The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 155 Blood Red Pomegranate Flower

Chapter 155 Blood Red Pomegranate Flower
After discovering that there was already a jade box in the Haitang Pavilion.

Yue Buhe and You Wenchan rushed to open the box at the same time, and took out a letter addressed to themselves.

But when they finished reading each other, they couldn't help but look up at each other, and asked, "What did you say in the letter?"

Hearing that the other party asked the same question, they fell silent at the same time.

Then Yue Buhe suddenly rubbed the letter paper with his fingers, and after a while the letter paper burned.

It seems that Yue Buhe's internal energy is extremely high, and touching the letter paper with his fingers can make the paper heat up and even burn.

You Wenchan saw this move and sneered.

As if he wanted to compete with Yue Buhe on purpose, he swiped his two fingers against the paper like a gust of wind, and the paper broke into powder under his internal force.

As a result, the letterheads in the hands of both of them could no longer be read.

You Wenchan stood up and said: "The wine is gone, and the letter from that person has also been read. Farewell."

After saying that, he strode out.

Yue Buhe let out a "hum" and did not keep him.

Yue Buhe and You Wenchan have been rivals since childhood.

Since they were children, they have been the best in Huashan and Songshan in the south of the Wuyue Sword School.In the future, he is the most promising young man to take over as the head.

But the real reason for their discord is also eccentric.

Every time two teenagers meet each other, there will be unbearable chirping in the heads of both parties.

They each asked their masters, and the answer was that they were too tired to practice and their tinnitus was caused.

Both Yue Buhe and You Wenchan knew in their hearts that this was not the case, obviously only the two of them would make such a cry when they met together.

Once you leave it's fine, and it's tried and tested.

It is precisely because of this annoying chirping sound that the two have disliked each other since they were teenagers.

Afterwards, when their masters passed away, the two knew their secrets.

Although there will be no sound of insects after the two meet, the heavy burden makes each other even more unwilling to see each other more.

You Wenchan can still maintain a well-regulated manner, and has always led the Songshan School as the head of the sect.

But Yue Buhe, who married his beloved junior sister early, seemed to be a completely changed person.

From then on, he no longer had any more tenderness with his junior sister.Except that the fee is not reduced by one point, I have never had sex for a day.

Instead, he spends his days drinking and drinking outside, visiting prostitutes.

No matter what the martial arts people say about him as the head of Nanhua Mountain, it seems that they are no longer in his mind.

After You Wenchan left, Yue Buhe took a few more sips of mulled wine.

Counting the time, it was time for You Wenchan to leave, so he stood up.

He put on his coat and went outside.

In the formerly bustling Lihua Pavilion, it seems that the guests inside have already left.

But the prostitutes, musicians, and tortoises in the pavilion still happily did not disperse.

They seem to be competing to see who gets more rewards.

These other things can no longer affect Yue's disharmony.

Because now his mood is extremely complicated.

Gui Gongmai on the side of the road greeted him with a smile.Yue Buhe casually tossed him a tael of silver with no expression on his face.

Yue Buhe's heart was extremely heavy by the contents of the letter paper that he had burned just now.

Now his mind is full of the letter's words.

Among the old nine elders of this generation, three have already died.

They are Li Zuole, Ou Yanggu and the admirable Master Yizhu in Jianghu.

At the beginning, "that person" once gathered the nine masters of this generation together, and asked them to swear that they would never use their martial arts talents to do evil in their entire lives.

If this oath is violated, "that person" will come to kill even the ends of the earth.

After that, the nine masters of this generation dispersed separately.

Yue Buhe was not only afraid of "that person"'s martial arts skills, but also afraid of "that person's" reputation in the Jianghu.

So although he has done some minor evils, he never dares to commit major evils.

Now I heard that Li Zuole, Ou Yanggu and Master Yizhu died at the same time.

The first thing he thought of was "that person" making a move to fulfill his past promise.

But Li Zuole and Ou Yanggu each have their own evil deeds, and Yue Buhe has heard of some of them more or less.

Master Yizhu is an eminent monk.

He has not set foot in the rivers and lakes for many years, and only practiced behind closed doors.

It was hard to imagine that he would have any handle in the hands of "that person".

Yue Buhe continued to look down, but was covered in cold sweat.

It turns out that the letter said that these three people were all killed by Prince Yue Junwu.

And Jun Wu turned out to be one of the new nine.

He vowed to kill all the old nine for revenge.

Seeing this, Yue Buhe felt bitter in his heart.

Who on earth found such a difficult young man as Prince Yue Junwu as his successor?

Yue Buhe's heir is still a runny-nosed child.

He is also his disciple. Although his aptitude is not bad, he still can't become a master now.

And he knew Jun Wu.As the prince of Yue, Jun Wu once sent troops to attack Wu.

After capturing the capital of Wu State, he was also tested by Lei Jie.

As for martial arts?Yue Buhe was not sure.

Generally, disciples of the royal family will practice some martial arts more or less.

Because there are famous teachers to guide them, and there is no need to worry about the cost of medicinal materials, many people have cultivated nearly a hundred years of internal strength at a young age.

Even those with good aptitude can break through the shackles of the Middle God Realm.

But it's just stopping there. In the future, these royal children will be too busy with having fun, or busy with state affairs, and have no time to distract themselves from advancing their martial arts.

Therefore, there has never been a real master among the royal families in the world.

It's just that Prince Yue Junwu has a noble status, so it's not impossible for him to kill Li Zuole, Ou Yanggu or even Master Yizhu.

As long as he is willing to spend money, he will naturally be able to hire top experts to kill for him.

Yue Buhe continued to read, and "that person" wrote on the letterhead that Prince Yue has great powers, and his eyes are all over the world.

Although today's matter is careful everywhere, it may have been leaked.

So you must never mention it to outsiders, unless you can trust no one!
As for the way to deal with it, "that person" has also been written down.

As long as he did what that person ordered, the Yue prince would naturally be able to subdue the law.

When the time comes, the world will be bright and bright, and Prince Yue Junwu will no longer be able to harm others or himself.

Yue Buhe firmly believed in what "that man" said.

Not only because "that man" has a high status in the martial arts world, but also because he has been famous for a long time and has always been known for keeping promises.

Yue Buhe kept recalling the words on the paper, and the more he thought about it, the more worried he became.

"That man" wouldn't lie to himself, Prince Yue Junwu was hunting and killing the remaining nine elders.

Today's Yue Buhe decided to do exactly what "that man" said in the letter, try to follow the trend, and finally kill Prince Yue Junwu with one blow!
Thinking about something on his mind, Yue Buhe turned into a dark alley.

Suddenly his foot tripped over something, but luckily he didn't fall down because of his agility.

Yue Buhe took a closer look, but was shocked.

It turned out that it was a corpse that tripped him.

And the corpse was still drinking with him just now, it was You Wenchan who was right.

Shocked in his heart, Yue Buhe raised his head slowly, only to see a young man in front of him looking at him with a half-smile.

There was also a bright pomegranate flower pinned to his collar, stained with fresh blood.

(End of this chapter)

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