Chapter 234 Plan B
One Hundred Thousand Tree Sea, Central Continent, Ten Thousand Monster Hall.

Central Continent may be the largest piece of flat land in the entire sea of ​​[-] trees.

It is covered by a huge stone shell, so no trees can grow on the ground.

It's just that the top of the dome is still covered by the branches that have grown over time, and the stars cannot be seen.

The Wan Yao Temple is built on top of the stone shell, and it is the largest building in the sea of ​​[-] trees.

No matter how huge the monster race is, they will only feel their own insignificance in this hall of ten thousand monsters.

At this moment, there are only three demon clans in the Wan Yao Temple.

A burly black figure was kneeling on the ground, his head had been bald long ago, and he had a bitter look on his face.

Standing beside him was a bald monster.

This Yaozu is obviously not young, and his face is full of wrinkles.

It's just that there are no traces of beasts on his body.

Obviously, he should have been born into a large clan in Central Continent to have such an appearance.

In the fringe areas like Dongzhou, even the transformed monsters still bear the shadow of the prototype to some extent.

It's just because most of them are the first generation of monsters, who just came out of the shape of beasts.

And the monster clans in Central Continent are often born from the intermarriage of several generations of monster clans.

Over time, it becomes difficult to find the shadow of the prototype.

The bald man had a complex expression on his face at the moment.

On the one hand, he was full of contempt for the bitter-looking burly man kneeling beside him, and couldn't help showing it.

On the one hand, it is necessary to show a respectful demeanor.

Because at this moment the master of the entire demon clan—the demon emperor is sitting on a high throne.

The interior of Wan Yao Hall was extremely dark, and there were a few candles in front of it, casting dim shadows in the center of the hall.

People can clearly see the face and figure of the burly man and the bald old man.

As for the Demon Emperor sitting on the throne, he was completely plunged into darkness.

Except for a pair of bright blood-red eyes, everything else is vaguely visible.

But judging from the position of those red eyes, the Demon Emperor must be extremely tall!
At this time, the Demon Emperor was silent for a long time, and finally said: "So now there are no more powerful snake clans in the entire sea of ​​[-] trees."

This sentence is not a question.

Because the Demon Emperor can always perceive the power and orientation of all the monster races in the entire sea of ​​trees.

The burly, bitter-looking man lowered his head.

But the bald old man standing next to him felt a little pleasure in his heart: entrusting such an important matter to a bastard like Sha Shu.It should have been expected to end like this.

Shashu is exactly the name of this burly man.

The Demon Emperor sighed, and said to Sha: "This is the end of the matter. You go to the water prison to receive the punishment."

Sha Shu was taken aback for a moment, and could only bow his head in agreement.

His face was originally full of bitterness, but now it is more like a blown out lamp, without brilliance.

For the Yaozu, they would rather die than enter the water prison.

The Sea of ​​Hundred Thousand Trees was originally a cold and damp place.

And the water dungeon is more like a suffocating hell, which makes the Yaozu feel miserable.

But Sha Shu did not resist.

He seemed to accept this fate very quickly, and left the Wan Yao Temple backwards.

The Yaohuang watched Sha Shu leave with his blood-red eyes.

In his heart, there was faint anger rising.

From the moment he suddenly woke up, the Demon Emperor realized that the world must have changed!
In the Sea of ​​Thousands of Trees, although it has been thousands of years, the monster race has long been a monster.

The monster races he was familiar with had all disappeared.

And many new powerhouses were born in the sea of ​​[-] trees.

But just like a thousand years ago, all the monster clans live under the pressure of the monster emperor.

The Demon King can easily feel the breath of all the demon clans.

And among all the monster races he could perceive, there was nothing that could kill the King Snake and the giant python with lightning strikes.

Perhaps Sha Shu was lying to himself, but the snake king and the giant python were indeed dead.

The two demons completely disappeared from the consciousness of the Demon Emperor like a lamp being extinguished.

For the time being, the Yaohuang couldn't tell whether Sha Shu was lying or not.

