Chapter 166

Many thoughts lingered in Murongbo's mind, but in the end he was pulled back by the strange facts.

how come?Why can't I see Junwu showing a painful look no matter how I mobilize the sleeping insect?

Mu Rongbo even wondered if he remembered it wrong.

But soon he shook his head.

I remember correctly, Jun Wu is Jiaojiao's son!He gave her mother the sleeping bug with his own hands!
So why is there no effect at all?

It wasn't just Mu Rongbo who had constant doubts in his heart.

Jun Wu, who was standing on the top of the pine tree now, also had doubts about the situation in front of him.

And not just because the expected sleep bug convulsions never came out.

It was also because from the moment he stepped into this ancient temple, he was unable to perceive other people's thoughts.

Even his attempt to stop time just now had no effect.

Jun Wu can predict that other alien stars may also lose their effect here.

Fortunately, everything did not affect his internal strength.

The hundreds of warriors outside the main hall were still suppressed by their own internal force, and they couldn't even move.

It seems that apart from using internal force, all other clever tricks cannot be used here.

Jun Wu couldn't help looking at Murongbo again.

He wondered if this was also one of Murongbo's tricks?
But why did he never let the sleeping insects go into convulsions?
Could it be that his sleeping bugs were also offset by the weird force field here?
Jun Wu couldn't help but think of a sentence: "Lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot."

If only internal strength can work in this place, who in the world can compare with oneself in strength?
It's like a paradise built just for him.

Many warriors really couldn't stand Jun Wu's strong pressure.

They tried their best to speak out, and shouted to Murongbo: "Master, don't you have a way to suppress Junwu?

Hurry up and use it quickly! "

"Yeah, we... we can't hold it anymore."

Mu Rongbo, who has always maintained a graceful expression, is now full of clouds.

Doesn't he want to use the ultimate sleep bug convulsion?

He can't use it!

No matter how much I murmured silently, there was no response like a stone sinking into the sea.

Looking at the suspicious faces of the warriors, he was miserable.

Some warriors finally got angry.

He shouted loudly: "What time is the host! Why do you still practice silent meditation!"

And the eyes of the rest of the people also revealed deeper and deeper suspicion.

Another person said coldly: "Chairman, you are not in the same group as Jun Wu, are you?
Trick us into coming here, so we can catch them all! "

These words startled all the warriors, and their eyes couldn't stay on Junwu and the host of Dharma Temple.

It's just that the host still closed his eyes and said nothing.

He couldn't open his mouth, because Mu Rongbo, who had no internal strength, endured much more suppression than other warriors.

Just keeping himself sitting without falling down, Murongbo's perseverance is amazing.

There was a warrior who was closest to Murongbo, his heart was full of shock and anger.

Although the pressure on his body made it difficult for him to move, he still managed to get close to Murongbo bit by bit.

The man finally stretched out a kick to Mu Rongbo's body with his eyes closed while meditating.

Because of the suppression of Jun Wu's internal energy, this kick has no strength.

Even so, Mu Rongbo was kicked to the ground by him like a puddle of mud.

This action not only opened the eyes of the kicking martial artist, but also caused an uproar among the rest of the people.

Apparently, the abbot of Dharma Temple has no internal strength, so he doesn't even have the strength to sit.

Let go of his mother's closed phrases!
He couldn't speak because he was afraid of revealing the truth that he had lost all his internal strength!
She has been eloquent for so long, so it turned out that she wanted to lie to them from the beginning!
Even though all the warriors were under strong pressure, they still made an uproar.

The abbot of the Bodhidharma Temple was trying to trick them to catch them all from the very beginning!
The warriors who still had strength screamed to stand up their weapons and die together with the abbot of the Bodhidharma Temple.

Someone even rushed to the side of the abbot of Dharma Temple with strong support.

At this moment, Mu Rongbo still fell limply on the ground.

He had almost lost the strength to breathe.

Mingming saw that the knife was about to slash at him, but he could only remain motionless.

After the knife cut it down, Murongbo twitched in pain all over his body.

But the strange thing is that apart from convulsions, there was no blood splashing.

Mu Rongbo fell to the ground weakly all the time.

But judging by the slight ups and downs of his figure, he should still be alive.

Standing on the top of the pine tree and seeing this scene clearly, Jun Wu said in his heart: "It really is so!"

In fact, Jun Wu didn't deliberately let these warriors perform farce.

He had already split several internal forces to hit Mu Rongbo's body just now.

No matter how strong a person in this world is under the impact of Jun Wu's inner strength, he should immediately bleed on the spot, pierced to death.

But Murongbo just got weaker and weaker every time, but he just didn't die.

Jun Wu felt strange, and asked what kind of soft armor secret treasure Mu Rongbo was wearing.

He calmly hit another inconspicuous warrior with his internal force.

The warrior was obviously also hit by his own internal force, and fell to the ground with a muffled grunt.

Although there was a painful expression on his face, he was still alive and not dead after all.

This ordinary warrior looks very ordinary, and he will never have any treasure armor.

Jun Wu thoroughly doubts whether there is any powerful force in the territory where the Bodhidharma Temple is located.

Far beyond the imagination of Mu Rongbo, the head of the Bodhidharma Temple, it is a more mysterious and powerful force that rejects the existence of all death and supernatural powers.

So Jun Wu secretly loosened the internal force suppressing the warriors a little so that they could move.

After seeing a warrior slashing Mu Rongbo without even spilling blood, Jun Wu was convinced that there was a ghost in this place!

I don't know what mysterious power prevents everyone from killing people here.

Is it because the Bodhidharma Temple really has Buddha nature?

But when Jun Wu brought Chongxuande to the Foyin Temple, which is also an ancient temple, and the blood flowed into a river, he didn't see any gods and Buddhas coming out to stop him!
Jun Wu's heart hardened.

No matter what is causing the trouble, the person he wants to kill today must die!

Then he suddenly raised his hands and pressed them against the ground with a huge force.

This time, the internal force suppressing Xiang Wuren became stronger and more tyrannical.

Jun Wu is a 5000-year-old internal force, and the strength of his internal force has far exceeded that of ordinary warriors.

These warriors were suppressed by such a powerful internal force that seemed to be real, all of them couldn't even stand up, and fell to their knees on the ground one after another.

Everyone knows that this is Junwu's power again.

Everyone was speechless, but someone knelt down and kowtowed to Jun Wu.

They could only express their pleas to Junwu in this way, begging him to spare their lives.

This person is simply too powerful!

Back then, these warriors only thought that Lei Jie's physical examination was too exaggerated, maybe it was fabricated to deceive people.

But now everyone can only regret it. If they had not wavered at the beginning and knew that Jun Wu was the real dragon emperor who had been tested by Lei Jie, they should have protected themselves wisely!

(End of this chapter)

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