The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 192 I am the Nemesis

Chapter 192 I am the Nemesis

Hai Dagui was fighting with the soldiers who kept coming like waves.

Scenes from the past also surfaced in his mind.

At this time, Hai Dagui knew that as long as he could provoke Jun Wutong himself to make a move, he would be sure that this guy would be blown to death by the white light.

When he heard Jun Wu asking about his name, he felt complacent and said with a big smile, "If you don't want to change your name or your surname, our family is Haida, the director of Daqi Huanyi Bureau..."

In the middle of Hai Dagui's words, when he opened his mouth to the maximum, he suddenly felt something rushed into his mouth.

The thing was extremely sticky and slippery, and as soon as it got into his mouth, it slid down his throat and into his stomach.

Hai Dafu was startled, did he accidentally swallow some poison?

He looked at Prince Yue Junwu warily.

At this moment, Prince Yue had just put down his throwing hand, with a relaxed smile on his face.

It wasn't until this time that Hai Dagui knew that Jun Wu's question of his name was simply to induce him to speak.

When he declared himself the name "Hai Dagui", Jun Wu threw the things he had prepared into his mouth,
Hai Dagui didn't feel any abnormality in his body for a while, so he wanted to vomit out what he swallowed.

But suddenly he noticed a soft white light from the Tiangang Pearl on his chest.

Hai Dagui's mind kept buzzing.

But Jun Wu said loudly: "Everyone close their eyes!"

The soldiers who had long been accustomed to obeying orders closed their eyes without saying a word.

The next moment, a white light exploded from Hai Dagui's body.

The white light expanded infinitely in Hai Dagui's body, and finally stretched Hai Dagui's body to the limit, and it exploded.

The strong light turned the battlefield, which was originally daytime, into a pale white.

It wasn't until the light disappeared that everyone opened their eyes blankly.

The soldiers looked at where Hai Dagui was standing just now, and they saw the old eunuch's belly was blown open and a big hole was pierced.

This extremely difficult and extremely powerful guy died so bizarrely.

And the orb on his chest fell to the ground with such a roll, still reflecting a faint halo.

The scene just now was too terrifying. If His Royal Highness hadn't reminded them in time, they might have become blind.

Everyone just felt that their legs and feet were sore and weak.

At the same time, I don't know who said first: "Long live His Royal Highness!"

This call is actually beyond the rules and not in compliance with the rules.

But these soldiers are out of control.

More and more people followed the call and shouted.

"Long live His Royal Highness! Long live His Royal Highness!"

All of a sudden, this voice resounded throughout the wilderness.

Jun Wu looked at the corpse lying in the center of the sea rotation formation.

What he just found the opportunity to throw into Hai Dagui's mouth was absolutely unexpected by others.

It turned out that Junwu met eight thousand bandits in the valley that day.

In the end, these extremely weird bandits were finally turned into rotten water by Junwu's festering alien star.

But Jun Wu also noticed that some white mucus in the rotten water was still incompatible with the rotten water of flesh and blood.

Although Jun Wu didn't know what the white slime was, he took a bamboo tube to get some of the slime.

When I went to Qi country this time, everything was weird.

Jun Wu has always been a cautious person. Although he is not afraid of any conspiracy, he still wants to clarify all kinds of questions.

These bandits are so weird, maybe it has something to do with the white slime.

So when Jun Wu took the bamboo pipe and met Hai Dagui with the Tiangang Pearl again.

The idea immediately came to his mind.

The Tiangang Pearl can wipe out all evil spirits, and the white mucus in the bamboo tube is probably what the evil spirits left behind.

He first asked his troops to surround Hai Dagui with a large sea formation, but he never thought that he could really kill him with this formation.

No matter how powerful the Haixuan formation is, it is only a siege.

If Hai Dagui wants to escape, he only needs to use lightness kung fu.

The people who make up the Sea Xuan formation are all ordinary people, and no one can catch up to the masters who want to escape.

After Jun Wu used this array to numb Hai Dagui's vigilance, he lured him to speak.

He already knew his name and identity from Hai Dagui's consciousness.

Then lured him to open his mouth to report his name, and when he opened his mouth, Jun Wu slapped the bottom of the bamboo tube.

The white mucus rushed into Hai Dagui's mouth under the strong internal force.

It turned out that this white slime was actually the tiger spirit left behind by the tiger demon in order to control the bandits in Qingwazhai.

The ghosts of the tiger demon rely on these tiger spirits as a medium to possess themselves on the bandits.

Who would have expected that at this moment, when the tiger essence entered Hai Dagui's esophagus, it would activate the Tiangang Orb.

This Tiangang Baozhu cannot tolerate the slightest evil.

As soon as it sensed that there was a demon spirit nearby, it immediately activated itself.

The next moment, the tiger essence turned into white light and exploded in Hai Dagui's stomach.

By the way, the flesh and blood Hai Dagui was also blown up.

Who would have thought that Hai Dagui died on the secret treasure he relied on.

Sha Xing, who was sitting next to Jun Wu to rest, finally found his voice.

He stumbled and said, "I... my master was also killed by him!"

Jun Wu glanced at Sha Xing.

Sha Xing naturally didn't know that it was Jun Wu himself who really and completely killed his master Chong Xuande.

Sha Xing just remembered that when he was on Tianhua Mountain, his master was waiting for his ascension at the middle peak.

But after a flash of white light, there were continuous explosions of thunder.

When the master and apprentice arrived, the master had already disappeared.

The scene at that time is still fresh in my memory, and I have not forgotten it until today.

Although Sha Xing didn't look directly at the white light, the scene that was as bright as day and lasted for a long time was exactly the same as it was on Tianhua Mountain back then.

In the end, Sha Xing sighed, until today he was finally convinced that the master was dead at that time.

And the murderer should be this weird old eunuch.

Jun Wu has already sensed all kinds of thoughts in Sha Xing's mind.

But now he is not thinking about Chong Xuande's death.

Because at the last moment of Hai Dagui, all kinds of memories of the past also clearly entered Junwu's consciousness.

At this moment, his understanding of Tiangang Orb has gone a step further.

The more he understands Tiangang Orb, the more he knows that this Orb is his nemesis.

Although Hai Dagui, who was holding the Tiangang Orb, was backlashed by his own scheme.

But if the Tiangang orb is not destroyed, there is no guarantee that the next person will not use this orb to fight against him.

You can defend once, but you may not be able to prevent the next time.

But if he is completely destroyed...

Jun Wu knew that this Tiangang Orb was not only his nemesis, but also the nemesis of all the monsters in the Hundred Thousand Trees Sea.

It is precisely because of the restraint of this bead that the demon dare not leave the Sea of ​​Thousand Trees.

Destroying the Tiangang Orb is tantamount to making the demons have no nemesis, and they can even come out of the sea of ​​trees and come back to the world.

Suddenly, Jun Wu picked up a spear from his side and aimed it at the Tiangang Orb.

The spear flashed across the crowd like a white light.

A little later, the Tiangang Orb was shattered by a huge force and turned into a piece of powder.

The pearl powder was swept up by the strong wind, scattered in the air and disappeared completely.

Jun Wu calmly watched the Tiangang Orb completely shattered.

In the end, he suddenly looked up to the sky and said, "From now on, I, Jun Wu, will be the nemesis of all monsters!"

(End of this chapter)

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