Chapter 153
Although Zhao is a small country, it is also the wealthiest among the four kingdoms in the world.

Because Zhao is surrounded by hills on three sides, it is difficult for other countries to step on their iron hooves.

And the fourth side is facing the sea. The humid and warm air helps Zhao country to be rich in products, and it is also convenient for sea trade.

The hills on three sides made it unnecessary for Zhao Guo to garrison a large number of troops.

Manpower and talent are invested in production and trade.

Zhao Guo, a country with a rich country and a weak army, is a mouth-watering fat in the eyes of the other countries.

It's a pity that it is not easy to lead the army through the hills and hills.

The benefits gained from attacking Zhao Guo may not be able to make up for the losses.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Guo has enjoyed peace and prosperity for more than a hundred years.

But it was not all smooth sailing. A few days ago, Prince Zhao died suddenly in Xia.

This incident is still going on without end, although some people say that it was Prince Junwu of Dayue Kingdom who killed Prince Zhao.

But at that time, Emperor Zhao severely ordered that such news be strictly prohibited.

He even killed a few people for this matter, and naturally no one dared to spread nonsense about the death of the prince.

Not long after, someone heard that Prince Yue also killed Chong Zhiwu, the prince of Wu, in the summer palace, and then swallowed the whole Wu.

Until this time, people in Zhao State became silent.

On the one hand, Zhao Huang's order is still there, and on the other hand, the people of Zhao State are secretly worried about whether they will become the next Wu State.

In this way, the people of Zhao State went from panic to no longer worrying.

Now that the former prince's funeral has come out, the new prince has also been officially canonized.

The people of Zhao State have returned to the past days of singing and dancing.

Now that the weather is getting hotter, there is no curfew in Zhao country, and the atmosphere has always been known for being bold and hot.

Tomorrow is Qixi Festival, and many girls began to wear refreshing summer clothes to buy beads on the street this evening.

The young man was dressed in fancy clothes, exposing his muscular chest to attract the girl's attention.

Many men also pin a bright flower on the collar.

According to the customs of Zhao State, before the fireworks bloom on the Qixi Festival tomorrow, the men of Zhao State will give collar flowers to beautiful girls to show their love.

And the girls will also give the bead flowers on their temples to the men they like.

This custom has a history of hundreds of years in Zhao State, and it is the most anticipated day of the year for young men and women.

There are a total of 24 squares in the capital of Zhao State.Apart from the imperial city, the most luxurious and bustling place is Hai'an Square.

The various wine shops, flower houses, gambling halls and tobacco halls in Hai'anfang are much more lively than those in other countries.

Every night when the lights come on, under the lights of various colors, the charming beauties in Chinese clothes are smiling and their eyelashes are full of smiles, and the BMW cars are shining brightly.

There is only one place in the sky on earth.

And the largest restaurant in the capital of Zhao State is called Wanggui Pavilion.

Tonight, the lanterns on the Wanggui Pavilion are shining, and the golden paper is swaying, it's really like a fairy palace.

Beauties from all over the world shuttled and swayed between the buildings, and the singing of silk and bamboo was endless.

At this time, a magnificent carriage drove into the driveway of Wanggui Pavilion.

A middle-aged man in a warrior outfit got out of the car.

This man's appearance is gentle, with a very beautifully trimmed beard.

The material on his body is fine silk, and there is an alligator skin scabbard hanging around his waist.

It is said that the poor are rich in martial arts, and this middle-aged man is obviously one of the best among martial arts practitioners.

After he got off the carriage, he casually bowed his head and gave some instructions, and the carriage that brought him left by itself.

When the middle-aged people went to the Wanggui Pavilion with familiarity, there would be an acquaintance Gui Gong who bowed politely and came to serve him.

The middle-aged man casually threw a certain heavy silver ingot into Gui Gong's arms.

The tortoise hurriedly took off his outer robe for the middle-aged man happily.

The middle-aged man is also from the country of Zhao. Although he is no longer a teenager, he still wears open clothes according to the customs of the country of Zhao, showing his chest muscles.

As he walked upstairs, he asked Mr. Gui: "Has the Lihua Pavilion been sorted out?"

Mr. Gui showed a distressed expression and said, "Master Yue, the Lihua Pavilion happens to have a guest right now."

The middle-aged man known as the head of Yue's complexion turned cold, and asked: "There are still people robbing Yue Buhe's private room?"

Mr. Gui nodded and bowed while apologizing: "The other party has already booked, otherwise I will leave it to the head of Yue anyway.

Now the Haitang Pavilion is specially reserved for Master Yue, and the scenery is generally good.Just beside the Lihua Pavilion. "

Headmaster Yue was a little displeased at first, but thinking that today's matter is still confidential, he didn't want to make any more complications.

At this time, Mr. Gui said again: "Master Yue's friend has arrived first.

Now he is resting in Haitang Pavilion. "

Headmaster Yue was startled when he heard this, and said angrily, "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

He used to walk at a leisurely and lazy pace, but now he straightened his clothes and walked quickly towards Haitang Pavilion.

What Yue Buhe didn't notice was that he had just passed through the sliding door of the Lihua Pavilion, and there was a young man in it.

In fact, this young master did not book a private room in the Lihua Pavilion long ago.

He only came one step earlier than Yue Buhe, and spent 1 taels of silver to buy the best Lihua Pavilion.

After Wangguige's mother saw the 1 taels of silver, her eyes went straight.

No matter who the Lihua Pavilion was booked to before, it is out of control now.

Only with a smile, he sent the most beautiful girl, the best luthier, and the singer with the sweetest voice into the Lihua Pavilion.

Since there is such a big and powerful customer here today, if he doesn't scrape tens of thousands of taels of silver from him, it will be a waste of being a mother who has forgotten to return to the pavilion.

But now there are all kinds of pear blossoms, Yingying and Yanyan sit in a room, and the singing girl and pianist are working hard to show their talents.

All kinds of seafood and fine wines are delivered like flowing water, and it is a lively scene of selling gold in the world.

Only the young man sitting in the middle sat on the ground calmly and calmly, drinking the wine offered by the girl glass after glass.

This young man has a handsome appearance and a cold complexion.The slightly squinted eyes fascinate the girls.

And he also wore open clothes like Zhao Guoren, showing his muscular muscles.

A pomegranate flower on the collar attracts every girl's attention.

It would be like a dream if such an extremely rich and handsome son could give him pomegranate flowers.

Thinking of this, the girls became even more attentive, and the young master who was treated so kindly by them was Jun Wu.

At this moment, in Jun Wu's eyes and ears, the girl and the luthier around him seemed to not exist.

And all his attention was on the Haitang Pavilion next door.

The reason why Jun Wu came here is precisely because he is currently following Yue Buhe in the next room.

And Yue Buhe is also one of the old nine.

Yue Buhe is the head of Nanhua Mountain and a well-known wandering knight in Zhao State.

Although he has married a wife at home, he still often hangs around various brothels and taverns in Hai'anfang.

Having no heirs in his life, he seems to have looked away, and indulged his energy in all kinds of women.

For Wanggui Pavilion, Yue Buhe is definitely a frequent visitor.

But he came to Wanggui Pavilion today for an unusual reason.

This is also the reason why Jun Wu followed him for several days and did not kill him until today.

(End of this chapter)

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