Chapter 27
"The abbot of Shaolin Temple died?"

"Dead indeed."

"I didn't expect Abbot Xuanci, who is always merciful, to violate such a precept, alas."

"Sin, sin..."


The melon-eating people around have not dispersed yet, and they watched the whole development of the matter under the protection of the Shaolin monks.

Under such a tense and exciting plot, the unafraid of things began to discuss secretly.

Of course, some people have quietly left in the crowd.

If such a big event happened in the rivers and lakes, it would inevitably cause a storm, and some of them were worried that Shaolin Temple would act irrationally, so some people sneaked away in the middle.

And the mouths of these people are Chang Hao's weapon of fame, and it is also the beginning of turmoil in the world.

Xuanci died, he didn't use his true energy to defend himself, he only thought about redemption, he was beaten to death by the Shaolin monks with a stick.

The faces of these eminent monks of the Xuan family were so gloomy and frightening, and the entire Shaolin Temple was filled with a disturbingly quiet atmosphere.

Xuan Ji hesitated for a moment, and finally took a step, and then said to Chang Hao: "Old benefactor Xiao, now that Abbot Xuanci is dead, the past grievances and grievances will be wiped out, but can I ask in the name of a private person? Where is the child who was stolen back then?"

People cannot be resurrected after death, and now that Abbot Xuanci has gone west, there is a deep bond between Xuanci's descendants in Shaolin Temple, so naturally they want to inquire about the news of Senior Brother Xuanci's heirs.

Even though this question shouldn't be asked at all, Xuan Ji still opened his mouth.

"I can tell you about this child, but you also need to promise me one thing!"

"The crimes committed by your abbot need to be borne by you. Ye Erniang is still at large. Her kung fu is the capital of her crimes, so it needs to be abolished. How you deal with her afterwards, I hope you can do it for me." Think about the babies and families who have died in vain in the past ten years." Actually, Chang Hao wanted to solve Ye Erniang himself, but he was alone, and he also had a foreign identity, which restricted Chang Hao's plans and intentions.

"Of course, you can also refuse my condition. I will kill Erniang Ye with my own hands. As for your abbot's child, I will not tell you his identity." Chang Hao said without fear.

"Amitabha, since Erniang Ye is related to my Shaolin, then Shaolin will naturally not allow her to continue to do evil. When things get to this point, she will definitely be captured, her martial arts will be abolished, and the pagoda will be imprisoned. Ye Erniang's crimes made her repent." Xuan Ji nodded in agreement.

In fact, even if Chang Hao doesn't say anything, Shaolin Temple will definitely take action, because so many people present have already seen that Abbot Xuanci had indeed had an affair with Ye Erniang, and Ye Erniang's martial arts were taught by Abbot Xuanci. For the sake of your own reputation, you must understand this cause and effect!

"Since Master Xuanji has promised, the old man is relieved, but I hope you can deal with this matter as soon as possible, because every day you delay, there will be an innocent baby in this world, and a happy family will be killed by Ye Erniang. The cruelty!" Chang Hao didn't work hard on this matter, after all, he is setting up his own persona now, this persona who is bright and upright and hates evil like a vengeful person cannot be collapsed.

Only with a good reputation can one cover one's identity as a foreigner and continue to do things without being targeted.

Shaolin Temple has always been the leader of the righteous way in the martial arts, and it is definitely one of the places where the power of luck of the Buddhists in this world gathers. Half of the purpose of my business has been achieved, and the next step is to find a way to meet the sweeping monk.

The invincible sweeping monk, if he defeats him, it will obviously be of great benefit to the collection of luck power.

There are also the protagonist trio of Tianlong World, the 72 stunts of Shaolin Temple, Yijinjing and Shenzujing. If you can get these, you must find a way to get them!
Xuanji's eyes were filled with shock when the sound transmission technique was used, and then he folded his hands and retreated silently.

"Masters, the grievances between this old man and Xuanci have been settled, but I have made all the preparations for coming here this time, so I still hope to experience the unique skills of Shaolin Temple." Chang Hao found that even if he had Xuanci The abbot was forced to death on the spot, and these great monks of Shaolin Temple still did not choose to make a move for the sake of face, which was not in line with his original thinking.

If things are progressing normally, it should be a situation where they start fighting at the first disagreement, and then use the Tathagata palm by themselves, sweep Shaolin and then fight against the sweeping monk, and finally use all means to fight until Shaolin closes the temple.

"Amitabha, since the grievances and grievances are over, please don't embarrass Shaolin, old benefactor Xiao. Now that the abbot brother's bones are not cold, and Shaolin has no intention of competing with others, benefactor Xiao please go back." Xuannan stood up, with a dark expression on his face. Sad, but also suppressed anger and sadness to speak out.

Chang Hao bowed and apologized, then turned his head and left without saying a word.

I really didn't think so much just now, but the dead are the most important, if you want to challenge, there are plenty of opportunities.

"Both chiefs, Shaolin please prepare well. The old man has comprehended the Tathagata palm of supreme martial arts from your Shaolin Sutra Pavilion. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely come to ask for advice!" Chang Hao's figure gradually disappeared in the Among the onlookers, the voice just now was restrained by true energy, and it reached Xuanji and Xuannan's ears.

The two great monks secretly glanced at each other, but finally chose not to stop them.

Regardless of whether Xiao Yuanshan can be left behind or not, Shaolin's reputation has already been severely damaged at this time, the most important thing now is to contain Abbot Xuanci's body first, and then send eminent monks to arrest the four villains, so as to restore Shaolin's reputation.

As for Abbot Xuanci's son, if there is no problem with his character, he should be taught some real Shaolin skills...

The eminent monks of Shaolin Temple became busy at this time, and a group of pilgrims also left Shaolin knowingly.

Chang Hao has already gone down the mountain, so it can be expected that his trip to Shaolin will spread like a raging fire across the entire Jianghu.

After all, it was about the abbot of Shaolin Temple, and it was his dirty events.

However, after this incident, it will not be easy to find Murong Bo again.

Chang Hao sighed in his heart, but he had no choice but to accept this situation helplessly.

This old fox is hotter than anyone else, and his identity will definitely be exposed after this incident, so this old guy Murong Bo will definitely avoid seeing him.

However, he also has an advantage, that is, Murong Bo thought that his fake death hadn't been exposed, so he might not be able to think so much about it under certain circumstances.

Just like his only son, Murong Fu who is determined to recover Dayan.

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(End of this chapter)

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