The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 1 Per Capita Heir to the Throne

Chapter 1 Per Capita Heir to the Throne

In front of Jun Wu was an exquisite celadon plate, on which a piece of crystal cake was exuding a sweet aroma.

At the same time, a panel that no one else could see appeared before his eyes.

This panel is almost transparent, and there is a comment on the crystal cake on it:

"Crystal cakes, ordinary cakes, have been added with paralytic toxins. It is recommended to activate the "Manggu Pure Yang Heart Sutra" to the third level to resist the toxins."

It has been a month since I came to this world, and it was the first time Jun Wu saw the panel in front of me.

Obviously this should be his golden finger.

Not as excited as imagined, Jun Wu said indifferently: The standard travel equipment has finally been delivered.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to read the words on the panel clearly.

Although his eyesight was normal in this life, he couldn't change this habit.

In the previous life, Jun Wu was always inconspicuous because of his silence.

No one is willing to explore Jun Wu's heart, let alone find that his silence is out of calmness.

Even if Junwu's studies and work went smoothly, everyone thought it was luck.

Jun Wu never explains it to others, he must know that a smooth and smooth life is a life that others cannot envy.

Unexpectedly, the ordinary life would suddenly change, Jun Wu closed his eyes on the hospital bed.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already the Fifth Prince of the Dayue Dynasty.

After time travelling, Jun Wu is still the same Jun Wu.

But the attitude of the world towards him was different.

Say the same squinting habit.

Because Jun Wu's face is exquisite and straight now, and his status is noble.

Some people secretly said that the fifth prince is as charming as his late mother and concubine.

It seems that as long as you look good, it is not easy to keep a low profile.

Jun Wu's thoughts were in nowhere, but he caught the attention of a young man beside him.

He turned his head to Jun Wu and said with a sharp smile: "Xiao Wu, don't you like this crystal cake?"

This young man has red lips and white teeth, and shrewd and domineering eyes.

He is the fourth prince who is a few months older than Junwu.

It has to be said that the emperor's heirs of Yue Dynasty are all good-looking.

Jun Wu turned his head to the side, the hall was resplendent with gold and jade, and the shadows of the candles flickered, as if his face was covered with a layer of brilliance.

This made the fourth prince suddenly feel unhappy.

Before Jun Wu could answer, the Fourth Prince picked up the identical crystal cake in front of him, and raised his voice:
"Crystal cake bestowed by the emperor, don't younger brother Junwu look down on it?"

After speaking, he opened his mouth and took a bite.

Seeing this, Jun Wu also picked up the porcelain cup in front of him.

At this moment, a woman's voice came from a soft and boneless voice: "Prince, what interesting things are you and the fifth prince talking about?"

Jun Wu and the fourth prince looked up at the same time.

The main hall is spacious, and there are six boys and girls with good looks sitting upright.

And there are two people sitting side by side in the main hall.

A middle-aged man was dressed in a fine attire, and a black beard turned his temperament into a feminine one.

This middle-aged man is the common father of the six young men.

And sitting beside him was a graceful and luxurious woman, who was the one who spoke earlier.

The fourth prince smiled, and said with a complaint appearance: "Mother, I see the fifth younger brother is hesitating with the teacup.

It seems that he doesn't like the dessert rewarded by his father, maybe he can't get used to it.

But what the father bestowed is a delicacy and a treasure, so I really don't understand what the fifth brother means? !

It seems that he must be unhappy! "

The fourth prince's biological mother, Concubine Tu Gui, has a soft figure and a charming face.

She covered her mouth with her long sleeves and responded softly.

Then his eyes turned to the emperor beside him, and he said, "Your Majesty, Xiao Wu doesn't like to eat."

She deliberately put the accent on the word "eat".

Sure enough, the emperor on the Dragon Throne frowned slightly.

This surprised the six boys and girls in the audience.

Today is the family banquet hosted by the monarch of Yue Dynasty.

Even Gong'e and Huangmen are not allowed to go to the hall.

Under the entire spacious house, apart from the emperor and Concubine Tu Gui, there are only six children of the emperor.

The oldest is 17 and the youngest is 13.

Although they are both the emperor's children, their biological mothers are different.

Life in the palace was also very different.

For example, Concubine Tu Gui, the biological mother of the fourth prince, is currently being favored.

So his attitude towards his brothers and sisters is more casual and presumptuous.

These princes and princesses saw their father's complexion unkind.

They ignored etiquette and hurriedly picked up the crystal cake in front of them and swallowed it in two bites.

Only Jun Wu could maintain a calm and natural expression under this heavy pressure.

He said loudly: "My son is just amazed at how exquisite this crystal cake is, and I really can't bear to eat what my father rewarded me in one bite."

After that, he said silently in his heart: "Activate."

Sure enough, Jun Wu felt an itch in his chest and abdomen, and a line of words appeared on the panel in front of him:

"The "Manggu Pure Yang Heart Sutra" has been upgraded to the third level.

This exercise is the secret of Yunnan Laoaomen.Three layers of exercises can resist paralytic toxins.

Continue to improve the cultivation base to resist festering toxins. "

Seeing these words, Jun Wu felt a little settled.

