The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 196 Interruption

Chapter 196 Interruption
In the small teahouse, the idlers who had gathered to confront Suan Confucianism completely fell silent when they heard the voices from the street.

Until someone said in a trembling voice: "It is the ghost of the old emperor who has come to us!"

After hearing this sentence, everyone felt a chill run down their backs in broad daylight.

Only the sour scholar laughed and said, "What kind of ghost can't be a ghost, it's really funny!"

As he spoke, he put his hands behind his back and strode out of the teahouse.

While walking, he yelled loudly: "You don't talk, you're in a state of confusion, I'm going to have a look!"

Everyone looked at the scholar's back, hesitating.

Although afraid of ghosts, everyone wants to see the excitement.

Only Dr. Tea yelled loudly behind the scholar: "You killed a thousand dollars! You drank a pot of tea for nothing, and even smashed a cup! Run away if you don't pay!"

This voice finally made all the idlers laugh, and the previous fear slowly dissipated.

Then some people had the courage to follow, also wanting to see the excitement.

This is considered a lot of courage, and in an instant, all the people in the teahouse were walking towards the county government office in groups.

Even Jun Wu followed, wanting to see what kind of person could kill the magistrate in broad daylight.

When they arrived at the gate of the county government office, they found that the place had long been crowded with people.

I can only hear from the people in the front row: the county magistrate was originally trying the case.

In the yamen, the plaintiffs, defendants, masters, lawyers, and yamen servants either stood or kneeled to occupy the entire room.

The magistrate of the county had just knocked on the gavel, and was in a hurry to scold people before he came.

All of a sudden, everyone felt their faces became hot, and there was blood spurting on everyone.

Looking at Master Shixian's body, there is no head on top of it.

And his body in official uniform was splashed with blood, and slowly fell to the ground.

This time, no one in the yamen can handle the trial anymore.

Someone fell to the ground, and someone screamed and ran out of the Yamen.

Only one thing is certain.

The county magistrate suddenly lost his head in front of everyone.

There was no sign, and no one was seen approaching to do it.

It was rumored that this was the ghost of the old emperor of the previous dynasty.

It is said that during this period of time, many officials in Jiaping Road have suddenly died in full view.

The way to die is to suddenly lose the head.

Many people rumored that this was because the old emperor was angry that these officials had defected and defected to the new emperor.

This turned into a ghost to take people's lives.

The people in the front were all shouting, and there was chaos around the county office.

But Jun Wu's sharp eyes kept observing his surroundings.

Suddenly, he noticed a trace of disorder on the roof of the county government office.

He looked sharply in that direction, but saw a gray figure.

Without saying a word, Jun Wu hurriedly chased after the figure.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he started to move, he felt that someone was pulling his sleeve tightly.

There was a touch of anger in Jun Wu's eyes, and he looked at the person who dared to pull him.

But it turned out to be the sour scholar who fought alone in the teahouse.

Although the scholar was fair-looking, his eyes were deeply sunken and looked tired.

He pulled Jun Wu's sleeve and said: "You strong man, you didn't say a word in the tea room just now.

Don't you agree with what those idlers said just now? "

Jun Wu inferred from this person's aura, knowing that although he is a martial arts practitioner, his internal strength has just passed a hundred years.

The strength of this scholar is not worth mentioning in front of him.

He flicked his sleeves to break free from the scholar's hand, and chased in the direction of the gray shadow without answering the scholar's question.

When he looked up again, the gray shadow had disappeared.

Jun Wu already knew in his heart that the scholar might have noticed the gray shadow, so he intentionally interfered with him.

At this moment, what Jun Wu cares most about is the gray shadow.

He dared to murder the officials of Dayue Kingdom in Jiaping Road, and his intention was nothing more than to make the whole Jiaping Taoist panic.

Thus shaking the rule of Dayue State in Jiaping Road.

Such people have to be eliminated.

Jun Wu also didn't have time to take care of the scholar with only 100 years of internal strength.

He jumped up in front of everyone, looking around like an eagle.

Everyone in the county town had also heard many stories about martial arts masters, and when they suddenly saw the truth, they all cheered with a "huh".

How amazing is Jun Wu's eyesight?
He immediately noticed a gray shadow in the distance and rushed out of the city as if desperately.

Looking at the distance of the gray shadow, Jun Wu couldn't help thinking in his heart: This man in gray has really good lightness kung fu.

From the time he noticed the gray shadow to being interrupted by the scholar, it was only a moment.

Unexpectedly, the gray shadow has already run so far.

But no matter how fast Huiying's qinggong is, how could it be faster than Junwu?

His lightness kung fu was already the strongest in the world, and after he got the alien star of the gods, even Chong Xuande, whose internal strength was also 5000 years old, could not catch up with him.

Seeing that the gray shadow was far away, Jun Wu had already arrived behind him in a few quick dashes.

Suddenly hearing the sound of breaking wind behind him, the gray figure was obviously panicked.

His body trembled, and he sprinted forward again.

But when Jun Wu raised his hand, a strong internal force shot out in the direction of Huiying.

The gray shadow was hit by the internal force and bounced to the ground.

How terrifying Jun Wu's internal strength is, even the second best expert in the world like Sha Xing would vomit blood and die after eating Jun Wu's palm.

But the gray shadow managed to get up from the ground again, and continued to stagger forward.

Jun Wu was shocked.

Sure enough, the world has become different since he shattered the Tiangang Orb.

Jun Wu wanted to chase after him, but suddenly a person rushed out from the slanting stab and rushed to Jun Wu.

This man was wearing a scribe's gown, his eyes were sunken as if he hadn't slept enough for years.

It turned out to be the scholar who was just thrown away by Jun Wu with a flick of his sleeve.

Who would have thought that he would grab Jun Wu's head again.

At this time, Jun Wu looked at the scholar with thunderous anger in his eyes.

The murderous aura suddenly spread from his body.

He originally thought that this scholar was just an ordinary person who had just entered the divine realm.

Jun Wu doesn't need to be familiar with such a person.

But now that the scholar can suddenly appear in front of him, it can be seen that at least Qinggong is not inferior to him.

Such a person must be killed immediately!
Jun Wu didn't wait for the scholar to say anything.

He gathered all the internal energy in his body and burst out, blasting towards the scholar.

With 5000 years of internal strength, perhaps only Xia Zi's palace has been seen before.

Although it is in mid-air now, this powerful internal force still makes a piercing crackling sound as if it is about to tear apart the void.

The powerful internal force almost destroyed all the higher objects in front.

Several hundred-year-old trees collapsed.A tower was also instantly shaken into rubble, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

When Jun Wu saw it, the scholar really turned into a corpse that fell on the ground.
The body was rotten into residue, and the hardest skull could barely be seen.

The appearance is exactly that of a scholar.

Jun Wu felt weird, this scholar was so good at lightness kung fu, yet so bad at martial arts.

But when he raised his head again, the gray shadow that was chasing him before had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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