Chapter 208
Since Jun Wu shattered the Tiangang Orb, he has become fully prepared.

In addition to obtaining all the power of the Heaven's Punishment Orb in Jiapingdao, he also knew the secrets of the Heaven's Grace Orb and the Alien Star.

After that, Jun Wu specially asked Qi Guoping, the commander of the Jinpaowei, to come and answer, and he was convinced that there has not been a large number of monster invasions in the world today.

It seems that although the Tiangang Orb was destroyed, the Yaozu didn't get the news in time.

Then he asked Sha Xing to lead the army of the Yue Kingdom. Once a large number of monsters invaded, he could directly send troops to crusade under the order of the prince.

After making these preparations, Jun Wu decided to go to the Sea of ​​Thousand Trees alone.

This monster race has been multiplying in the sea of ​​[-] trees for nearly a thousand years.

What is the size and strength of the Yaozu now?

And the demonic aura in the sea of ​​[-] trees is so high that even the second best killer in the world can't stay in it for long.

Only Jun Wu, who is always protected by the God's Blessing Orb, can go alone.

The most important thing is that after Jun Wu absorbed all the energy of the Heaven's Punishment Orb, there were two more holes on his body that could not be observed.

According to the prompts of the system, one of these two apertures is called Yao Yuan, and the other is called Soul Power.

The two acupoints are now empty.

Can they also be filled with supreme power like Junwu's dantian?

Everything may only be found in the sea of ​​​​hundred thousand trees to find the answer.

The Hundred Thousand Sea of ​​Trees is located in an extremely remote place.

It turns out that the most southwestern country in China is South Korea.

But the Sea of ​​Thousand Trees is even further to the southwest in South Korea.

It is naturally full of trees, and the area is as wide as the sea.

Ordinary people only need to go deep into it for a mile and they will never come out again.

Is there a world after the sea of ​​trees?No one can tell.

But Jun Wu knew that the demon clan in the world was driven into the sea of ​​​​hundred thousand trees by the first summer son Xia Yu 2000 years ago, and never dared to come out again.

Jun Wu acted alone this time, not even alarming Han Huang and Prince Han.

He just traveled lightly and rode a fast horse to the southwestern border of South Korea.

Further on is the sea of ​​[-] trees that Korean people dare not set foot in.

Even the BMW that Jun Wu was riding neighed again and again, and he stood up and dared not move forward.

In fact, Jun Wu can also feel that there is already a monster lingering around the sea of ​​trees.

Be it the horses or the common people, it was all because of the oppression of the evil spirit and the unbearable pain on their bodies that they couldn't move forward.

Only Jun Wu can feel the evil spirit, but he doesn't feel the pain.

Even as he kept getting closer to the sea of ​​trees, he could even feel that this layer of monster energy was pouring into one of his own apertures—the monster essence.

Although the monster energy is too weak, if you want to rely on the monster energy to flow in naturally, perhaps tens of millions of years will not be able to fill the monster energy.

When Jun Wu was able to see the dark sea of ​​trees with his eyes the day before yesterday, the people in South Korea refused to lead the way.

No matter how much money Jun Wu gave them, no one dared to take another step.

Some people even kindly persuaded Junwu not to go to the sea of ​​trees to seek death.

No one in this world who dares to approach the sea of ​​trees can survive
came out.

Seeing Jun Wu's determination to go, those simple people have already regarded Jun Wu as a dying person.

In addition to the pity in his eyes, he also took out the best meal.

In fact, in their hearts, this might be the last full meal for this handsome man.

After Jun Wu bid farewell to these people, he finally gave up his horses, and finally walked into the sea of ​​trees covering the sky and the sun alone.

As soon as he entered the sea of ​​trees, the evil spirit around him became more intense.

And the monster energy flowing into Junwu Yaoyuan is also much faster than before.

When Jun Wu entered the sea of ​​trees this time, he first had to figure out the scale of the monster clan in the sea of ​​trees.

The so-called knowing yourself and knowing the enemy will never end in a hundred battles. If you can find out the scale of the Yaozu, Jun Wu can also make a decision.

After he entered the sea of ​​trees, he instinctively walked in the direction where the evil spirit was stronger.

The trees in the sea of ​​trees are towering, each of which is more than 20 feet high.They are densely crowded together, and the sun cannot be seen under the cover of leaves.

Visible only if the rot grass glows.

There is no distinction between night and day here, and there is no song of insects or birds.

Jun Wu walked for a long time without seeing even a small animal.

Only the sound of thick air flow echoed around.

Suddenly Jun Wu heard the sound of fighting through the air in front of him.

Jun Wu hid his figure, but moved towards the direction of the sound at an extremely fast speed.

His own lightness kung fu has reached the state of perfection, and there are so many shelters in the sea of ​​trees.

Jun Wu's body was as fast as a fish swimming into the sea, and he kept shuttling among the shadows of the trees.

Every time the fallen leaves fall, it is the time for Jun Wu to take a breath.

With his vigilance and lightness skills, no one in the world can detect Jun Wu's trace.

When he got close to the source of the sound, he stopped moving forward.

Fortunately, Junwu's eyesight is excellent, even with the rotten grass glowing, he can see clearly what is in front of him.

It turned out that ten feet away in front of him, there were actually two things fighting desperately.

One of the two looks like a human being, wearing clothes made of silvery white bark.

Deep eyes, no nose, some tiny scales on the skin.

The other was a total bug.

He has a pair of huge red and green compound eyes on his head, and a pair of tentacles growing on it.

Waving two pairs of transparent wings, the whole body is fluffy and covered with bristles.

The six pairs of long legs are distinct, with barbs on the ends of the feet.

Every time it flaps its wings, there will be a fishy wind.

Although the big flying insect looks similar to ordinary insects in the world, it is extremely huge, even bigger than a man.

Although the two are fighting, their actions are entirely based on their nature.

There are no martial arts moves to follow like martial arts fighting in the world.

Even so, the fight between the two is still extremely fierce.

The white scaled creature has all hands and feet, except for some differences in appearance and human beings, its behavior is no different from that of ordinary people.

It's just that he obviously can't fight against the big flying insect on the opposite side.

Not long after the two fought, the white-scaled human-shaped thing was scratched by the long legs of the big flying insect, and the pale skin was stained with red blood.

The big flying insect was extremely aggressive.

Taking advantage of its six pairs of sharp long legs and wings that can fly in mid-air, it repeatedly attacked the white-scaled humanoid thing.

In the end, the white-scaled human-shaped thing couldn't stand the onslaught and fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

The big flying insect immediately pounced on the white-scaled humanoid body.

Under the compound eyes, a pair of sharp mouthparts were inserted into the lower abdomen of the white-scaled humanoid.

Then the big flying insect seemed to be sucking something, its body trembling comfortably.

The white-scaled humanoid struggled a few times before finally not moving.

His own skin was as white as paper, with a faint radiance.

Now it is as white as ashes, obviously losing all vitality in an instant.

Jun Wu was more than ten feet away, and he could clearly see the fighting between the two.

He couldn't help marveling in his heart that although the two fights have no rules to follow, they are still considered powerful.

If it is in the human world, it is comparable to a person with a hundred years of internal strength.

At this time, the big flying insect got up from the white-scaled walking thing and flapped its wings comfortably.

Suddenly its big head turned to Junwu's direction.

A pair of huge red and green compound eyes turned around a few times, and suddenly stared at Jun Wu's direction.

Then it flapped its wings and flew towards Junwu.

(End of this chapter)

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