The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 133 The Offering of Hate

Chapter 133 The Offering of Hate
Shangguan Wan'er brought two pots of Shanghao's daughter Hong to Room No. [-] in Tianzi.

At this moment, she has carefully dressed up, revealing the youthful appearance that has been hidden all along.

He no longer wore trousers, but changed into a set of elegant and elegant gauze skirt.

Shangguan Wan'er was quite aware of her own appearance, if she appeared like this in front of people on weekdays.

Don't be a man of steel, his heart will be as soft as mud.

But when Shangguan Waner entered the room, he clearly saw the impatience on the face of the young man in the room.

Shangguan Wan'er was slightly puzzled: This young man's vision is high enough, and he doesn't know what kind of beauties surround him on weekdays.

She knew that what she was going to say next was a big deal, and she couldn't indulge the girlish thoughts in her heart.

But Shangguan Wan'er didn't have time to say anything.

The iceberg-like man sitting behind the Eight Immortals table spoke first, "Tell me, what exactly are the New Nine Masters?"

This question was asked by Shangguan, who smiled and opened his mouth slightly, not knowing how to answer.

And she looked at Junwu without blinking her beautiful eyes, guessing in her heart what the identity of this young master would be.

At first, she thought that Jun Wu might be a relative of the emperor, so he would have such a luxurious style.

And if what she expected is correct, all the "New Nine Masters" should belong to martial arts families.

Because of this, she had doubts about her guess before.

But now after listening to Jun Wu's words, she is even more confused.

If this son is one of the new nine, why would he ask himself what the new nine are.

And if he wasn't the New Nine Venerables, where did he hear the word?

For a moment, Shangguan Wan'er even suspected that this young man could read minds.

Shangguan Wan'er's mind was "buzzing", and finally she had to put down the jug first.

I found a seat and sat down on my own, so that I could organize my thoughts.

Since the young master was going straight with her, Shangguan Wan'er would no longer be tricky.

She leaned forward slightly, pressed her arms on the edge of the table and asked, "My lord, is your mind buzzing now?"

Jun Wu looked at Shangguan with a cold eye and smiled, thinking: Sure enough.

As long as he and this girl get close, there will be strange noises in their minds.

That's why she asked "Who the hell are you?" as soon as she saw herself.

Perhaps she identified herself as the "New Nine Masters" because she had such a strange identity.

Jun Wu didn't answer Shangguan Wan'er's question.

Instead, he turned into a guest and said: "Tell me everything you know."

Strangely, after hearing this, Shangguan Wan'er didn't feel much anger in his heart.

She was born to be the eldest lady of the Yinyuan Gang, the daughter of Shangguan Glance.

I have never received such an order.

Shangguan Wan'er took a very natural breath, sorting out where to start.

Finally she said: "I guess my son, like me, is buzzing in his head now.

This is because the 'sleeping bugs' in our two brains noticed each other, and then we sang to call each other. "

Jun Wu's eyes widened when he heard this.

If it is true that there are some living insects in my brain as this girl said, wouldn't it be extremely dangerous?

He asked himself that he had never had the opportunity to be harmed by others.

Then if there were any parasites in his brain, it could only be before he transmigrated into this body.

Shangguan Wan'er was taken aback by Jun Wu's sharp eyes, and almost forgot what to say.

Seeing that she was only a girl after all, Jun Wu tried to calm down and asked, "What is a sleeping bug, and it can be harmful to people?"

Shangguan looked at Junwu with a strange smile and asked, "Didn't your mother tell you anything?"

Then she saw Jun Wu's eyes could turn into two sharp knives.

Her heart skipped a beat, she didn't dare to speak nonsense, she shrugged her shoulders and said: "Most of the time, sleeping insects are harmless to people's bodies, but they can strengthen people's physique. It helps people to improve their martial arts."

In fact, Shangguan Wan'er thought she said something wrong and made Jun Wu angry, but he misunderstood.

The biological mother of Jun Wu's body had indeed passed away a long time ago, but he had no memory of that woman.

So it's not even a matter of being angry with Shangguan Wan'er for her unscrupulous words.

What really made him angry was that his guess seemed to be correct.

My own body has long been tampered with.

Although he has true dragon blood, there are other troubles.

As far as he knew, his titular mother and concubine died before he was three years old.

Then the hands and feet should be started before the age of three.

Although angry, Jun Wu still controlled his emotions in an instant.

I didn't know that my body was tampered with in the past, but now that I know it, I, who has true dragon blood, can definitely use the system to get rid of any ghosts and snakes from my body.

At this time, Jun Wu asked Shangguan with a smile, "Most of the time?"

Shangguan Wan'er swallowed a small mouthful of saliva to stabilize his beating heart.

This young man is even more frightening than his father.

She nodded and said: "Unless we disobeyed the order of the old nine."

There was evil spirit in Jun Wu's eyes: Is there anyone in the world planning to order him?It's really courting death.

He tried his best to adjust his expression again, and said to the girl who was frightened like a rabbit: "Who is the old nine?"

Shangguan Wan'er didn't know that his voice was trembling, his lips were pale, and his eyes were even full of fear.

She thought she had tried to appear mature and resolute.

Shangguan said with a smile: "Old Jiuzun is the nine highest-ranking figures in the martial arts.

They should all be masters, and they should have at least three or four hundred years of internal strength.It's just that I don't know which nine people they are. "

"Hmph," Jun Wu made a disdainful voice.In only three or four hundred years of internal energy, he dared to play tricks on himself.

At this time, Shangguan smiled and continued: "In fact, the so-called old nine and the new nine are mutually inherited. When the old nine of the previous generation are dying, they will tell the new nine how to sleep the insects.

And the new Jiuzun can find the next promising offspring.

As long as he grows up and becomes a talent, he can become a new generation of old nine gods supported by others.

This goes on and on from generation to generation.

The new Jiuzun gets more powerful talents, and the old Jiuzun can get the wholehearted support of the new Jiuzun after his body declines. "

In Jun Wu's heart, Shangguan's words were gradually straightened out.

He asked: "So you are also a young man who was given a sleeping bug?
Although you are the eldest lady of the Silver Dollar Gang.But it's a woman after all.

Could it be that your Silver Dollar Gang will be inherited by you in the end? "

The reason why Jun Wu asked this question was not because he despised women.

Because according to the logic stated by Shangguan Wan'er, the old nine and the new nine are in a relationship of mutual support and cultivation.

If so, it must be better to choose someone who is more capable of inheriting the status of the martial arts family.

After Jun Wu came to this world, except for his Yue Kingdom where women can rule the country, all other forces respect men.

If you intend to train a young man, but pick a woman.

So even if a woman who can't inherit the Yinyuan gang is not weak in martial arts, how capable is she?
After hearing Junwu's culture, Shangguan Wan'er's complexion darkened.

She sighed and said: "Young master is indeed a genius, he can see the key point at a glance."

(End of this chapter)

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