Chapter 176

Absolutely do not stay, this is to kill!
None of the soldiers of Qi would be so naive as to think that Prince Yue meant to let the soldiers of Qi who refused to surrender go.

There is almost nothing to choose from.

One is to follow the Vietnamese army to eat and drink, and the other is to be loyal to the Qi Emperor who sent them to die, so he sacrificed his life.

Immediately, there were soldiers from Qi State scrambling to shout loudly: "Willing to serve His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

This call aroused everyone's echo.

All of a sudden, the voices of "willing to be loyal to His Royal Highness!" and "willing to be loyal to His Royal Highness!" echoed continuously in the Summer Palace.

Even those Yuejunmen who came with Prince Junwu proudly puffed up their chests.

They are soldiers of His Royal Highness, and they feel honored at this moment.

Jun Wu raised his hand and made a gesture, and the soldiers of Qi State stopped.

Jun Wu said again: "The prince is not strong. If you want to follow me, the first vote is to go to Qi with me.

Ask Qi Huang Xingshi for his crimes.If it can't be done, or if it is violated, I will immediately deal with it by military law. "

This sentence was spoken so loudly that the more than 5 Qi soldiers were shocked.

Taking refuge in the Vietnamese army is actually treason.

Knowing that their lives were at stake, these Qi soldiers were naturally willing to swear allegiance to Yue.

But to take the country of Yue to attack their own motherland, this does not convince everyone.

Not only because of their allegiance to Emperor Qi, but more importantly, these Qi soldiers still have relatives in their hometown.

If they brought the Yue Kingdom back to the Qi Kingdom, then the Qi Emperor would be the first to take his own family members under the knife.

Based on this alone, it is impossible for anyone to agree without hesitation.

With a mocking smile on Jun Wu's face, he could clearly feel the mood of these Qi soldiers.

If these constrained soldiers are to attack their own motherland, they will definitely not succeed.

Why do you need to read the mind to understand the emotions of these soldiers.

Even Sha Xing, who was always standing behind Jun Wu, was sweating.

When the prince ordered himself to train these Qi soldiers, he felt that this was too unbelievable.

Not to mention training them to become soldiers who rebelled against their motherland.

Let alone how poor their aptitude is, it is extremely difficult to slash the sword at their past monarch.

When a soldier fights a war, the determination to win is extremely important.

How can the soldiers of Qi State regain their belief in victory after they defected?

But Killing Star didn't ask aloud.

Just because he trusts Prince Junwu.

Killing Star has encountered such a situation many times in the past.

Every time he doubted the prince's decision.

Until the facts shocked Sha Xing again and again.

The seemingly impossible decision, or the decision to seek a dead end, finally became the crown prince's certainty of victory.

Jun Wu smiled slightly, and said to the soldiers of Qi State who were full of hesitation: "The prince understands the worries in your hearts.

Emperor Qi is mean and ungrateful to you, so naturally you don't have any thoughts of loyalty to the emperor.

The ones who make you hesitate are naturally your family members in Qi. "

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of all the soldiers of Qi State became even more warm.

Who said that Prince Yue is a murderous demon without blinking an eye?
He is clearly a future Mingjun who can be sympathetic!
At this time, Jun Wu said again: "This prince does not accept people with two hearts.

If you are willing to serve the Yue State loyally, you can write a military order here.

And write down the names and residences of the family members in Qi.The prince will keep your family members safe and sound. "

Although Jun Wu's promise was far-fetched, it did not make the [-] Qi soldiers give up hesitation.

It's just an empty promise to say that writing down your name will keep your family safe.

No matter how brave the prince is, how can he protect the lives of so many people?
The soldiers of Qi State may be a little timid, but they are not stupid.

They weren't stupid enough to believe such promises that couldn't be kept.

Jun Wu smiled.

He suddenly pointed to a member of the Vietnamese army and said, "Get out."

Although this man is brave and solemn, he is just an ordinary soldier under Prince Yue's command.

Suddenly being called by Jun Wu, he was excited, and came to Jun Wu with mighty steps, and gave a military salute to Jun Wu.

Although he was extremely excited at the moment, he still showed the quality of a warrior after undergoing strict training.

Jun Wu nodded in satisfaction and said, "You are fine."

Then he said to the [-] Qi soldiers: "If any of you can injure this person, the crown prince will let him go back."

This remark caused an uproar.

The Yue prince can say such a thing in front of so many people, so naturally he can't break his promise.

This temptation is too great, and many people are eager to try it in their hearts.

It's just that this Yue soldier looks very heroic, maybe he is not the opponent.

Jun Wu once again ordered the elite soldiers of the Yue Kingdom: "Take off your armor, throw away your weapons, there is no need to dodge and fight back.

The prince will keep you safe. "

This remark caused even more detailed discussions among Qi soldiers.

If we fight alone with this Yue soldier, maybe the Qi soldiers have no chance of winning.

But if he really didn't wear armor and dodge to fight back as Prince Yue said, it would be like playing a wooden dummy.

If this still fails to injure the opponent, this is simply insulting them.

Under Jun Wu's order, the soldier put the machete in his hand aside without saying a word.

He quickly took off the soft armor on his body, revealing his naked upper body.

It was obvious that this person trusted Jun Wu extremely.

Since His Royal Highness said that he would not dodge or evade, please keep him safe.

Then he absolutely believes that the prince has this ability.

For these Yue soldiers who closely followed Junwu, the words of His Royal Highness are absolutely trustworthy.

As long as you bravely follow the instructions of His Royal Highness, you will never go wrong.

Jun Wu saw that he did so quickly, nodded and smiled again: "You are fine."

At this time, he looked at those Qi soldiers again and asked: "My heroes are already so brave.

Doesn't one of the Qi soldiers have the courage to stand up? "

This sentence is deliberately making the method of aggressiveness.

Sure enough, someone in the Qi army shouted, "I'm coming!"

Then one person pushed away the predecessor and came out.

This man is very tall, in his 20s, and he is a big man from Qi State.

He had a tense and solemn expression on his face, but he also bravely said: "The sinner Yan Mingxiu is willing to give it a try."

Jun Wu nodded and said, "Okay."

Yan Mingxiu bravely stepped forward.

He carefully looked at the soldier from the Yue Kingdom, and there was not much difference in stature between the two.

The elite soldiers of the Yue Kingdom looked solemn, and there were scars left by the bloody battle on their bodies.

Yan Mingxiu is also muscular, obviously he is also a small leader in Qi Bing.

I saw Yan Mingxiu squatting on a horse stance, his dantian sank, and he slapped the elite soldiers of the Yue Kingdom with his palm.

Yan Ming's martial arts is not weak, and he has 40 years of internal strength after many years of practice.

This slap hit the soldier of Yue State, only made him shake, but there was no other change.

At this time, Jun Wu's voice sounded again: "There is no need to use internal strength to resist."

After finishing speaking, he added to Yan Mingxiu: "You can use weapons."

(End of this chapter)

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