Chapter 169

The warriors trapped in the catacombs of the Bodhidharma Temple were originally invited by the abbot of the Bodhidharma Temple, Mu Rongbo.

When they came, they more or less knew that the abbot of Dharma Temple asked them to deal with Prince Junwu of Dayue.

But now the situation suddenly reversed.

Now the warriors in the tomb are scrambling to use their weapons on Murongbo, for fear that they are not strong enough to annoy Prince Yue Junwu.

However, this Mu Rongbo's body was really tough, and he refused to die after being stabbed by many people.

Prince Yue Junwu promised that as long as someone can kill the abbot of Dharma Temple, he will lead everyone to retreat.

No matter how hard the warriors leaning beside Mu Rongbo tried, this Murongbo just wailed and died.

This made the warriors in the back row anxious, secretly scolding the people in the front row for their inferior martial arts, that even a trash with no internal strength could not be killed.

There are constantly self-confessed warriors pulling away their predecessors and wanting to kill Mu Rongbo's life with their own hands.

But they just got Murongbo's angry howls in exchange.

Suddenly, this tomb turned into an execution ground for Murongbo.

And it was all the warriors who were summoned by him to execute the punishment.

Looking at Mu Rongbo who was dying but still alive, Jun Wu sneered in his heart.

Just as he guessed, as long as they are still in this tomb, everyone can only be infinitely weakened but unable to die.

He deliberately said what he said before, just to find something for these hundreds of warriors to do, so as not to get in the way.

Seeing that everyone's attention was focused on how to kill Murongbo, he turned his head to look at the coffin that he had opened.

This coffin is placed in the center of all the coffins.

And Jun Wu also noticed that the coffin was made of phoenix wood, and it seemed to be older.

Although sycamore wood is also a high-quality wood, it is still much cheaper than other coffins.

Jun Wu secretly guessed that this coffin might be the earliest one.

Up to now, Jun Wu has deduced that this underground tomb can only be the tomb of the successive emperors of Zheng.

And there must be a reason why they let the sixteen kings squeeze into one tomb in shabby condition.

Perhaps this principle is the reason why the Bodhidharma Temple is above and below ground, and there is no killing.

Jun Wu only lifted it lightly, and the nails on the coffin couldn't bear the huge force and broke.

As expected, there were indeed some belongings in the coffin.

But compared with the treasures in the jade coffin before, it is much less.

There is also a set of small coffins in the coffin.

There was no trace of fear in Jun Wu's heart, he just lifted the coffin.

Until then, he was a little surprised.

The corpse in the coffin should be at least a thousand years old.

But after Jun Wu opened the last coffin cover, what he saw was a lifelike corpse.

The owner of this corpse should have died of old age, and his face under the gray hair was covered with liver spots belonging to the elderly.

But other than that, there was not even a trace of decay.

Jun Wu's heart moved slightly.

Apparently that weird power can not only make the living immortal, but also make the dead endless.

And the source of strength may be in the arms of this corpse.

There was a faint and soft light in this tomb, but when Jun Wu lifted the coffin lid, the light became brighter than before.

And this light is emitted from the momentary night pearl in the arms of the corpse.

Jun Wu's heart skipped a beat, knowing that this bead was not a simple treasure.

It was this bead that had been fighting against me just now!

He couldn't help but reach for the bead.

But the next moment, a magical scene happened.

As soon as the pearl touched Dao Junwu's finger, it suddenly penetrated into his palm like a cloud of warm mist.

Jun Wu's heart tightened, whether it was good or bad for the pearl to suddenly penetrate into his body, I still don't know yet.

But it is definitely a bad thing for the corpse in this tomb.

Because the corpse that looked like it was sleeping just now turned into a dead bone in an instant.

There was no rotten smell in the tomb at first, but now suddenly there is a foul smell slowly radiating from the coffins.

Apparently the corpses in these coffins had suddenly begun to decompose.

It turns out that Zheng Guo arranged the corpses of the kings of the past dynasties here, so that every king can enjoy the care of the precious jewel in the arms of the founding emperor, so that they will not rot after death.

Then Jun Wu heard a sharp scream.

Several warriors sweated profusely and turned their heads to Jun Wu's direction and said: "It's done! It's finally killed!

This old boy is really tough. "

Because the warriors in this tomb were a matter of life and death, most of them cast their eyes on the abbot of the Bodhidharma Temple.

Not many people noticed Jun Wu's actions, and many people even didn't notice the various changes in this tomb.

Only Jun Wu realized that he could feel the voices of others again.

These hundreds of warriors were all trembling and uneasy, for fear that Jun Wu would not keep his promise.

Jun Wu sneered, and suddenly he jumped up lightly.

Then I saw him holding the pagoda above his head with both hands.

How much weight can a pagoda have?No one can imagine.

But what is even more unimaginable is that someone can hold up a collapsed pagoda.

At this moment, Jun Wu had nothing to rely on.

He lifted up the heavy pagoda little by little with just one flick.

In the creaking sound, the outside light poured into the tomb.

Fresh air swept in instantly.

Everyone took a deep breath.

Their hearts were extremely excited, and they thought they would die in the tomb.

But he didn't expect that Prince Yue Junwu could really do what he said and open the tomb.

Jun Wu pushed the pagoda, and finally jumped out of the tomb after a few steps.

He threw the pagoda outward, and it just hit the Daxiong Hall in the Bodhidharma Temple.

All of a sudden, sawdust and smoke rose everywhere, and the pagoda actually crushed the entire Daxiong Palace.

Many warriors who crawled out from the cracks in the ground happened to witness this scene.

They suddenly felt that their knees had no strength.

If you don't try your best to support it, you will fall back into the grave again.

More and more warriors emerged from the cracks in the ground.

But no one could say a word.

They were going to follow the Bodhidharma Temple to preside over the culling of Junwu.

God knows how ignorant they were at that time, and they would follow the abbot of the Bodhidharma Temple to die like this.

Now the fools are dead, but what will happen to their lives?

This prince of Yue, Junwu, is almost like a god.

The power possessed by him is no longer comprehensible to ordinary people.

Wanting to resist him is like ants clamoring to trip an elephant.

After Jun Wu smashed the pagoda to the ground, he turned his head to look at those warriors.

I don't know who took the lead, suddenly everyone knelt among the rocks and kowtowed to Jun Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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