Chapter 112
Foyin Temple is built in Foyin Mountain.

Foyin Mountain used to be called Cuitou Mountain.

The name of the mountain is vulgar, and it is a small hill on the outskirts of Yangzhou.

Since Foyin Temple was built here, there have been constant pilgrims.

Many noble girls from famous families have traveled thousands of miles, and they also come to Foyin Temple to ask for a piece of incense.

Gradually, the name of Cuitou Mountain was no longer called, and this mountain was gradually known as Foyin Mountain.

The Foyin Temple is very famous among the common people, and it is even as famous as the Shaolin Temple in the martial arts world.

It is because it is said that the old Buddha, one of the four gods, is the host of this temple.

Foyin Temple was built by Lao Buddha himself.

Today, the Foyin Temple has a history of 300 years, and the public host of the temple is actually the old Buddha.

Although the old Buddha has been out of the rivers and lakes for a long time, people in the martial arts still believe that the old Buddha is still alive in the world.

There is a hundreds of years old abbot in Foyin Temple, which adds to the mysterious atmosphere of this temple.

Therefore, on the short Shanmen Avenue, as long as it is daytime, it will be full of pilgrims.

There are believers who kowtow in three steps to show their sincerity, and there are female guests who go up the mountain in soft sedan chairs and never show their faces.

There are also many shopkeepers selling various items on the mountain road.

Originally, today's mountain road should be as lively as usual.

But the appearance of two people made everyone look sideways.

To be precise, one of them is an extremely handsome young man.

Some female pilgrims couldn't help but want to approach him when they saw his appearance.

What really caught people's attention was the other person who was following him.

This man was wearing an iron mask, and the spots on his clothes seemed to be made of congealed blood.

Who would have thought that Mr. Ruyu would walk side by side with such a terrifying figure.

And these two people are Junwu and Sangmenxing.

At this moment, Jun Wu didn't bring any guards with him, and brought Sangmen Xing to Foyin Temple alone.

Just because there is no guard in this world who can match Jun Wu and Sang Men Xing.

These two are the strongest people in the world.

Now by these two people, any strong person in the world is as weak as an ant.

Of course, Jun Wu is the only one who knows about this.

The other Sangmen star is still afraid of Junwu's "unrivaled tyranny", and he is even more vigilant about whether there will be stronger masters appearing.

Ever since he accepted the identity of "Sang Men Xing" and put on the iron hood, he has been obediently following Jun Wu's side.

It's just that after Jun Wu asked him to kill some immortal official, he said he wanted to test himself again.

He even brought him to a big temple, saying that he wanted to kill the big villain in the temple.

In fact, Zangmen Xing was not without doubts.

It is said that the next person to be killed is the abbot of the temple.

Most of the hosts of a Buddhist temple are monks.

Why is a monk a big villain?

Sangmenxing once asked Junwu tentatively, but Junwu only looked at him with cold eyes.

He who still remembers Jun Wu's terrifying power, how dare he talk more nonsense?
Sangmen Xing has never eaten the heart of a foreign star since he followed Jun Wu's side.

So he was always tormented by hunger that penetrated into the bone marrow.

Even the ability to smell the breath of alien stars far away is gradually weakening now.

Are we going to live like this in the future?
Which one to choose between hunger and life or death?
In the end, Sangmen Xing obediently chose to live.

It's better to die than to live, even if you don't have memory, Sangmen Xing understands this truth.

In this way, these two diametrically opposed people set off together and arrived at Foyin Temple.

Everyone on the mountain road saw Jun Wu's eyes lit up, but when they saw Sangmen Xing again, they frowned and gave way to the side.

I was afraid that my eyes would collide with this terrifying person.

Junwu and Sangmenxing walked all the way up the mountain road, and the pilgrims on the road separated automatically like the tide.

It was not until the two of them went to the Foyin Temple that the Zhike monk looked them up and down.

It's such a weird pairing together.

The Zhike monk immediately judged that they did not come to burn incense.

Because Foyin Temple is also quite prestigious in the Jianghu.

Warriors who are overwhelmed by their abilities often come up the mountain.

Or a challenge or apprenticeship.

But these warriors have never been able to enter the inner hall.

Most of the wise and eloquent monks would persuade these warriors away the moment they stepped into the mountain gate.

Sure enough, when he saw Junwu and Sangmenxing, a Zhike monk with a serious face and sharp eyes greeted them with a smile on his face.

He also didn't know which of Junwu and Sangmenxing was the master of this business.

He lowered his head and folded his palms together, and proclaimed the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, if the two benefactors burn incense, please take off your weapons, so as not to disturb other pilgrims."

When Jun Wu saw this guest monk, he said coldly: "Tell the old Buddha to come out and see me."

The Zhike monk groaned coldly when he heard this.

There are so many people in this world who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

But someone as arrogant as this young man has never been seen before.

Since the other party is a madman, Zhikeseng decided that there is no need to be too polite to him.

His face turned cold, and he said to Jun Wu: "The benefactor, please come back.

The host is still in retreat and cannot see guests right now. "

Jun Wu still said with a cold face: "Just say that Jun Wu is here."

Because the Zhike monk was not in the country of Yue, he didn't know that Junwu was actually the name of the prince of Dayue.

He just continued to fold his palms together and stopped in front of Jun Wu, saying: "Jun Wu and Jun Liu are nothing but virtual images.

All living beings are equal, no matter who it is, it will not be obvious who is hosting it at this moment. "

The Zhike monk was already a little angry, so his words became more and more stiff.

Jun Wu sneered, and said to Sangmen Xing: "Be gentle."

Sangmen star was a little stunned, as long as he made a move, he would definitely die.

Since the same is death, how can we tell whether it is a light attack or a heavy attack?

But since Engong spoke, Sangmenxing didn't dare to ask more.

He tried to lightly lift his finger, and pressed on the Zhike monk's brow.

A burst of energy penetrated straight into Zhike monk's brain.

It even pierced through the back of his head and hit the hundred-year-old pine a moment behind the Zhike monk.

The century-old pine couldn't help shaking.

The needles kept falling.

Then the century-old pine unexpectedly tilted slowly, as if it was about to fall.

Sangmenxing took action and killed Zhike monk, which did not attract many people's attention.

But for a moment, the hundred-year-old pine suddenly fell down.

But it caused a commotion.

Some pilgrims screamed when they saw the pine trees start to fall.

The scream caused a sensation, and many people shouted loudly: "Fall!"

"The tree fell!"

Immediately, several bald-haired monks with glistening muscles rushed forward.

The first thing they saw was the century-old pine tree that was about to fall and hit the roof beams.

Several people rushed up immediately, and finally straightened the pine tree with their joint efforts.

When the pilgrims saw a few monks supporting such a thick pine tree, they all praised it loudly.

They praised the blessing of the Buddha, and the eminent monks of Foyin Temple are amazing.

The monks also had shy smiles on their faces.

Suddenly one of the monks looked to the side, suddenly changed his face and shouted: "Who will kill Huaishan!"

(End of this chapter)

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