Chapter 163
Outside the main hall of the Bodhidharma Temple, hundreds of martial arts masters stood.

Most of these people have been favored by the abbot of the Bodhidharma Temple, and it is even heard that Prince Junwu of Yue once threatened to take the head of Xiangshang, the abbot of the Bodhidharma Temple.

These heroes guessed that the abbot of Dharma Temple summoned him to come, probably to deal with this arrogant and conceited Prince Yue.

The reason why everyone gathered here was to repay the kindness of the presiding officer of Dharma Temple in the past.

At this time, the Youdao eminent monk walked slowly in front of the crowd, and immediately held his breath outside the hall.

Heroes from all over the world were shocked and admiring when they saw the 40-year-old abbot who seemed to have returned to his appearance, and secretly sighed: Could it be that the abbot of the Bodhidharma has improved his internal strength again?

Everyone looked at the smiling Dharma presiding officer without a trace of panic on his face, and waited for him to speak.

It's just that he didn't open his mouth, but put his palms together and recited the Buddha's name.

At this time, another monk walked up to the crowd and said: "All benefactors, the abbot of our temple is currently practicing closed mouth meditation.

Everything today is instructed by the host, and the monk reads it out. "

His Highness made sparse discussions.There are also quite a few Buddhists who practice closed-mouth meditation.

Everyone is not surprised.

But what they don't know is that Mu Rongbo, the abbot of the Bodhidharma Temple, didn't practice any closed-mouth meditation at all.

He just didn't dare to speak in front of people.

If it was face to face, the fact that he lost all his internal energy could still be covered up.

But when he shouted to so many heroes, he didn't have the internal strength to let his voice out, so he would be seen through immediately.

It's just that who would have thought that the presiding officer of the Dharma Temple would be a waste without the ability to fight back.

And the previous monk continued: "I think all the benefactors have already guessed that the abbot invited everyone to come here today, just for the sake of surpassing the crown prince Junwu."

Immediately, a hero in the audience shouted: "We've all heard it! No need to talk nonsense, let's take each guy and go to the imperial city of Yue Kingdom! Even if he has soldiers and horses, can he be against heroes like us?"

These words aroused unanimous response from everyone, and many people shouted: "Kill that brat who knows nothing!"

The preaching monk smiled and waited for the crowd to vent for a while before saying, "Thank you all benefactors for your help.

In fact, the reason why this temple had a conflict with Prince Yue was not for personal grievances.

In fact, Jun Wu's many acts of unrighteousness made the master unable to stand idly by.

Unexpectedly, Jun Wu exposed his fierceness even more, and even threatened to take the master's head. "

This remark caused a lot of discussion among the people.

Then the monk spread the message and said: "Perhaps the heroes don't know yet, but the heroes killed by Prince Yue Jun Wuguang in the Jianghu in the past few days include the hero Li Zuole, the general of Taozhuang District Yanggu, and the head of Nanhua Mountain. Yue Buhe, the head of the Songshan School, You Wenchan, and Master Yizhu of Chuandeng Temple..."

Speaking of this, everyone is sighing.

Originally, these heroes thought they were here to assist the Bodhidharma Temple.

Who would have thought that Jun Wu would kill so many heroes in a short period of time.

Li Zuole, Ou Yanggu, Yue Buhe and You Wenchan are well-known and their martial arts are extremely high.

Master Yizhu is an expert in the world, and has never had anything to do with the world.

Even killing such an eminent monk, this Jun Wu is really a murderous maniac!
The plaza was still a bit lively, but now the crowd's voice gradually weakened.

To put it bluntly, the martial arts of Li Zuole and others are much higher than them.

Master Yizhu is a master who has lived for more than a hundred years.

Although these warriors are numerous and powerful, how confident are they that they think they can defeat Junwu?

Unexpectedly, the monk and the abbot of the Bodhidharma Temple, Mu Rongbo, didn't show a trace of panic when he saw the weak look of the crowd.

Murongbo continued to smile and nodded to the rumored monk.

Rumor has it that seeing this, the monk mustered up his confidence and continued to say to everyone: "Junwu has killed countless people without asking for grudges. It's not just in the martial arts world.

A few days ago, he led the Yue army to suddenly capture the state of Wu, and wiped out all the royal families in the state of Wu.

I think everyone has heard of it. "

Everyone said yes again.Only this time the voice was weaker than before.

Because many people couldn't help but think of the rumors about Jun Wu's Lei Jie body test.

If he couldn't even be struck by lightning, wouldn't he be even stronger and incomparable?
How could Mu Rongbo, the host of the Bodhidharma Temple, fail to see the changes in everyone's emotions?

It is rumored that the monk looked at him with slightly worried eyes, but only saw Mu Rongbo looking back calmly and indifferently.

The rumored monk finally had courage again.

He believes in the personality of the host, and if the host is full of confidence, he doesn't need to be afraid.

As long as he finished all the words the host taught him, he believed that these warriors would be excited and fight against each other.

Rumor has it that the monk kept his mind steady and continued, "Actually, the country of Yue has always been a wolf's ambition.

Back then, the land under our feet belonged to the state of Zheng.If it weren't for the fact that the founding emperor of the Yue Kingdom broke his promise and became king by stealing the country, why would Junwu be so murderous now! "

There are fewer and fewer good men who respond to the rumored monks.

Whether Wu Guo or Zheng Guo, they have nothing to do with them.

If it is said that Jun Wu killed the heroes of the Jianghu indiscriminately, it might also cause these warriors to feel insecure.

But is the change of imperial power still rare for thousands of years?
The emperor of this dynasty was overthrown by the next dynasty, but didn't they themselves get the throne after overthrowing the previous dynasty?
To put it bluntly, martial arts people don't care about imperial power.As long as they can drink freely and happily, they will become.

At this time, the rumored monk continued: "Actually, I am an outsider from Dharma Temple. What does the change of imperial power have to do with us?"

Many people nodded secretly in their stomachs, but no one dared to speak in agreement.

Rumor has it that the monk continued: "But if there is no one to stop the ambition of Yue Prince Junwu, both the people in the world and the martial arts people will suffer!

If we all stand idly by today.In the future, the world will be as big as purgatory! "

It is rumored that the monk's internal strength is not weak, and this last sentence is full of breath.

After speaking, the end is resounding.

Everyone couldn't help looking up at him, and then at the always calm and graceful host of Dharma Temple.

Many people still don't understand why the people of Bodhidharma Temple would say that.

Will it be a little alarmist?

Then it was rumored that the monk continued: "You heroes may have gangs, or find a quiet place alone.

But everyone is average and doesn't pay much attention to imperial power.yes or no? "

Many smiled and nodded.This is a big truth.

Since I am a person in the world, I just want to be at ease.

If he wanted to pursue imperial power and wealth, he would have joined the army long ago.

The rumored monk said again: "But everyone knows that the reason why martial arts heroes can live such a happy life is precisely because the world is divided into five points.

If you are not happy in one place, you can change to another place and continue to enjoy yourself.

But if Junwu continues to be allowed to go on, this beast will inevitably swallow up the world.

At that time, if there is only one family in the world, if the heroes are not happy in one place, where should they go to be happy? "

(End of this chapter)

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