Chapter 146
When Zishi volleyed over the top of the mountain, it was blurred under the moonlight.

Guo Jing, a young general in the Taozhuang Army, was pointed at his throat with a sword.

But what he didn't expect was that the owner of the sword—Junwu, Prince of Yue Kingdom—asked him to lead the entire Taozhuang army to serve Junwu.

Guo Jing is an honest person, even if his life is in the hands of others, he can't do anything that he promises indiscriminately.

Guo Jing honestly told Jun Wu that he was not a general of the Taozhuang Army.

Even if Guo Jing wanted to, he would not be able to take the Taozhuang army to join the Yue Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, Prince Yue Junwu calmly said: "No hurry, as long as I think, Taozhuang Army will be yours immediately."

Guo Jing is very curious, it is said that although Ou Yanggu has no heirs, he still has a very close nephew Ou Yangsheng...

Immediately afterwards, Guo Jing showed a look of enlightenment, and suddenly said: "So you killed Ou Yangsheng!"

But he went on to say: "Even so, Ou Yangsheng died because of a conflict with Zhuo Jing. If you want to know that your nephew is dead, the district general will still take his anger on me.

Then he will not pass on the position of general to me. "

Jun Wu smiled lightly.It seems that this Guo Jing is not as stupid as the legend says.

Maybe it's just because his wife is too smart that he can't stand out as a foil.

Jun Wu sneered and said: "Hmph, if he didn't love you from the beginning, why did he give birth to sleeping bugs from your mother's womb before you were born?"

After hearing this, Guo Jing was speechless and couldn't answer.

When he was not born?
Guo Jing himself didn't know what his birth was.

He only said that he was an abandoned baby adopted by the general of the district, and the word Guo Jing was embroidered on the swaddling baby, so he took it as his name.

If it is true what Prince Yue Junwu said, then he is not just an abandoned baby.

Even before he was born, he had already been targeted by General Ou Yanggu.

These words are really contrary to Guo Jing's cognition in the past 20 years.

For a while, Guo Jing could neither believe it nor say anything to say yes.

It's just that the tip of the sword never left his throat, so Guo Jing always had a dark face, but he was speechless.

Jun Wu smiled and said: "Alright, it's not a good thing for the general to turn his back too easily.

You and Mrs. Zun go back first.Figured it out and I'll come to you. "

Guo Jing didn't know how to answer, and suddenly felt a crescent-colored figure flickering in front of him.

After that, I felt that there was nothing on the top of the mountain except the chill.

Everything is quiet, and where can I find the prince Junwu of the Yue Kingdom.

In addition to the throat and the coolness that came from the tip of the sword just now, this elusive prince seemed to have never appeared before.

What's even more amazing is that the tweeting sound in Guo Jing's head suddenly disappeared.

Twist the neck, and there is no discomfort.It seems to be his own hallucination.

Guo Jing was still a little dazed.

But Huang Rong, who was always close to Guo Jing, sighed, "Brother Jing, I know it's too difficult for you to do something against your will.

But this Prince Yue, we can't afford to disobey him. "

The night wind was cold, Guo Jing hugged Huang Rong tightly in his arms, and drove away the chill for her.

At this time Guo Jing said: "Rong'er, I understand."

Huang Rong continued: "Prince Yue said that he wanted you to inherit the Taozhuang army, obviously he wanted you to betray.

Can you disregard General Ou Yanggu's kindness in cultivating you? "

Guo Jing said: "General Ou Yanggu is kind to me. Among so many lieutenants, I am the youngest.

He is extremely strict with me on weekdays, and I always take it as his intention to cultivate me.

But... I never met my mother, and the district general said I was an abandoned baby.

Prince Yue said that there was a sleeping worm in my brain, which was released from my mother's womb by the district general before I was born..."

Huang Rong felt Guo Jing's thick palm trembling slightly.

She put her small face in Guo Jing's palm and said, "You suspect that our mother was killed by Ou Yanggu?"

Guo Jing's throat choked.

Although he thinks he is not smart enough, he can still discern the true feelings between people.

Although General Ou Yanggu has been cultivating himself, but his eyes never showed affection, approval or appreciation.

On the contrary, when Ou Yanggu looks at Guo Jing, it always makes him feel shuddering.

Guo Jing is rough on the outside, but fine on the inside.

He had been convinced from a long time ago that General Ou Yanggu did not treat him as one of his own.

When I met Junwu, Prince of Yue today, the suspicion in Guo Jing's heart seemed to be confirmed in a few words.

In the end, Guo Jing sighed and said, "It's not so easy to betray.

Let's take a step at a time. "

Huang Rong nodded silently.The two returned down the mountain along the original road.

On the second day, Ou Yanggu was in a hurry to send an order to ask Guo Jing about something important.

Guo Jing and his wife Huang Rong looked at each other, finally Guo Jing nodded, and then said to the passer-by: "I'll come right away."

The two of them didn't dare to say much in front of the messenger, Guo Jing could only stride forward under Huang Rong's concerned eyes.

When Guo Jing came to the place where Ou Yanggu lived, he saw a tall and thin middle-aged man with profound facial features.

This person is Yanggu, the current general of the Taozhuang Army.

As soon as he saw Guo Jing, he hurriedly asked, "Why did you come here! Where did you go last night!"

After Guo Jing heard this, his heart tightened.

He has never been good at lying, but at this moment he can't answer.

At this time, Ou Yanggu asked again: "My nephew... I heard that he met your wife yesterday.

Where did he go after that?did you know? "

Guo Jing's heart beat like a drum.

Ou Yangsheng entangled his wife Huang Rong in Guanyin Temple yesterday, and was killed by the prince of Yue Kingdom afterwards.

If this matter is told truthfully, it will surely implicate the wife.

No matter how honest Guo Jing was, he couldn't tell the truth.

But Ou Yanggu obviously wasn't waiting for Guo Jing's answer.

He paced back and forth in the room, saying: "What's the use of asking you. No one in Taozhuang has such high martial arts."

After hearing this, Guo Jing felt relieved.

He knew he wouldn't lie, so he just kept his mouth shut and didn't say a word.

Ou Yanggu seemed extremely irritable, he kept pacing and sighing.

Last night, when he got up at night, he opened the door and suddenly saw the body of his nephew Ou Yangsheng lying in front of the door.

Ou Yanggu was shocked, and hurriedly inspected Ou Yangsheng's body carefully.

Ou Yangsheng's skull was cracked and turned soft.

However, the periosteum was not ruptured, and the brain matter still remained in the brain.

What was even more frightening was that there was a festering mark on his face, and it was unknown what kind of poison he had been poisoned by.

Seeing this horrific death, Ou Yanggu couldn't help trembling in his heart.

Then he inquired that the last person Ou Yangsheng went to look for was Huang Rong.

Ou Yanggu immediately sent someone to look for the couple.

They were told that neither of them were at home.

Ou Yanggu was full of doubts in his heart, and sent someone again in the morning, and finally called Guo Jing over.

But at this moment, Ou Yanggu did not doubt Guo Jing and his wife.

After all, Guo Jing was stronger than Ou Yangsheng, but he couldn't kill him like this.

The more Ou Yanggu thought about it, the more frightened he became, perhaps he was here!
(End of this chapter)

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