The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 128 "Crisis" Approaching

Chapter 128 "Crisis" Approaching

Looking at Chong Xuande's festering corpse, Jun Wu knew that he was already the strongest person in the world.

The life and death of the people in the world are just in one's own thoughts.

But such emotion only stopped in his heart for a moment.

He smiled that he still had the idea of ​​secondary school.

Then Jun Wu took a few steps and dug out the killing star from the rubble.

He slightly pushed into Sha Xing's heart veins with his internal force.

After a while the person finally woke up coughing.

Only then did Jun Wu ask seriously, "What exactly happened?"

Sha Xing, who was blinded by the sand, tried his best to get up.

He looked around, only to find that the surroundings looked like a completely destroyed sand table.

Killing Star was full of shock.

He has never been able to guess how strong Junwu is.

But now he knows just by the surrounding scene - his master absolutely did not have such ability back then.

Jun Wu, also as a descendant of true dragon blood, is much stronger than his master back then!
A heartfelt awe rose from Sha Xing's heart.

The idea of ​​"forgetful friends" in the past must be discarded.

This one is not some year-end friend, but a master who needs to be firmly grasped!

Sha Xing couldn't help restraining the cough in his throat, while trying to sit up.

He said impatiently: "Korean...cough cough...princess princess...cough cough..."

After that, he looked around.

Suddenly an ominous thought arose in his heart.

Sha Xing stumbled towards a high-rise gravel.

Yun Zhao, the eldest princess of South Korea, was clearly in this position just now.

After he ran over, he tried hard to push away the stones on the ground.

Jun Wu followed suit.

Seeing Sha Xing's movement, his internal energy was rolled, and large and small stones rushed to the side automatically.

Under the amazement of Killing Star, Jun Wu finally swept away all the stones on the surface.

At this time, a corpse was displayed in front of them.

Pale but still beautiful.

The beautiful figure is wrapped under the gorgeous skirt.

It's just that there is a big hole in the chest now.

Apparently the beautiful owner has lost her heart.

Jun Wu understood in his heart that Chong Xuande suddenly seemed to remember everything, perhaps it was because he ate Yun Zhao's heart.

He was doing kung fu with Xia Yun in the main hall just now.

Since Jun Wu was sure that he could kill Chong Xuande, the first thing he had to do was to quickly find Xia Yun.

Although he was fully prepared, without Xia Yun's ability to stop time and space, he could not really kill Chong Xuande.

In order to be able to control Chongxuande at any time, Junwu had no choice but to bring this restless demon king with him.

When he entered the thick palace with Xia Yun, he told Princess Xia Yun of his situation without any concealment.

Fortunately, this princess understands righteousness and is also smart.

After listening to Junwu's words, she was immediately willing to give her alien star to Junwu.

Although for this woman without martial arts, time-stopping is her only ability to save her life.

But now she is willing to trust her future husband unconditionally.

To put it bluntly, if the husband is strong enough, why should she keep the means to save her life?

At that time Xia Yun bowed to Jun Wu Yingying and said: "From now on, the happiness of my concubines will be entrusted to my husband."

Jun Wu looked at this girl, there was nothing special about her in the past except for her beauty.

But now Xia Yun is getting whiter and smoother day by day, much more beautiful than when I first saw her.

Maybe it would be nice to treat this woman with respect as a guest for the rest of my life.

After the two reached a tacit understanding, Jun Wu and Xia Yun practiced kung fu together.

During this period, strange noises were heard outside the palace.

But if the luck is interrupted, not only will all previous efforts be wasted, but it will also have a backlash against Junwu himself.

Fortunately, Xia Yun was calm enough, so Jun Wu also insisted on crossing Yixing.

After that, he will have a life-and-death battle with Chong Xuande.

Knowing what was good or bad, Xia Yun immediately sneaked out from the tunnel of the palace.

Only then did Jun Wu open the door and walk out.

Who would have thought that after killing Chong Xuande completely, he would see the corpse of another princess.

Yun Zhao, the eldest princess of South Korea, is also the leader recommended by the aliens.

She actually died in this way.

Jun Wu looked stern, and asked, "Why did you two come here?"

It was a bit weird that Sha Xing and Yun Zhao would appear outside the Xia Kingdom Palace at the same time.

Sha Xing was startled, and then said: "It's because Her Royal Highness the Princess of Korea came to the East Palace suddenly.

She said that she would be in great danger of getting close to you, Your Highness.So come and let me know.

Who knew that His Royal Highness just left, and this subordinate came to you with the eldest princess.

It is even more unexpected that the danger has been eradicated by you, the prince, but the princess died just like that. "

Speaking of this, Sha Xing showed a sad expression.

Although Yun Zhao is already in his thirties, he has a stunning appearance.

Even a person who is hundreds of years old like Sha Xing will feel heartbroken when he sees such a beautiful woman die in front of his eyes.

But Jun Wu fell into another kind of contemplation.

It will definitely not be a trivial matter to make Yunzhao, the eldest princess of South Korea, tell herself at all costs.

As Yunzhao said, her ability is based on deduction.

And it's never been wrong in my life.

Even when she found out that Junwu and Chongxuande were together, she was willing to trust Junwu out of trust in her deduction.

But even Sha Xing thought that Yun Zhao's deduction should be on Sangmen Xing.

Now that Sangmen Xing was dead, Sha Xing thought that the so-called danger had been resolved.

But Jun Wu doesn't think so.

First of all, he has always been sure that he can beat Chong Xuande, that is, the star of Sangmen.

Secondly, Chong Xuande has been closely following him, not to mention getting close.

Third, the eldest princess Yunzhao knew about Chong Xuande and Jun Wu being together.

She shouldn't go to war to remind herself of something she already knows.

Then there is only one possibility—another danger is approaching Junwu.

This danger is obviously not easy to resolve, so Yun Zhao came here to remind himself.

It's a pity that the eldest princess has now turned into a corpse.

Even if she deduces what, it is impossible to know now.

Jun Wu sighed and said: "The matter here is over, let's take the coffin of the eldest princess to South Korea for a dignified burial.

She died because of me, and she must solemnly express her condolences to the King of Korea. "

After clarifying the matter in front of them, they proceeded to the funeral.

Xia Zi saw that his dilapidated palace was still being destroyed again and again.

The fat on his face has almost lost weight.

Fortunately, Jun Wu promised to increase the bride price for marrying the princess by five times, and Xia Zi finally smiled.

After Jun Wu said goodbye to Xia Yun, he took the coffin of the eldest princess Yun Zhao to South Korea.

Although it is still unclear what the "danger" Yunzhao deduces is.

Jun Wu then planned to see the trick.

As the strongest person in the world, he was fearless.

(End of this chapter)

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