The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 240 Betrayed the Monster Race

Chapter 240 Betrayed the Monster Race
After Sha Shu worshiped under Junwu's family.

This line of team actually reached one person and three monsters.

Sha Shu dedicates his loyalty to Jun Wu, and Jun Wu doesn't need to worry about having his eyeliner around him all the time.

They immediately headed east without looking back.

Although the three demons Wu Neng, Ling Yuan and Sha Shu have different temperaments, they are all excited at the moment.

They don't know where the trust comes from. In short, Jun Wu said that he can take them out of the sea of ​​trees, and he will definitely be able to!
It took several days for the three monsters to finally reach the eastern edge.

This was once the place where Junwu entered the sea of ​​trees.

It's been a few months since I'm here again.

Jun Wu sighed in his heart, although he left the sea of ​​trees.

But his mission in the sea of ​​trees is not over.

Here, he still needs to come back.

It's just that when the team came to the edge of the sea of ​​trees, the movements of the three monsters slowed down.

Jun Wu knew what they were thinking.

For these monster races, "You can't leave the sea of ​​trees, or you will explode and die" is the advice engraved in the blood.

No matter how much they trust Junwu, they will always be worried if they want to step out of the sea of ​​trees.

Jun Wu didn't blame them either, he just stepped out from the last layer of woods generously.

The outside sun shone on Jun Wu's body, as if it had been coated with a layer of golden light.

The three demons were a little stunned, and even suspected that the master was not a demon clan but a god in the sky.

The three demons hid behind the trees and saw Jun Wu intact.

Finally, Lingyuan boldly walked out.

He looked like he was going to die, and his steps were extremely heavy.

The last foot is about to step into the long grass outside the woods, and the knee is already weak.

But when his feet finally stood in the long grass, the spirit ape with his eyes closed never felt the pain of exploding to death.

At this time, he opened his eyes, and the smile on his face that had always looked a little bit sinister was a little silly at the moment.

He looked up at the sky, and there was no dark dome, but a round of daylight hanging in the sky.

Take a deep breath, the air does not smell of rotten grass, but it is refreshing and fresh!
The world is surprisingly good!
Wu Neng, who saw all this in his eyes, couldn't hold back anymore, and ran out quickly.

He was giggling, his fat body somersaulted on the grass.

Wu Neng scolded with a smile: "His grandma's! It's so nice outside!"

The last one is the sand count.

He followed Jun Wu for the shortest time, so the shock at this moment is also the deepest.

Although he swore allegiance to Junwu, who would not be excited to see that what Junwu promised himself would become true?
Sha Shu stepped out of the sea of ​​trees step by step, and his feet finally stepped on the soft meadow.

Then his frozen heart seemed to disintegrate piece by piece.

Looking back, the sea of ​​trees was still dark and gloomy.

It was like a memory that could be discarded. Although it was still behind him, it finally couldn't affect him anymore.

Jun Wu let the three monsters vent for a while.

It's just that the three demons express happiness in different ways.

Some wanted to do somersault three times, while others laughed out loud.

Some just don't show bitterness anymore.

Then Jun Wu said solemnly to the three monsters: "Kneel down and listen to my admonition!"

Seeing Jun Wu's sudden serious face, the three demons knelt down in front of Jun Wu hastily.

Jun Wu saw that the three monsters had put away their mischievous and careless thoughts, so he said seriously: "Since you leave the sea of ​​trees today, you must promise me three things."

The three demons said in unison: "Master, please say, we will never disobey!"

Jun Wu nodded and said: "Since I have left the sea of ​​trees, I will not hide it anymore.

I am not a monster, but a human. "

After hearing this, the three demons thought to themselves: "It really is so!"

Master looks so handsome.It has never been seen among the monster race.

Every monster clan who saw Jun Wu for the first time suspected that he came from the world.

If it weren't for the strong monster aura in the Sea of ​​Hundred Thousand Trees, human beings could not survive, maybe there would have been monster races to test it long ago.

Now that he heard Jun Wu's confession, he no longer has any doubts.

As for why Master, as a human being, was able to go deep into Zhongzhou in the sea of ​​trees?

Junwu can attract thunder and lightning, heal wounds, kill demons invisible, and turn demon corpses into blood.

What's so strange about being able to come to the center of the sea of ​​trees?

Jun Wu went on to say: "The reason why the Demon Emperor sent me to the Central Plains is because he also realized that the world outside the sea of ​​trees might have changed.

The Demon Emperor expected nothing wrong.In this Central Plains, there is no magic weapon against the monster race anymore.

Not only the three of you, but all the monster races in the sea of ​​trees came to the Central Plains, and there is no longer any danger. "

After finishing speaking, Jun Wu looked at the three monsters with sharp eyes.

Sure enough, the faces of the three monsters showed shocking expressions.

The connotation in Jun Wu's words is really too heavy.

So much so that the three demons couldn't understand the consequences of these words for a while.

Jun Wu continued: "As you expected, if the monsters discover the mystery, then the world will lose its protection. It will be the paradise of the monsters and the hell on earth.

It is precisely because of this that the Demon Emperor wants to find a demon clan to come to the Central Plains, but I have to volunteer.

Because the consequences would be unimaginable for any Yaozu to discover the secret. "

Jun Wu carefully checked the expressions of the three demons, and then said: "Now you already know this big secret.

What are your plans now? "

The three demons immediately rushed to swear:
"I have already sworn allegiance to Master, and I will do what Master says."

"It goes without saying. Monster races and human races are the same to me. I only accept Master's orders!"

"...I am half demon, half demon blood and one human blood. No matter which party Master wants me to get close to, I will do so."

Jun Wu knew that what they said was indeed the same as what they thought in their hearts.

If anyone has a different heart at this moment, he would have already become the dead soul of Jun Wu's subordinates.

Then Jun Wu continued: "Since I am a human race, I want you to swear that you will never do anything to innocent humans from now on. If you break this oath, I will kill you!"

The three demons immediately made their oaths with serious faces.

Jun Wu nodded, and continued: "Humans, like monsters, have good hearts and evil hearts. If there are people who do evil to harm you, you don't need to be polite to your teacher."

After hearing this, the three monsters all smiled to varying degrees.

Obviously, in Master's mind, the Three Demons are more important.

Then Jun Wu said again: "There is a second oath, that is, you must not reveal the true situation outside the Central Plains to any monster race.

If you accidentally say something, no matter whether the monster is innocent or not, you need to kill it immediately! "

The three demons were startled, and quickly swore to promise, secretly vigilant that they couldn't accidentally say something wrong.

Then Jun Wu finally said: "The third oath is to completely let go of the monster clan status after following me.

From now on, no matter how the entire monster clan falls into the sea of ​​fire and purgatory, they will not have any objections! "

(End of this chapter)

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