Chapter 224
Jun Wu grabbed Ling Yuan's fist with one hand.

This spirit ape was also stubborn, he repeatedly charged, trying to get his fist out.

But how can he beat Junwu?

Lingyuan only felt that his fist was about to be forcibly crushed by his opponent.

The bone-piercing pain was unbearable.

At this time, Jun Wu suddenly raised his arm.

The whole body of the spirit ape flew backwards.

Then it hit the stone wall heavily.

This collision made Spirit Ape feel his brain buzzing.

My whole body hurts like it's about to burst.

He, a demon clan with a thousand-year demon energy, was thrown against the wall by a guy with a 300-year demon energy.

It's like throwing a rag.

Even if it wasn't for the tumbling sound in the spirit ape's head at this moment, he couldn't figure out such a thing.

He managed to calm his breath, and then asked Jun Wu, "Your Excellency, are you using black magic?"

There are some big monster clans in the middle of the Sea of ​​Thousand Trees, and there are sorcery or blindfolds passed down from generation to generation.

It's just that these sorceries are all created from their animal instincts, and other races can't learn them by stealing them.

For example, the fox clan is born with the ability to charm.

The Tiger Clan can transform human souls into ghosts.

As for what kind of sorcery this guy in front of him is using, Spirit Ape really can't guess.

At this time, Wu Neng, who was still sitting in the cage, stood up excitedly.

He grabbed the railing with both hands and laughed loudly: "Idiot. It's a sorcery to get so acquainted.

You deserve it because you can't see the general trend clearly! "

Jun Wu threw the spirit ape to the ground so badly that Wu Neng felt as if he had thrown the spirit ape to the ground to relieve his anger.

Even the humiliation of being locked in a cage has been completely washed away.

On the other side, Spirit Ape managed to get up, his eyes were burning with anger.

Everything today is a long-planned plan.

Originally, everything was going step by step, but I didn't expect that there would be a stubble.

But if he can't absorb all the monster spirits of all the monster clans in the stone room today, then everything he has done will be shattered.

Spirit Ape was furious in his heart: "Damn it!"

Although all the viscera were moved after being hit just now, the spirit ape rushed towards Junwu again.

But this time, the spirit ape was extra careful, staring at each other closely, for fear that there would be some kind of sorcery again.

But the next moment, he was thrown out again by Jun Wu.

This impact was even more violent, and the entire stone room shook uncontrollably, as if it was about to collapse.

The back of the spirit ape seemed to be broken, and it was difficult to move when it fell to the ground.

In this stone room, all the paralyzed monsters were secretly delighted.

Just now, the spirit ape wanted to kill them all to absorb the demon essence.

Now it has become a sandbag and is generally powerless to fight back.

Maybe they can escape from death this time.

All this is because of the handsome man who suddenly appeared.

No one could guess what his origin was.

Maybe it's the powerhouse of the central clan?
Maybe it's the demon emperor's men?

In short, they have never seen such a powerful monster race.

Only Wu Neng, who was locked in the cage, changed from being excited to being a little puzzled.

He looked at Jun Wu with both eyes, and doubts arose in his heart.

In the past, no matter what monsters Jun Wu saw, he would be smashed into coke by a thunderbolt.

No more nonsense.

Now throwing the spirit ape with the thousand-year-old demon energy like a ball, although it is also incomparably powerful.

However, it is much different from the behavior of the patriarch in the past.

What's even weirder is that, relying on the patriarch's ability, he didn't kill the spirit ape twice, which is so unusual.

Wu Neng's eyes rolled around Jun Wu and Ling Yuan's body.

Can't understand the reason for this.

Seeing that the spirit ape was thrown to the ground more and more badly every time, he didn't even vent his anger.

And Jun Wu's expression is still so calm and composed, as if everything is in his calculations.

At this time Wu Neng smiled instead.

He knew the patriarch.

Why do you have to be smart and worry about it?

Wu Neng simply sat on the ground - the patriarch must have his own plan, his Wu Neng only needs to be amazed and praised.

Wu Neng was not wrong.

If Jun Wu wants to kill the spirit ape, he only needs to use the power of heaven's punishment.

A lightning strike can make this place completely clean.

But he deliberately didn't use Heaven's Punishment for two reasons.

It is still unclear how many powerful monster races there are in this sea of ​​[-] trees.

But what Jun Wu conspired was really too big.

Either let all the monsters completely submit to themselves, or completely eliminate all the monsters without leaving any future troubles.

Before that day comes, he needs to completely hide his identity as a non-demon.

At the same time, sufficient support is needed.

And the spirit ape in front of him is both courageous and ambitious, and it is the monster clan that Jun Wu can subdue.

Now he beats the spirit ape repeatedly, just like playing with prey.

This is his last wildness in killing the spirit ape.

Until he completely lost confidence.

Jun Wu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, he knew it was coming soon.

Sure enough, when he smashed the spirit ape on the stone wall again.

The dust on the earth-shaking stone chamber kept rinsing and falling, floating above the mouth, nose, and eyelashes of the monster race on the ground.

It's a pity that they didn't even have the strength to raise their hands, so they could only let the stone powder wreak havoc on their faces.

This fall was still just right.

Although Spirit Ape knew that he was unable to stand up, but fortunately he still had a breath.

At this time, he had fully understood that it was not some sorcery that defeated him, but his real strength.

The guy who keeps throwing him out is far stronger than himself who has absorbed the thousand-year demon energy.

"Can't win..."

A voice sounded in the heart of the spirit ape.This made his eyes grow darker and darker.

This time the spirit ape didn't get up again, he just lay on the ground like this, his heart was full of obscurity.

But there was a voice in his ear.

"Obey me. Get out of this little place."

Spirit Ape raised his head with difficulty, and looked at that "the most powerful person in the sky and the earth" in disbelief.

I heard him say: "Your wish can only be fulfilled if you obey me."

The heart of the spirit ape couldn't stop beating wildly.

At this time, he remembered the scene when he captured Zhu Yaowu Neng.

The pig demon who was a prisoner at that time was still full of arrogance.

He even said that if he followed him, he would never be able to fulfill his great wish of leaving the Sea of ​​Thousand Trees.

It was for this reason that Spirit Ape wanted to keep him until the last one.

Let this stupid pig demon know that he missed his opportunity.

In the end, the pig demon should be turned into a ball of demon essence in despair.

Now the spirit ape knows that the stupid one is actually himself.

Trying to rise from Dongzhou in vain, and finally get out of this dark place.

Such an ambition cannot be accomplished by oneself.

But he never expected that the guy who repeatedly beat and grinded himself would say such a thing.

Does he really know what his heart longs for?
The dim eyes suddenly regained a gleam of light.

The spirit ape was lying on the cold ground, raised his head with difficulty, and looked at this tall, stern and cold person.

At this time, I heard him say: "Obey me, kneel down and swear!"

(End of this chapter)

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