He took a sip first, and the comment on the crystal cake was gone, and it became an ordinary thing.

Then he swallowed the whole crystal cake into his belly.

When he raised his head again, his father had recovered his smile and said, "Xiao Wu is not bad."

Such words of praise, which seemed to be spoken casually, were very different in the ears of the rest of the people.

The father is strict and indifferent, and rarely praises his children.

Both men and women of Yue Dynasty could inherit the throne.

But the emperor has not shown a love for any of his children that is different from ordinary people.

In other words, it is still unclear who will be the next ruler of Yue Dynasty.

In the past, Jun Wusheng was introverted and always kept quiet.

In addition to the outstanding appearance, it is not eye-catching.

No one expected that today he would suddenly say such flattering words.

Perhaps no one has noticed that the cowardly temperament on Jun Wu's face has now been replaced by indifference.

Among all the people, the Fourth Prince was the most annoyed.

He sang with his mother this time, thinking that he would step on Junwu as usual.

Who would have thought that he would be appreciated by his father instead.

I made wedding clothes for others.

As for the fourth prince's biological mother, Tu Guifei, she narrowed her eyes and looked at the fifth prince Junwu carefully.

She thought to herself: When did he become so eloquent?
The fifth prince is about the same age as his son.

Since Xiaowu's mother and concubine left early, she has been able to live in peace until today without making a sound.

The silence in the past may be wise to protect oneself.

So why is he suddenly arrogant again now?

Could it be that he already knew that tonight was the day to leave?

The bitch's son is so elusive!
Concubine Tu Gui slowly clenched her fists, she didn't feel her long nails piercing her palms.

Only Jun Wu sneered slightly in his heart.

After he ate the crystal cake, he sat in his seat and waited silently.

Strange to say, the entire hall fell into a strange silence.

It seems that he is waiting for something like Jun Wu.

A "dong" sound woke everyone up.

The fourth prince suddenly laughed loudly and said: "Sixth brother is such an adult, he can sleep as long as he wants."

Then there was another "boom", and the fourth prince frowned.

Why did the three princesses, who usually observe etiquette, fall asleep?

Then he felt dizzy in his head.

His wide-open eyes lost strength and slowly closed.

In the end, he fell down on the table with a bang.

Only Jun Wu observed the surroundings silently.

The "brothers and sisters" fainted one after another, which is a very strange thing.

But their aloof "Father Emperor" has a calm face.

Jun Wu couldn't help guessing in his mind: It seems that the father knew that the crystal cake was drugged.

Or, the whole thing was the idea of ​​the father.

Although he didn't know why a family banquet became like this, Jun Wu still decided to stay the same to cope with all changes.

At this time, he also slammed on the table with a "boom".

He didn't even hesitate to smash the celadon cup in half.

No one would doubt whether Junwu was really dizzy or fake.

After a while, the lobby became extremely quiet.

Although Jun Wu pretended to faint, he kept his ears open and listened carefully to the sounds around him.

Finally, a woman sighed.

Then I heard Concubine Tu Gui said softly: "Your Majesty, I have kept this incident from even Xiao Si, and have not revealed anything.

After that, we mother and son don't know when we will see each other again. "Speaking of this, there is a hint of crying.

Sure enough, all the weirdness was arranged by the father.

Jun Wu had the answer in his heart.

And the royal father said in a long voice: "Why are you crying, I don't mean to harm them."

Concubine Tu Gui said anxiously: "Didn't you want them to come back alive?"

The emperor was not very happy, and he paused for a while before replying: "The brothers and sisters each started practicing martial arts from the basics within three years.

I also made a decree not to allow them to fight each other.

Three years later, although they have a contest, it is inevitable.

But in a family relationship, you will have a sense of proportion. "

Jun Wu, who pretended to be dizzy, sneered in his heart after hearing this.

According to his observation these days, the brothers and sisters are usually respectful.

But everyone wanted to bite each other to death.

A little unscrupulous, even unwilling to give the politeness on the face.

Although I don't know what the father means by "starting".

But the word "property" will definitely not exist.

At this time, the emperor added: "Besides, if your Xiaosi is really the son of destiny, then no matter what he goes through, he will not die.

You mother, you talk about Xiaosi in front of me all day long, but now you don't believe him? "

Concubine Tu Gui was obviously wronged, but she was speechless and let out a whine.

It's just that Jun Wu listened to these words, and felt strange in his heart.

No matter which world you are in, there are legends that the true man is blessed by a real dragon.

But the kings in the previous life were always hugging each other, not daring to take any risks.

But this "Father Emperor" seems to be extremely convinced.

If he wasn't stupid enough to believe foolish nonsense, there must be other reasons.

Jun Wu couldn't help but think of his golden finger and the current state of sobriety.

It was as if someone was protecting Jun Wu from being harmed by a conspiracy.

Is this the reason why the real man is not dead?

So... Am I the Son of Destiny?
The clues in front of him are vague and unclear.

And what kind of people are the "relatives" in this world, Jun Wu doesn't even know.

He made a decision in his heart: Observe secretly!

In short, we must first know what the father's plans are for bewitching them.

(End of this chapter)

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