The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 142 The Prince That Everyone Misses

Chapter 142 The Prince That Everyone Misses

Shangguan Wan'er never dreamed that one day she would become the heir of the Silver Dollar Gang.

What was even more unexpected was that his parents and elder brother had left her.

Shangguan Wan'er was still a young girl, but a heavy burden was on her shoulders, and she couldn't help feeling sorry for herself.

There is no way, tens of thousands of brothers need her to cheer up immediately.

After Shangguan accepted the facts with a smile, he turned around.

The first is to transport 300 million taels of silver into the imperial capital of the Yue Kingdom.

She is now the leader of the gang, and she no longer needs to try her best to move around like in the past.

On the contrary, in her eyes now, 300 million taels of silver is too cheap.

Not only because Jun Wu solved the trouble of sleeping insects for him.

It is also because it allows the Yinyuan Gang to get on the way of the Yue Kingdom.

After Jun Wu reported his identity, Shangguan Wan'er's eyes began to light up.

The blood that belonged to Shangguan Glance was fully displayed in Shangguan Wan'er.

Shangguan Wan'er was very business minded.

Their Shangguan family chose to operate in South Korea because of Hanhuang's weak methods.

There are many great sects in South Korea, and the heads and leaders of these great sects have even climbed to the top of Han Huang.

But this time and that time.Shangguan Wan'er has gradually realized that the Yue Kingdom is now beginning to rise.

Not long ago, it was this handsome Yue prince Junwu who conquered Wu in a battle, and was tested by the thunder disaster.

These are the days of leaning.

It is said that because of a war in the state of Wu, all the fields were abandoned.

With no harvest, the people of Wu State were in panic.

Who knew that at this time, the Yue Kingdom sent more than [-] dans of food for disaster relief.

This time, the hearts of the people of Wu State were completely bought by Jun Wu.

Although Shangguan Wan'er is young, he has already seen that this Jun Wu is a dragon and a phoenix among men.

If he can get on his chariot at this time, it will be a great benefit to the Silver Dollar Gang.

Today's Shangguan Wan'er only hates that 300 million taels of silver is too little.

As her identity changed, her vision was naturally different.

Shangguan Wan'er only wanted to send more money to Yue, so that he could truly become a hero on Junwu's journey.

Keep up with the dragon and phoenix among people, and ascend to heaven together.

Such an opportunity was once in a thousand years, but it was met by her Shangguan Waner.

If possible, Shangguan Wan'er hopes to take such an opportunity to himself.

There should never be another person like her who wants to take advantage of the wind.

For Yue, Shangguan Wan'er can make many calculations.

But for Prince Yue Junwu, Shangguan finally sighed.

She had already heard about Jun Wu's proposal of marriage to Princess Xia.

One of them is a prince and the other is a princess, so they are naturally well-matched.

Shangguan Wan'er lazily threw away the penholder in his hand, and supported his face with both hands.

Looking up, the spring outside the window is strong.

In the account room, the young Shangguan smiled with two eyes.

People say that except for Wu Shan, it is not Yun, but now it is up to her how to value other men.

Shangguan Wan'er sighed sadly, let's be his indispensable partner in this life!

Shangguan Wan'er was saddened by a girl in the suburbs of South Korea, and in the territory of Yue, there were also people who were thinking about Junwu.

At this time, in a dim room, an old man hid his body in the darkness.

The house has no windows, only a door with a bamboo curtain.

The faint light spilled into the room through the bamboo curtain, and two people could barely be seen in the room.

One of them was the old man, judging from the sound of his breathing, this man had passed away not long ago.

The breathing of the other person is still light and healthy, and it should be a man in his 30s.

The old man asked the young man slowly: "The prince of Yue, Junwu...hasn't he returned to Yue yet?"

The young man lowered his head and said, "Exactly."

The old man coughed and said: "I don't know what this son is planning, but he hasn't returned to Yue for several months.

He is thoughtful and careful.I'm afraid that my old bones will go first, and we will have no way to suppress him anymore. "

The young man said respectfully again: "That's right."

The old man asked again: "So where is he now? Do you have any clues?"

The young man replied: "South Korea."

The old man wondered: "Why did you go to South Korea? Is this the next one who wants to harm South Korea?"

The young man lowered his head and said, "I don't know."

The old man frowned and thought carefully, and then asked: "Has there been any major events in South Korea recently?"

The young man thought for a while before saying, "Li Zuole is dead."

The old man was startled when he heard this, and asked after coughing violently, "Is this a coincidence or..."

The young man continued: "Li Zuole committed adultery with his brother's wife, and died in a fight with Shangguan after he was discovered."

The old man panted heavily: "Since this is the case, maybe we are worrying too much."

This old man is also one of the old nine.

It's just that he and Li Zuole are much different in age.

It is said that the first generation of Jiuzun is the nine brothers in one family.

The nine people are also about the same age.

After they took the Sleeping Bug at the same time, they all became famous in the world because of their stronger talents.

It's a pity that none of the nine brothers gave birth to an heir after decades, and only then did they realize the flaws of Sleeping Bug.

After that, they can only continue to use sleeping bugs to find the next generation of scourges.

It is also called the New and Old Nine Venerables.

In the course of martial arts, there is a huge gap in the life expectancy of people due to the strength of internal strength.

At the same time, the new generation of Jiuzun is often told the secret when the old Jiuzun knows that time is running out.

So after a few generations, the ages of the old nine began to vary widely.

There are even several lines that have been passed down successive generations.

As for the other lines, the nine elders of the previous generation had strong inner strength and were immortal in age.

So so far, the Nine Masters of the next generation have not been activated.

At this time, the old man in the house continued to pant heavily: "Unfortunately, my body can no longer withstand the long journey.

Not to mention that this kid was so cunning that he ran away without a trace.

I was already fully prepared to let Junwu listen to my orders, hey..."

The young man was silent for a while before he said again: "How about..."

"No!" The young man's words were interrupted sharply by the old man.

The old man continued: "Do you think you want Junwu to obey me just to make him support me?
Big mistake!

I am for the common people in the world!If this scorpion is allowed to continue to do evil, the whole of China will be involved in a heinous war. "

The old man seemed to have consumed a great deal of energy after speaking such a long paragraph.

Then he calmed down for a long time before he said: "I never thought that Jiaojiao's son would eventually become the prince of Yue Kingdom.

This is probably God's will.God is deliberately putting the burden of supporting justice and serving the world on my shoulders! "

The young man was silent.

The old man continued: "Keep waiting, I don't know if I died first or he messed up the world first.

Give me that thing!I'm going to find him myself! "

 Thank you book friends 2019... 3485 for your reward.I am very grateful that I can still get a reward without updating.There are not many manuscripts saved recently, I will try to add more as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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