, and pulled the ladder up.

Then he carried Lin Zhonghe home and put him on a bed. You Jun's wife and other family members hurriedly surrounded him. No one asked more questions, but cooperated with You Jun to apply medicine and splint to Lin Zhonghe in an orderly manner, and continued. broken bones.

After working for more than half an hour, Lin Zhonghe's injury was finally treated.

During this time, Lin Zhonghe was sweating profusely from the pain, and passed out several times.Fortunately, You Jun was skillful and did not take detours, which spared Lin Zhonghe a lot of pain.

After finishing the treatment, You Jun was also sweating profusely, but he smiled at Lin Zhonghe honestly: "It's fine now, and you will be back to normal in half a month, I'm sorry, I dug that trap, and I hurt you, I'm really sorry. "

Lin Zhonghe said: "No, no, senior, don't blame yourself, you only blame me for running around and falling into the trap. How can you blame senior for this!"

You Jun smiled naively again: "It's all right now, you can rest for a while, don't move around, if you need help, please call for help."

Lin Zhonghe nodded, he was already tired, he was so exhausted just now, and finally fell asleep.exactly:
You Jun warned the whole family,
Officers and soldiers searched for Lin Zhonghe.

 Dear book friends: Happy National Day holiday! But I still hope that book friends will come to read this book, and at the same time hope to vote, collect, give small rewards, and invest! Thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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