Chapter 161

Lord Wei quickly recovered from the almost suffocating pain.

He took a few deep breaths, and his purple face gradually became human.

At this time, Lord Wei looked at Prince Yue Junwu with a terrified expression, wondering whether he was going to kill himself or let him go.

At this time, Jun Wu said slowly: "You have passed the test. Next, please listen to your mission."

Lord Wei couldn't stop coughing, he didn't have time to tell what mood he was in at the moment, he just said: "I would like to... I would like to follow His Highness's instructions."

In fact, the reason why Jun Wu wanted to use his own strong pressure to suppress Lord Wei was to test the sincerity in his heart.

This Lord Wei is full of glib tongue, but Jun Wu knows that not all glib people are duplicitous guys.

So he purposely used his internal force to suppress Lord Wei, and at the same time, he felt his voice from the bottom of his heart.

Only in this case, Lord Wei's voice is the most authentic.

As long as Lord Wei showed a sense of resistance, Jun Wu would definitely suppress this person until his lungs ruptured and he died.

Fortunately, this Lord Wei was born with a good life, and he finally did not show any objection when he was tempted by Jun Wu.

Only then did he finally survive Jun Wu's trial.

As for the task that Jun Wu will give him, he will never allow Lord Wei to be a person who can act according to the wind and will be double-faced when he is in danger.

After Lord Wei finally got his breath out, Jun Wu continued: "Since you didn't reject Mu Rongbo at that time, then pretend to be obedient. When the time comes, no matter what arrangement Mu Rongbo has, you will follow along and take part in it." Let me know the news."

After hearing this, Lord Wei knew that Jun Wu would definitely not take his life again.

At this time, Lord Wei suddenly regained his playful smile and said, "Don't worry, Your Highness. This kind of work is most suitable for old people."

After the two reached an agreement, Jun Wu left alone.

In the huge room, only Lord Wei was left in an instant.

This Lord Wei sighed deeply. He knew that his life was not really good all the time, but that he just had a pair of eyes that could see the world clearly.

Lord Wei's martial arts is not very high, but he puts treasures on the right people all the way.

Now he is old, but when he was young, he followed the old emperor of Zhao Guo and won the title of knighthood all the way.

There is such a wealth of wealth in front of him, it is precisely because of Lord Wei's vicious vision.

Now that the old Zhao Huang had already died, the new Zhao Huang didn't want to see him.

It's just that it hasn't been settled yet.

So although Lord Wei is not young, he is still looking for the next big tree to cling to.

Before Murongbo found him, he was already examining the heroes of the world.

And someone like Jun Wu was naturally seen by Lord Wei and admired in his heart.

He has always wanted to catch up with Junwu, but he just suffered from no connections.

Who would have thought that when he was at a loss what to do, Murongbo would come to his door.

This Mu Rongbo's identity is complicated, since he is the abbot of a famous temple in the world, he is highly respected and highly respected.

He is also an old survivor of the former Zheng State, and his ambition has never been severed in his heart.

No matter which identity Mu Rongbo uses, he can summon a group of people who are willing to follow him.

It's just that Lord Wei doesn't belong to those stupid people who don't consider pros and cons when their blood is surging.

This world is like a chess game. Although he is not a stickler, he considers himself a qualified bystander.

He knows who to put the treasure on, even if he doesn't have the strength and wisdom to play chess himself, he can still win a lot.

For Mu Rongbo's invitation, a man like Lord Wei would not refuse outright, but he only dealt with it with words.

Until he saw the killing notice issued by Jun Wu in the night sky.

Lord Wei's aging heart seldom started beating violently again.

A voice kept shouting in his heart: "The opportunity has finally come!"

His chance to catch up with Prince Yue Junwu finally came!
To be able to issue a murder notice in the imperial city of another country, so that the whole city can see it all.

This Prince Yue is not only powerful, but also fearless.

Such a person, the more Lord Wei looked at it, the more he felt that he was worthy of entrustment!

After that, Lord Wei asked the people in the door to secretly search for Junwu, and after a while, he really invited the proud son of heaven back.

"Finally we've reached this line." Lord Wei touched his chest with a smile.

Because of holding my breath just now, my lungs are still aching.

But it's all worth it!
After that, according to Jun Wu's request, Wei Jue stayed at the mansion and only waited for news from Mu Rongbo.

Finally, on the second day, Lord Wei received a letter from the doorman again, but he didn't realize who sent it and when, and it also said that Lord Wei should personally sign it.

When Lord Wei opened the letter, he saw that the letter asked him to go to Dharma Temple in three days.

At that time, heroes from all over the world will be assembled to discuss the event of crusade against Junwu.

Lord Wei sighed in his heart, the fact that Junwu set off fireworks in Zhao State turned Mu Rongbo into a frightened bird after all.

The reason for the haste of the "Fight against Junwu" was because Murongbo couldn't wait anymore.

His identity has been dismantled by Jun Wu, if he doesn't take action immediately, he may be taken over by the army of the Yue Kingdom in the next moment.

Lord Wei quietly re-transcribed the letter, and wrote it into a coded letter as agreed, and then quietly sent the letter with the pigeon that Jun Wu left for him.

Then he ordered people to prepare his luggage for himself.

This time Lord Wei went into battle lightly, without any luxury utensils, only water and dry food.

Knowing that he was leaving, his 72 wives were clamoring and trying to go with him.

Lord Wei, however, changed from his usual playful smile, and severely reprimanded his wives for keeping them busy.

Afterwards, Lord Wei packed his bags alone, and disappeared on the road in front of the Lord's mansion alone in an unremarkable dress.

This Duke Wei has enjoyed half of his glory and wealth, and he doesn't know when was the last time he traveled in such light clothes without concubine Ji.

Unexpectedly, once this old and thin Sir Alex put on his strong clothes, he could move as fast as any young man.

After he left the capital of Zhao State, he rode his favorite horse towards Yue State.

Dharma Temple used to be the secret imperial mausoleum of Zheng State.Just because of the extreme secrecy, after the change of dynasty, it is still regarded as an ordinary temple by the common people.

Even more faintly occupies a pivotal position in the martial arts.

Since Mu Rongbo only gave Lord Wei three days, he didn't have any room to stop and rest, so he kept on galloping.

It's not because of how much Duke Wei valued Murongbo.

Instead, he was afraid of Junwu, for fear that the first thing he assigned to him would not be done well.

It was rumored in the world that His Highness the Crown Prince had a bad temper.

And Lord Wei is confident that after finishing Mu Rongbo's matter, he can follow Prince Yue Junwu to do many important things.

Lord Wei galloped his horse, patted the horse's neck lightly and said: "Old horse, old horse! Let's not make any mistakes this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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