This question can only be put aside.

Now that there is no powerful snake clan demon element in the sea of ​​[-] trees, it is even more impossible to repair the damaged demon element.

The Demon Emperor was silent.

Originally, he was not of the same kind as the Snake Clan.Reluctantly wanting to rely on the monster element of the snake clan to repair itself may not be successful from the beginning.

So is there another way?
The Demon Emperor thought silently in his heart.

The time dragged on extremely long.

Changdi made the bald old man who was always standing in the center of the Wan Yao Temple doubt: Has the Demon Emperor fallen into a deep sleep again?
The bald old man's legs were numb, and he couldn't bear it anymore, so he turned his ankle quietly.

This slight movement finally woke up the demon emperor.

He let out a sigh, and said to the bald old man: "The prime minister of the Wan Yao Palace is returning home."

The bald old man immediately bent down to salute, and respectfully said to the Demon Emperor: "The minister is here."

The demon emperor sneered.

This year of return was not sealed by myself when I was sober.

When he woke up again, Gui Nian had already been the Chancellor of Wan Yao Dian for decades.

The Demon Emperor has never regarded him as a confidant.

But Gui Nian is the closest demon clan to the Demon Emperor.

At this time, the Demon Emperor said: "Beyond the sea of ​​[-] trees, what is it like now?"

Returning to the year was taken aback.

How could he know what it looked like beyond the sea of ​​[-] trees?
Ever since the Demon Emperor was defeated by the Human Emperor Xia Yu and forcibly robbed half of the Yao Yuan.

The entire demon clan followed the demon emperor and moved into the Sea of ​​Thousand Trees to survive.

Afterwards, because the Demon King lost half of his demon energy, he finally fell into a deep sleep.

Time flies, just when all the monster races thought they would live forever in the sea of ​​trees.

The demon emperor will never wake up, and the demon clan has gradually become accustomed to the life of the jungle and the unrestrained life.

Who knew that the Demon Emperor suddenly woke up.

Before the Demon Emperor woke up, he was the center of power in Central Continent.

He is in charge of the seal that originally belonged to the Demon Emperor, and he lives a happy life.

But unexpectedly, the Demon Emperor finally woke up.

The Demon Emperor possesses his coercion, and he can manipulate and drive the demon clan without any seal.

In this way, his Prime Minister of the Ten Thousand Monsters Hall really became a display.

The good days that belong to the year of returning home have just begun and ended soon.

Just like the Demon Emperor doesn't trust Returning Nian.

Returning to the year doesn't like the demon emperor waking up.

It's just that he knows that in the eyes of the Demon Emperor, his power is not even an ant.

Therefore, if you don't want the Demon Emperor to wake up in Gui Nian, you can only pay him 12 points of respect.

As for the question asked by the Demon Emperor, Gui Nian only planned to say some plausible words to cover it up.

Seeing him salute respectfully to the Demon Emperor, he said: "Beyond the sea of ​​[-] trees, it is as unchanged as it was a thousand years ago."

The Demon Emperor snorted coldly.

Beyond the sea of ​​[-] trees, something must have happened!
Otherwise he won't wake up.

But if you want to leave the sea of ​​trees and go out to check, then no monster race dares to try it easily.

Even he, the Demon Emperor, would not dare.

That's why he wanted to collect the snake demon's demon energy, trying to make up for his lost demon energy.

If his Yaoyuan is repaired, there may be a possibility of leaving the Hundred Thousand Trees Sea for a try.

But who would have guessed that in such a huge sea of ​​trees, there is not even a snake clan that can be seen.

The Demon Emperor had to find another way.

In the end, the Demon Emperor spoke to Gui Nian and said, "You immediately select a demon clan and leave the Sea of ​​Hundred Thousand Trees to investigate outside."

Returning to the year was taken aback.

Isn't this asking him to choose the monster clan who died in vain?

Gui Nian was just about to try to say something.

But the Demon Emperor said in an unquestionable tone: "If you can't find it, you can go!"

(End of this chapter)

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