The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 123 Taking the God of Plague

Chapter 123 Taking the God of Plague

Sangmen Xing was the first to arrive at the outskirts of a small town in Xiaguo.

And Jun Wu followed closely behind him.

Jun Wu had long guessed that Sangmen Xing would suddenly say that he wanted to rest, it must be because he felt that the alien star was nearby.

Junwu really doesn't have this ability, but Junwu knows that he only needs the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole to follow.

Let Sangmen star be in front like a hound, and he will be able to harvest more alien abilities.

Sure enough, following the footsteps of Sangmen Xing, Jun Wu can probably be sure: the boy who was besieged by hundreds of townspeople may be a different star.

This small town is not that big, probably only tens of thousands of people.

There is a huge plaque at the gate of the town, on which there are three big characters of Xiheng town carved in stone.

And under the plaque gathered hundreds of men.

They were either holding sickles or iron bars in their hands.

The most interesting thing is that it is now the beginning of spring, and the weather is starting to get hotter.

And these men, whether they are young or middle-aged, are all wearing thick cotton-padded clothes.

There is even a cloth mask around the nose, leaving only two eyes.

Many people wore gloves on their hands, and those who didn't have gloves wrapped them in random pieces of cloth.

In short, the hundred or so men surrounded their bodies tightly.

And the young man they besieged had a distorted look of hatred on his face.

Compared to the "fully armed" hundreds of men, this young man is in tattered clothes.

I don't know when the pants on the lower body were worn, they were already very short, revealing two thin and dirty calves.

The fluffy clothes were nothing more than quick rags, and there was a huge tear on the shoulder, as if it had just been torn.

But he didn't care about it at all, because now more than 100 people are besieging him!
He angrily scolded all the people in a hoarse voice: "I am also from the town, and the house my parents left me, why don't you let me live in the town!"

An older man with a goatee and a long robe glared at her and said, "Qiongniang was finally killed by you! You still have the face to speak!

Without Qiongniang's protection, do you still want to continue to harm people in the town! "

Another person said angrily: "Mayor, don't talk nonsense with this plague! Either he will leave Xiheng Town completely today and never come back.

Or let us kill him directly, so that he won't hurt anyone again! "

Sangmenxing heard the conversation among the people, and suddenly said to Jun Wu: "Grandfather, this kid seems to be a villain. How about I kill him and punish rape and eliminate evil?"

But Jun Wu said in a cold voice: "Put your thoughts away."

After hearing this, Sangmen Xing was angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.

He squatted on the ground embarrassingly, but refused to leave.

Surprisingly, Jun Wu also asked him to squat down without urging him.

At this time, the ragged boy said angrily: "Do you think I care about your ghost town! One day you will all rot and die!"

After that, he raised his palm.

Apparently those townspeople were extremely frightened by the boy's move, and all shrugged their shoulders and backed away.

But under the laughter of the young man, the mayor spoke again to stabilize everyone: "Don't be afraid, we are all fully prepared. Nothing will happen if you only greet with weapons!"

After saying that, he took the lead and was the first to throw his crutches at the young man.

The boy backed away abruptly, and the mayor staggered and fell to the ground.

The townspeople nearby yelled: "This plague has come to harm people again, and today he will be completely finished!"

The young man was terrified, and hurriedly turned around and ran.

Suddenly he saw an extremely handsome and noble young man in front of him, followed by a strange man with an iron hood.

As soon as the young man saw this young master, a strange feeling of admiration arose in his heart.

He stretched out his hand and said, "My lord, save me!"

But he quickly withdrew his outstretched hand as if realizing something.

But a pair of eyes still reveal the pain of a trapped animal.

The townspeople saw that Jun Wu looked like a handsome young man, but he only had one servant with him.

Then some townspeople shouted: "Young man Wuna, don't mind your own business.

This kid is full of lazy sores, if he touches it, he will surpass others!

Don't ruin your fair and pure mother's skin by meddling in your own business! "

After saying this, the rest of the townspeople laughed wildly.

But Jun Wu said with a cold face: "Teach me a lesson. Take it easy."

Sangmen Xing naturally knew that Jun Wu had asked him to teach those villagers a lesson.

He stepped forward carelessly and said, "My benefactor ordered me to teach you a lesson, you all stand still!"

When the villagers saw the iron-headed man, someone said: "The weirdo wants to stand up for the weirdo! Add another mother, let's fight together!"

After all, he rushed towards Sangmenxing first.

Who knew that Sangmenxing just stood up and pushed forward with both hands.

Then, more than 100 townspeople suddenly burst open and turned into pieces of meat.

The blood-spattered boy stared at the scene in front of him.

This scene may have appeared in his dreams, but he never believed that it would actually happen.

After only a while, the boy suddenly knelt on the ground with a "plop".

He kowtowed to Jun Wu again and again, tears streaming down his face.

After biting his lip and knocking his head four times, the young man raised a face full of blood and tears, and said to Jun Wu:

"Gong Gong, I beg you to help me kill everyone in this town! Kill both men and women, good or bad!
I am willing to be a cow and a horse for you! "

He imitated the saying that the iron head man lost his door star, and also called Junwu his benefactor.

But Jun Wu looked at him indifferently, and asked: "Men and women are good and bad, can you forgive none of them?"

The young man said viciously: "The people in this town are so small that they can just talk, and they are so old that they are dying. Who hasn't bullied me? I remember them all clearly!"

After he finished speaking, he continued to kowtow and said, "I beg my benefactor to avenge me!"

Jun Wu said indifferently: "Alright, you bear the karma yourself."

After finishing speaking, he said to Sangmen Xing: "Do as he said."

Sangmenxing didn't dare to disobey, and said: "Obey!" and walked towards the town.

It is easy to kill a bunch of people gathered together, but it takes some time to kill a whole town.

Seeing the back of Sangmen Xing disappearing in the alley, Jun Wu asked the young man, "What's different about you?"

The young man was taken aback for a moment, seeing that the young master did not show any contempt on his face.

Only then did he boldly say: "If I have intentions, as long as I touch someone's skin, it will cause that person's body to fester.

So many townspeople said I was a plague student. "

He carefully looked at the young master's face, and quickly explained: "But if others don't come to provoke me, I will never intentionally harm him!"

Jun Wu nodded, and then asked: "You said to be a cow or a horse to repay me?"

The young man hurriedly said: "Naturally, I will follow the young master from now on!"

Jun Wu said: "No need. I will take your plague god away. As your reward."

The young man looked at Jun Wu foolishly, didn't the God of Plague who took him save him?Why still repay?

His greatest hope in life is to become an ordinary person.

Jun Wu narrowed his eyes and said to him, "It's fine if you want."

After that, he reached out to the top of his head.

(End of this chapter)

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