Chapter 105
In the early morning of the next day, Jun Wu deliberately asked someone to bring a large pile of documents, pretending to be at his desk to deal with documents all day.

The fairy official came to the East Palace in the morning and wandered around, and saw that Jun Wu had so many official duties to deal with.

His heart began to itch again.

Xianguan sighed that Junwu has become the real core of Yue Kingdom.Even the paperwork was handled by him, a young man.

If this son is not a descendant of true dragon blood, he is a good talent for governing the world.

Apparently, even if he monitored Junwu for a whole day today, he was just processing paperwork in the East Palace.

Or just go to the barracks to see worth mentioning!
A few days ago, he honed his divination skills in the military camp, and he really learned something.

These days, the immortal officials thought about the events of that day every day, and the more they thought about it, the more interesting they became.

I always feel that there is still room for improvement in this divination technique.

If there is another chance to hone it, it will definitely be of great benefit.

Once this idea was born, it was hard to suppress.

In the end, by a strange coincidence, the fairy officials still went to the barracks.

When the spies in the barracks sent back the news, Jun Wu put down the pen.

He didn't bring any followers this time, and even changed into a more ordinary brocade robe on purpose.

After dismissing the servants, he quietly left the East Palace again.

According to the agreement, Jun Wu came to Sanhe Bridge.

Sanhe Bridge was crowded with people in broad daylight, but Jun Wu still recognized the water in the crowd at a glance.

This time, the dark and strong man named Niu Tian did not appear.

Although this watery girl is in the daytime, she still wears clothes that are extremely eye-catching.

All the men passed by her, their eyes seemed to stick under her neckline.

Jun Wu walked over calmly and calmly, cupped his fists at the Shui Yang girl and said, "I've seen the water girl."

Shui Yang smiled softly at Jun Wu.

Jun Wu felt his heart pounding again.

At this time, Jun Wu had already guessed that the alien star of this Shuiyang girl might be charming.

But I don't know why it came to Junwu, it was just a heartbeat at the beginning, and there was no more effect.

Even Shuiyang herself was surprised that she used her charm ability to Junwu several times.

But this young man is not as straightforward as other men.

Maybe it's just like Lady Starwoman speculated, he is the savior of Alien Planet!
Only the savior can have such a tenacious heart!
Shuiyang couldn't help feeling a little excited.Her attitude today was completely different from last night.

Last night, this woman's attitude towards Jun Wu was still affectionate and polite.

Today, however, it seemed that he had brought twelve points of respect.

I don't know what happened that night.

Shui Yang respectfully followed behind Jun Wu, not daring to step forward.

Although the two of them were talking, Shui Yang expressed respect and flattery in every word.

Jun Wu also let it be.

As the two walked, they suddenly felt that the road became more and more quiet.

The willow trees on both sides of the road hang down their branches, gently rubbing the shoulders of pedestrians.

The noise was blocked on the street outside the road, and there were only stone roads and blue brick walls left here.

Finally, the two walked slowly to a wooden door.

This door is not luxurious, it is obviously a side door of a big house.

But even if it is a partial door, it is also extremely elegantly built.

Shuiyang raised her white wrist, knocked twice on the smooth and shiny wooden door, paused and knocked twice.

The wooden door creaked open.

A pretty little girl in the wall saw Shui Yang, she bowed her head silently and stepped aside.

Shui Yang respectfully said to Jun Wu: "My lord, please come in with me. Lady Xing Nu has been waiting for a long time."

Jun Wu nodded, and followed Shui Yang into the courtyard.

No matter what kind of dragon pond and tiger lair it is inside, it cannot trap Junwu.

The two of them walked around this elegant courtyard a few times, and the maids along the way were all beautiful.

He didn't say hello when he saw Shuiyang, but just stood aside with his head bowed.

Shui Yang finally brought Jun Wu to a courtyard.

She said to the courtyard in a low voice: "My lord, the savior has arrived."

Jun Wu felt weird when he heard such a title.

Last night, Miss Shuiyang still treated him as an ordinary person, always calling him a brother.

Calling him a savior today is quite a change.

A weak and boneless voice also came from the yard saying: "Please come in the savior."

Shui Yang bowed his head and respectfully said yes, and then led Jun Wu into the small courtyard.

Whether it is the East Palace where Jun Wu lives, or the companion capital where he stayed in the past, they are all beautifully repaired palaces.

But he also had to admit that although the courtyard where the star lady lived was small, it was extremely unique.

You can smell the elegant fragrance of green bamboo in the courtyard.

After entering the house, I realized that the incense used in the house was even more refreshing.

Although Jun Wu hadn't studied the way of incense, he used the most expensive items on weekdays.

He clearly knew that the incense burning in this house should be the precious agarwood incense.

This agarwood incense is expensive, if you can light this kind of incense in the house, it seems that the owner of the house is either rich or expensive.

When Jun Wu entered the house, he saw only a jade screen.

The screen is painted with paintings of contemporary people.

And the so-called star girl is naturally behind the screen.

After Shui Yang brought Jun Wu there, he saluted Yuping Feng and Jun Wu, and then retreated.

The star girl said softly, "My lord, please sit down."

But Jun Wu directly found a chair and sat down.

At this time, the charming and soft voice in the jade screen came again:
"Young master is full of dignity. Sister Shuiyang really admitted the wrong person yesterday."

Jun Wu said "Oh?" noncommittally.

The soft voice continued:

"Shen Shuixiang in my room and the screen that Wang Xizhi personally carried cannot enter the eyes of the young master.

It can be seen that the son's identity must be extraordinary.

I deduced that the foreign star in the imperial capital of the Yue Kingdom was a young prince.

But the identity, I am afraid it is also common.

There is absolutely no such natural nobility as a young master. "

Jun Wu said "oh" again unhurriedly.

At this time, Xingnuo changed the subject suddenly, and said: "It was only by chance that Sister Shuiyang actually brought Mr. Savior here."

"Oh?" Jun Wu said.

This kind of answer is not only watertight, but no answer.

Lady Star Girl didn't expect the savior to be so indifferent to them.

The star girl sighed and said: "The savior is also a person who bears a different star.

He also has a noble status, and his hands and eyes are open to the sky.But I don't know if I feel that someone is searching for news about our alien planet.

I'm afraid that the demon from 300 years ago will wake up again!

Although the son is very talented in martial arts, he is still young.

Maybe you don't know what kind of hell our alien world experienced 300 years ago. "

Jun Wu smiled.

Recently, someone has indeed been looking for news about alien stars, but that person is himself.

The star girl was still not moved when she saw Jun Wu.

She had to emphasize her tone: "The savior must not be taken lightly.

You must know that during this period of time, three of the four disciples of that villain have come to Yue country one after another.

Ever since the great evil man was said to be full of evil, his four disciples have always claimed to be some kind of god, and they will never be born again.

Now suddenly appearing frequently in the country of Yue, there must be some conspiracy!

Lord Savior, you must investigate!The fate of all our alien stars is entrusted to you, the savior! "

(End of this chapter)

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