The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 149 The Silence Setting Is Never Needed Anymore

Chapter 149 The Silence Setting Is Never Needed Anymore
Qinan Mountain is not too high, but the mountain is weird, like a pillar flying from the sky.

This vertical rocky mountain is difficult to climb, so no ordinary people live in peace on the mountain.

There is only a temple on the top of the mountain, and there are no pilgrims.

The temple is extremely small, with only one main hall and four or five monk rooms.

Add a smoke-blackened kitchen and a well in the backyard.

Ordinary pilgrims will not be able to come to this temple even if they sincerely want to worship Buddha.

So here is small and dilapidated, and there is no money to repair it.

Now in the small monk's room where the presiding officer lives alone, there are two people sitting upright.

One of them was wearing a yellow monk's robe and kept turning a rosary in his hand.

This is a kind-hearted bald old monk.

He has a pair of old and clear eyes under his white eyebrows.

Sitting opposite the old monk was a young man about 30 years old, dressed in black.

He has a very ordinary face, black face, single eyelid and broad nose.

There is nothing special about it other than being burly.

The old monk didn't talk much, and the young man in black talked even less.

They didn't know what they were discussing just now, but the two fell into a long silence.

It was as if they were comparing who would speak up first.

In the end, the young man in black spoke first.

"Please reconsider," he said.

The old monk said indifferently, "No need."

The young man in black finally couldn't help it. He knew that if he was more taciturn than this master, his mission would definitely not be accomplished.

Finally he said: "Master, will you let the prince of Yue continue?"

The rosary beads in the old monk's fingers slowly turned, and he said: "The world's major events must be united for a long time, and the long-term unity must be divided.

China has been divided for hundreds of years, and it's time for a great unification. "

Seeing that the old monk's chatterbox was finally distracted, the young man was secretly happy.

As long as the talks can go on, things may turn around.

Then the young man continued to try his best to persuade him, "That's not Junwu either!"

After hearing this, the old monk rolled his eyes and looked at the young man, his face still as steady as ever: "Can you stop it?"

The young man clenched his fists and said, "The master is different. The master can stop it!"

The old monk closed his eyes with a smile, as if cutting off the excitement of the young man, and said calmly: "The old monk is the second generation of Jiuzun, and he is very clear about your master's cards.

Judging from the present, Prince Yue Junwu has a firm and resolute character, which is different from ordinary people.Convulsions only rely on sleeping insects..."

The old monk smiled and shook his head, "It's too simple."

The youth seemed to feel humiliated for a while.

But he still didn't give up and said: "It's not just a hole card. As long as you are willing to participate, master, you swear to fight against the enemy.

I will tell the master all the preparations truthfully! "

The old monk put down the rosary in his hand and said resolutely: "The old monk just said that. I know the identity of your master completely.

The thoughts in his heart are not in the right way of Buddhism.I will not participate.

Donor, please come back. "

After that, he closed his eyes and stopped answering.

The young man tried to provoke the old monk with words several times, but there was no response after all.

The young man finally gave up, he stood up and bowed to the old monk with his eyes closed.

Hiding anger in his heart, he walked down the mountain.

The mountain of Qinan Mountain is extremely steep.

Even a person with extremely high qinggong has only one mountain path for him to climb.

After the young man came out of the temple, he descended along the only mountain road.

Fortunately, his lightness kung fu is not bad. On the almost vertical downward mountain road, he kept using his hands to stop on the protruding rocks, and then slowed down the speed of the descent.

There is not even a single stone step on Qinan Mountain, so it can only be climbed by some protruding stone touches.

After a long time, the stone touch was even smoothed by people's stepping on it.

In this way, it is even more difficult to climb the mountain.

Although there was anger in the young man's heart today, the anger was gradually blown away by the wind all the way down the mountain.

On the contrary, it was because the descent from the mountain was extremely enjoyable, which made the young man feel refreshed gradually.

At this moment, he seemed to be flying against the wind, and his figure was extremely stable.

The young man feels that his lightness skills have improved a lot during these days, and maybe he can be called a young hero when he walks in the rivers and lakes.

Young people are having some inexplicable complacency.

Suddenly he seemed to see a dark blue shadow at the foot of the mountain, which was also going up along this ridge.

The dark blue shadow moved extremely fast, which filled the young man in black with surprise.

He descended from this ridge, naturally at an extremely fast speed.

But how can someone go up from the foot of the mountain with such a light and fast speed that it seems to be able to fly.

The young man couldn't believe his eyes, but the dark blue shadow came extremely fast.

In a blink of an eye, the distance between the two of them has become extremely close.

The young man in black stared, but saw that the dark blue shadow was not a ghost, but a young man.

The young master can have such a high lightness kung fu.

The first thought of the young man in black was: Could it be that this young master is the Yue Crown Prince Junwu?
How can there be such a coincidence in this world?
At this time, the young man in black was very excited.

On such a steep mountain ridge, he is on top and Jun Wu is on the bottom.

If he intentionally blocked the only stone that went up the mountain, then the young man on the opposite side, whether it was Junwu or not, would fall off the mountain ridge because he had no place to stay while running.

There is already quite a height here, even if this young master in dark blue clothes is really Yue Prince Junwu, he will surely fall to his death here.

It doesn't matter if you admit the wrong person.

This is really hard to find, and it takes no effort to get it!

Maybe the master spent so much effort to get Jun Wu to subdue the law, but he could easily achieve it.

The young man in black felt his heart pounding, he firmly grasped the stone touch beside him and stopped falling.

His hands were covered with sweat from nervousness.Even so, he still held onto Shi Touch firmly, not daring to relax a bit.

The wind was strong on the mountainside, blowing the clothes of the young man in black and making a sound.

Looking straight down, the young master in the dark blue dress is already right under him.

The young man in black didn't have time to say anything, but saw the young man's expression on his face was cold and flat.

He didn't look so anxious.

The youth in black wanted to say something else.

But the young master jumped straight up for another zhang.

It's almost like being able to fly off the ground.

Then the young man in black felt a weight on the top of his head.

The heavy blow from the Tianling Cap made him dizzy for a while.

Before he had time to think about what was going on, the young man in black realized that his hands had let go of the slippery stone touch.

He screamed and fell straight down the mountain.

The whole heart was grasped as if it was about to burst.

The wind whistled in his ears, but the time for him to regret it was so short.

In the next moment, he has become a puddle of unowned meat under Qinan Mountain.

There will be mandrills or crows pecking at it.

But the last thing he saw in his eyes was a disdainful smile.

It belonged to the young man in the dark blue suit.

As if laughing at his overreaching.

(End of this chapter)

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