Chapter 9 The Secret Law
"Is it related to me?" Yan Zhen asked with a confident face.

"It is indeed related to the master." Chang Hao said.

Chang Hao carefully took out two books wrapped in red cloth from his arms, and put them on the table.

"The supreme martial art that made the martial arts supreme Long Jianfei dominate the martial arts back then - Tathagata God's Palm, and Donghai Changli Sect's magical skill of suppressing teaching - Seven-Rolling Slash." Chang Hao placed the two books.

"And what I practice is another magical skill, but the two martial arts books I took out are complete and can be practiced in today's society. Master Yan Zhen should also understand what this means. "Chang Hao looked at Yan Zhen and asked.

The expression on Yan Zhen's face changed, and finally he said slowly: "This represents a large number of martial arts masters without any hidden dangers."

Yan Zhen also knows his own situation, basically it is impossible to copy, if it is not for the skills he has cultivated for decades to suppress the messy qi that he has devoured, most people would have gone mad or died suddenly.

But now there are complete martial arts cheats that can refine a large amount of energy, and they can completely cooperate with their own special function spells to mass-produce martial arts masters!

After all, the essence of the two is different. Martial arts secrets are energy circulation in the body, but supernatural power spells are not martial arts secrets. door martial arts.

My supernatural spells only need to use the spells to arouse the mental power to operate, and there is no conflict with the energy circulation in the body at all.

In other words, as long as you master the martial arts secrets in advance, or practice for a few days, you can draw and swallow a large amount of energy with the help of supernatural spells, and then the advanced exercises in your body will directly refine this special energy. And transform it into your own true energy!
"Hiss!" Yan Zhen took a deep breath.

Chang Hao naturally understood why Yan Zhen was so surprised, because even himself was extremely greedy in this situation.

That is to say, this plane is very special, with Yan Zhen, a ghost, who can actually develop supernatural spells one after another based on the special brain waves of people with supernatural abilities. This is obviously already on another path.

Using the qigong master system and modern scientific theory to analyze the ability of people with supernatural abilities to be loved by the world, and really created a spell that transfers Dafa and draws free energy from the outside world. This powerful spell similar to a spell can be described as A line of pioneers.

"I can hand over these two exercises for free, but I need to make another plan on how to operate them." Chang Hao stared at Yan Zhen and said again.

Yan Zhen calmed down his excitement, and then said: "It's me who treats a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Since Master Chang Hao doesn't care about the difference between families, I will naturally not be stingy. In order to show My sincerity, I, Yan Zhen, will also show the results of my lifelong research!"

"I would like to hear the details." Chang Hao said with great interest.

"You should have guessed one of the achievements, which is the reason why I was able to accumulate so much true energy."

"This is the result of my whole life's research and long-term cooperation with the Special Function Association, so I created a traction spell!"

"This spell is my whole life's painstaking effort. It can attract the free energy from the outside world to absorb, and that's how I got my vast true energy." Yan Zhen introduced with a proud face.

"According to modern scientific research and Einstein's theory of the immortality of matter, coupled with my continuous research, I found that human beings are primates full of energy. If a person dies, there must be energy left behind , and if this energy is not cleaned up in time, it will even turn into another life form, that is - <ghost>!"

"And my special function spell can absorb this kind of energy. First, it can increase its own skill, and second, it can prevent the appearance and formation of powerful ghosts."

"However, the shortcoming of this spell is that without profound skills, it is simply impossible to withstand this kind of alien energy, and only a few remaining qigong masters in China can store and suppress and refine these energies."

"However, including me, everyone is the backbone of the qigong master lineage, so just in case, the only one who really practices this spell is me, the creator." After Yan Zhen finished speaking, he also gently with a sigh.

If there were no top-level exercises brought by Chang Hao, there would be hidden dangers in Yan Zhen's supernatural power spells. Ordinary people would not be able to practice them at all, and it would just be a pity to eat them without taste and throw them away.

"It seems that God sent me here." Chang Hao said with a smile.

"Yeah, if we can really succeed, then the resources in the hands of the two of us will indeed learn from each other's strengths!" Yan Zhen was also deeply moved.

Qigong masters are inherited from ancient martial arts. Although there are still some martial arts secrets preserved, they are either seriously incomplete or the level is too low, and the world does not allow them to practice. The preciousness of the two secret books.

"As for my other kung fu, it is the real secret method of pressing the bottom of the box!" Yan Zhenyou continued to speak.

"The transfer method is a powerful secret method that can transfer other people's items out of thin air, and even transfer other people's or their own injuries. If you have strong mental power, or use it skillfully, it is not impossible to transfer your own or other people's skills." Yan Zhen once again proudly said Open your mouth and say.

"How about my two secrets? It's not much different from Master Chang Hao's two secrets, right?" Yan Zhen looked at Chang Hao proudly after finishing speaking.

The exercises you have come up with are inherited from the predecessors, while my secret method is created by myself. Such a comparison makes Yan Zhen feel proud.

Chang Hao stood up, cupped his fists and bowed, and said, "Master has a broad mind, and Chang Hao admires it."

"But like I said just now, if this method is really feasible, it needs to be carefully planned." Chang Hao said seriously.

"Then according to Master Changhao, how should we deal with it?" Yan Zhen asked.

"First of all, we need to find a few people who can keep the secret, one is an ordinary person, and the other is a qigong master." Chang Hao said the thoughts in his mind.

"I don't know if my cheat book will work with your supernatural power spell, so I need to find someone to try it voluntarily, but don't worry, our experiment is not in any danger." Chang Hao gave himself suggestion.

"Yes, in fact, I can act as the No. [-] experimenter. After all, if I refine the heterogeneous energy in my body step by step, it is estimated that I will not be able to refine it until I die." Yan Zhen nodded and followed up. Said.

 Ask for collection, ask for investment, ask for recommendation ticket (﹃)

(End of this chapter)

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