Chapter 35
In Feng Bo'e's eyes, Chang Hao, who was originally just sitting on a seat, seemed to have turned into a golden Buddha standing above all Buddhas at this moment, who stretched out his palm and suppressed the mountains and rivers.

As soon as Shi Shi made a move, the extremely domineering palm was already full of turmoil and evil, and even the thought of seeing death as home was in a trance at this moment.


Feng Bo E spat out a mouthful of hot blood, but was evaporated by the Buddha's light beside Chang Hao. At this time, Feng Bo E had lost the breath of life and fell in a parabola in the air. His internal organs and bones had also been smashed to pieces.

Since entering this world, fighting is almost inevitable in order to obtain the power of luck.

Since Feng Boxie chose to make a move, he had to bear the consequences of the move.

Obviously, he knew that this shot would definitely kill him, but he still made the shot, so Chang Hao fulfilled his wish.

Since entering the rivers and lakes, killing is inevitable.

Suddenly, sensing that his mind barrier was hit by a powerful force, Chang Hao stretched out two fingers and pressed on his temples, and then kicked Murong Fu back who was trying to escape.

Seeing Murong Fu flying back upside down while screaming, Chang Hao slapped him down.


The golden Buddha's palm just caught Murong Fu's body, and then knocked him to the ground, directly piercing through the solid wood floor under his feet, and landed in the hall on the first floor of Cyclamen.

In order to attract Murong Bo to come over, Chang Hao didn't kill this guy Murong Fu, but just calculated the extent to which he couldn't die, and gave him a slap in the face.

Anyway, Murong Fu's own strength is not bad, under the self-protection of a whole body of true energy, his own casual blow will definitely not kill him.

From the beginning to the end, Chang Hao didn't leave his seat, he just threw a teacup and slapped him a few times.

As a result, Murong Fu, one of the well-known North Qiaofeng South Murongs in Jianghu, was seriously injured and dying, lying on the ground like a dead dog.

Only then did Chang Hao get up and leave his seat, and then walked down the stairs.

Looking at Murong Fu on the ground, Chang Hao said: "Murong Fu, a descendant of the Xianbei royal family in Yan State, wants to restore Yan State, so your family has been engaged in conspiracy for a long time."

"Your father, Murong Bo, in order to provoke the war between the Liao Kingdom and the Song Kingdom, so that the Yan Kingdom could rise in the war, he deliberately framed the old man's family, which caused the Yanmen Pass incident 30 years ago, and even escaped by feigning death. , has been hidden behind the scenes."

"It's a pity that Murong Bo's old thing is hidden too deep. I thought I would never find him, but I never imagined that the only descendant of the Murong family would dare to appear in front of this old man so openly."

"That's fine, after I capture you, I don't believe that your dead ghost father can still sit still! I think for the blood of your Murong clan, even if it's an upright trap, he should jump out, right?" Chang Hao still didn't have any taboos, it could even be said that he explained it this way on purpose.

The news that Murong Fu was captured alive must be spread, and the news that he knows that Murong Bo is not dead must also be spread. As for directly exposing the identity and purpose of the Murong clan, this is only to disturb the plot and increase the number of people who can get it. It's just the power of luck.

At Murong Bo's age, it is almost impossible to recreate the next generation, so in order to restore Dayan, for his only blood, he will definitely jump out and die.

Even if he is not fully sure that he can rescue Murong Fu, Murong Bo will definitely come!

This is his lifelong wish, and also his only son, it is absolutely impossible to give up.

What Chang Hao used was an aboveboard scheme, which also highlighted his domineering aura of not being afraid of anything.

After giving the money for compensation to the shopkeeper, Chang Hao carried Murong Fu back to his residence. At this time, there was already one more Murong Bo waiting for him.

After the news from Chang Hao's mouth spread, it not only involved the Jianghu, but also made the local officials uneasy.

Conspiracy has always been the most taboo topic in every dynasty. Once it is found out that the situation is true, it will be a serious crime to punish the nine clans.

Although I don't know if Chang Hao's words are credible, those officials who have news channels can't sit still.

Once this situation has a little bit of limelight, it must be investigated to find out.

If the matter is true, it is the credit of the heavens, and if this matter is first found out by the higher authorities, then it will be a major crime against the Jiu Clan.

Therefore, Chang Hao's words directly affected the power game of the Song court government.

Xiao Feng had traveled a long way from Yunnan, at this time two days had passed, and the originally set one-week deadline was about to pass.

Murong Fu was deprived of all martial arts by Chang Hao, and then lay down with serious injuries.

Under the cover of pervasive thought power, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to secretly rescue Murong Fu.

At this moment, Murong Fu's heart was ashamed, and his eyes showed despair.

All of his martial arts were crippled, his muscles and bones were fractured in many places, and his internal injuries were so serious that he couldn't move at all.

Today's Murong Fu doesn't seem to be in the slightest bit of high spirits. Under Chang Hao's watchful eye, his wounds are incurable, his martial arts has been abolished, he is suffering from pain and hunger, and after being hit on the dumb acupoint, he just I can lie on the bed with no eyesight, dare not think about anything, and can't do anything.

If Murong Bo didn't rush over again, he might have to collect his son's body at that time.

Chang Hao on the other side was having lunch, and after Nian Momo detected the stranger outside his room, he suddenly showed a smile.

"I said why I couldn't find you. It turned out to be the disguise technique." Chang Hao put the chopsticks away gently, then got up and walked towards his room.


The wooden door was pushed open, and then a young boy in Tsing Yi sneaked into Chang Hao's room, and closed the door carefully.

Chang Hao came to the upstairs guest room area in a few steps, and then shouted loudly: "Murong Bo, you old bastard can't take it anymore!"

Chang Hao's rough voice instantly alarmed Murong Bo who had just entered Chang Hao's room.

Before he had time to think about anything, Murong Bo exploded with anger instantly, and rushed to Murong Fu's position, intending to rescue his son first.

After finally enduring for a whole day, he carried out the rescue with sufficient preparations. It is impossible for Murong Bo to give up on Murong Fu.

Even if Murong Fu's skill is abolished, as long as the green hills remain, there is no fear of running out of firewood!

Since the plan to restore Dayan cannot be completed in this generation, then it will be handed over to the next generation. Even without martial arts, they can still give birth normally and educate the next generation normally!
As long as the bloodline of the Murong family is not cut off, then there is still hope!

This is Murong Bo's bottom line, even if he dies in battle, he must rescue Murong Fu!
 Thanks: the reward of [-] starting coins from "Sneak in time".

  Well, sneaking time is my friend, who originally wanted to invest in chasing investment, but accidentally made a mistake, and it became a reward. He doesn't know much about this investment.

  emmm, I'm looking for another investment, almost a hundred investments, I'm looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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