Chapter 22 New time travel
"Report to the host, the telekinetic power specially rewarded by the system is a supernatural function of the perfect level, which itself is a kind of materialization of spiritual power. The memory of the host will also continue to increase, and even when the mental power causes a qualitative change, the host's understanding can also be enhanced through a breakthrough." The ethereal system voice responded.

Chang Hao tapped the table with his right index finger. If this is the case, then the amount of tasks he needs to learn will need to increase.

With this memory alone, even if the memorized things don't need to be understood, to a certain extent, it will become a means and hole card for oneself to benefit endlessly.

Open a document on the computer, and then simply record some books and knowledge that need to be learned and plan to learn.

These online things require self-study, and mental power can only be exercised in an absolutely safe place. As for true energy, even if there is no supplementary source in the real world, relying on your own hundred-year-old skill alone, you are not afraid at all. Used up in a month.

After possessing the power of thought, Chang Hao's energy is also vigorous to the peak. Originally, true energy is a kind of energy of panacea, which can maintain the state of the body and keep him on standby for a long time. Now that he has the power of spirituality, Even if you are exhausted from exercising, even if you are too sleepy, you only need to sleep for half an hour to an hour, and then you will wake up naturally, too energetic to fall asleep.

This can be regarded as a disadvantage that is not a disadvantage.

However, these situations are also within Chang Hao's expectations. When they were young, Gu Santong and Zhu Wushi were able to fight for three days and three nights when the mountains were covered by heavy snow. Later, the fight had to be terminated because of Su Xin's intrusion.

The Huashan Lunjian in the Jin series of martial arts also fought for seven days and seven nights. Although I don’t know if this seven days and seven nights are compared with the other three days and three nights that have been in battle, it also proves that true energy has a great effect on the human body. support for normal operation.

Chang Hao already understood this point when he possessed Tiancan and woke up from a deep sleep of more than 700 years.

When he was just a master of martial arts, he could control the movement of his true energy, and he could still sleep normally, but when he had this thought power, his energy could no longer be controlled normally.

In this way, the exercise of telekinetic power also overturned the original plan, directly doubling the start.

The next day, Chang Hao went to the fight club to work normally, first to recognize people, then to learn some rules, then to warm up, and finally Wang Gang, a young man, started today's beating.

Chang Hao also really wants to train a real master in the arena, so in the fighting training, he will fulfill the duty of a coach and use the real top knowledge he has learned to correct some of Wang Gang's deficiencies and mistakes.

If he can survive his vicious hands for a week without giving up, then Chang Hao also plans to use subtle zhenqi to stimulate and restore his body in the next actual combat training.

In this way, the time passed day by day. I worked hard for eight hours during the day, and started studying and exercising after returning to my residence. I only needed to rest for two or three hours a day at most.

Although this kind of life is very boring, but with these foundations, it can ensure that you have more manipulation and confidence in another world.

Chang Hao thought he could tell the importance of the matter clearly.

Live a normal life in the real world, and assume the identity of a villain in another world.

Under normal circumstances, a villain in a world must be powerful, or rich in wealth, but in special cases, both must be available.

So, if you want to enjoy it, you can enjoy it in another world, anyway, it is the same soul, the same feeling.

In the last few days of this month, what Chang Hao wanted to study also became more advanced books such as chemistry, physics, psychology, and Taoist Buddhist scriptures.

Looking at the knowledge accumulated throughout human history, there is really too much, even if you have a photographic memory, and it is just coping rote memorization, it is not so easy to learn in a short period of time. to comprehensive.

"Psychic power has been developed to the strongest level within a month, and the knowledge that needs to be recorded has been overfulfilled. There is no problem with my own work. I have also browsed a lot of novels, TV shows and movies. The state at this time is very safe. .”

Chang Hao calmly glanced at the calendar on the wall. At this time, it has been a whole month since the last time he came back from being possessed, and after thinking about the pile of things in his mind, it is also time to find a plot world to take a good look at Spend some time slowly digesting and understanding.

After making a decision in his heart, he opened his mouth and ordered: "System, let's go through this month's possession time travel."

"As ordered!"

After losing consciousness for a short time, Chang Hao's soul has already entered another world under the protection of the system.

After Yoyo woke up, Chang Hao only felt that a lot of memories suddenly appeared in his mind, because he had the experience of being possessed by the Heavenly Disabled and the system's soul protection, this time Chang Hao obviously knew how to quickly receive and view these memories.

Chang Hao, who was dressed in black and masked his face, opened his eyes like a pair of cold electricity.

Listening to the loud chanting around him, Chang Hao planned to find a quiet place to review the decades of memories that had been created out of thin air.

Stepping on the lightness kung fu that he possessed, he quietly left the scripture storage pavilion of Shaolin Temple after a few turns.

Outside Songshan Shaolin Temple, on the big trees on both sides of the road, Chang Hao quietly stopped on the main branch of one of the big trees.

Restraining his breath and leaning against the big tree, Chang Hao quietly checked the memory in his mind.

Learned martial arts and simple Chinese from unknown Han people, a member of the Khitan descendant clan, a confidant of Empress Xiao of the Great Liao Dynasty, and the chief instructor of the Shan Army. I jumped off the cliff by myself, and my son was thrown out by myself at the end. I don’t know whether he is alive or dead. I was lucky enough to jump off the cliff and survived, so I had the idea of ​​revenge, and now I have been hiding in the Shaolin Cangjing Pavilion for 30 years!
"I am... Xiao Yuanshan who has possessed the world of Tianlong Babu!?" Chang Hao was a little surprised, he did not expect that the person possessed this time is quite famous, Xiao Feng's father, Xiao Yuanshan!
"However, this is too miserable, right? It is simply a tragedy in life!" Chang Hao watched Xiao Yuanshan's life from a third perspective. He was supposed to be a hero, but he was treated like this in the end.

Even Chang Hao felt a little bit of injustice for Xiao Yuanshan at this moment.

He believed in his promise, and because all the martial arts he learned was taught by Han people, he vowed not to kill Han people in his life, even when he was ambushed at Yanmen Pass, he kept his hands everywhere.

When he was the chief coach in the Liao Kingdom, he devoted himself to the reconciliation between Song and Liao, but who knew that such a person would end up in such a pitiful end.

 Thanks: "My life is only to follow my way" for the reward, thank you big brother for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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