The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 243 The Heel Land

Chapter 243 The Heel Land
Jun Wu looked at the smiling woman who walked out from behind Prince Han Yunhe.

It was also rare for him to show a warm face and said: "So it's Miss Shangguan."

Jun Wu always shows a cold face when dealing with enemies, and it is rare for him to appear calm and kind on weekdays.

This Shangguan girl is the current leader of the Yinyuan Gang, Shangguan Wan'er.

She is also an assistant of the Yue Kingdom.

After solving the sleeping insect problem for Shangguan Wan'er, this Shu immediately sent the money to the imperial capital of the Yue Kingdom as agreed.

At that time, Junwu and Shangguan Wan'er agreed that it would be 300 million taels of silver per year.

The woman's husband was really proud, and he doubled it and sent 600 million taels of silver.

Junwu is fighting in the north and south, if he doesn't want to collect exorbitant taxes from the people, he needs to find other ways to get help.

It is precisely because of the support of Shangguan Wan'er that the huge army under Jun Wu's command will not collapse and mutiny.

So Jun Wu is willing to show some kind expressions to this rich woman.

It's just that Jun Wu himself didn't realize that the occasional gentle face was actually a heartbreak for the Shangguan to look at with a smile.

She took in the slowest breath and let it out slowly.

Slowly calm down the throbbing and sorrow in her heart, trying not to let people notice her difference.

Shangguan Waner really hated himself.She had never been one to judge by appearances.

Only after meeting Prince Yue Junwu, he couldn't hold back like this.

At this moment, Shangguan Wan'er slightly closed his eyelids, covered the mist in his eyes with long eyelashes, and deliberately put on a relaxed and natural look.

It's just that her expression can't even hide from the three demons behind Junwu.

When the three demons first saw Shangguan Wan'er, they were all amazed that the women in the world were so beautiful.

But they quickly cut off all other thoughts.

Leaving aside what about Master, that beautiful young lady clearly has feelings for Master in her heart.

Even if the three demons don't understand the red tape of the world, they are the best at detecting the feelings and desires in the hearts of living beings.

The eyes of the young lady of Shangguan were faintly shining, and all her affection was pinned on the master.

This is absolutely untrue.

The three demons don't know whether the master is married or not.

In my heart, I thought that the Shangguan girl was the best friend of my master, so I didn't dare to talk nonsense.

Yunhe smiled and turned his eyes repeatedly on Junwu and Shangguan's smiling faces.

He judged others by himself, and said in his heart that if he wanted to serve the prince well, he would always arrange for a beautiful young lady to serve him by his side.

But he also learned that Shangguan Wan'er had some contacts with Prince Yue.

Even because Crown Prince Han Yunhe is old-fashioned in personnel affairs, the excitement and concern that Shangguan Wan'er couldn't conceal when he heard Jun Wu's name naturally fell into Prince Han's eyes exactly.

This Yunhe was pretending to be smart, and deliberately asked Shangguan to come here with a smile, just to please Junwu.

He has not dared to forget his father's entrustment to this day, and there is one more important thing to ask Yue Guo for help.

At this moment, the only way is to please Jun Wu completely!

At this time, he said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, the prince still has some mundane affairs, and I really can't get away from it. You borrowed the time in Korea, so please ask Miss Shangguan to take care of you. Please don't blame me for neglecting the prince. .”

After all, Yunhe's eyes were full of complacency, thinking that he had done a thing extremely beautifully.

It's just that Jun Wu didn't appreciate it, he said bluntly: "This time the crown prince is acting urgently. Miss Shangguan is rich and expensive, I am afraid it is not suitable for the crown prince to eat and sleep together."

Crown Prince Han Yunhe was stunned, speechless.

Who would have thought that Shangguan Wan'er would have the courage to ask, "I wonder where His Royal Highness Prince Yue is going this time?"

This Shangguan Wan'er is not stupid, she also knows that Prince Yue's sudden appearance in South Korea this time must have something important and secret.

If she asked indiscriminately in front of so many people, it might arouse the dissatisfaction of Prince Yue Junwu.

But Shangguan Wan'er can't control so much now.

She controls the Yinyuan Gang in her hands, so she naturally has her own news channel.

This time, she had to stay by Jun Wu's side in order to protect him from future troubles.

But if he hadn't had time to speak to Prince Yue, he was blocked back.

Then Shangguan Wan'er was afraid that the trouble in the future would be extremely difficult to deal with.

Jun Wu frowned, half-closed his eyes and looked at Shangguan with a smile.

From this beautiful face, Jun Wu saw stubbornness.

And he even noticed a lot of secrets from Shangguan Wan'er's heart.

Until Shangguan Wan'er was scrutinized by Jun Wu, his face turned red.

Only then did Jun Wu nod and said, "That's fine, I'll have to work with Miss Shangguan this time."

He skipped Shangguan's smiling question without answering, and directly allowed her to follow him.

Shangguan Wan'er's heart was beating so fast that it almost seemed to rush out of his chest.

Naturally, she has heard many stories about Junwu, and she knows all about his resolute and ruthless behavior.

I didn't expect Jun Wu to trust himself so much this time, and let her follow him without asking too much.

Could it be that he is different in Jun Wu's heart?

Shangguan smiled and immediately waved away such thoughts.

Prince Yue must not be noticed!Absolutely not!
Shangguan Wan'er ordered himself repeatedly in his heart.

But she doesn't know all her thoughts, Jun Wu already knew it clearly.

After the agreement was made here, Prince Han Yunhe always smiled and said goodbye to Junwu and Shangguan with an ambiguous smile.

After that, he left with his entourage.

Naturally, South Korea's troops cannot be compared with Yue's, and this start is in a mess, and the military appearance is not neat.

What surprised the Yue army and the three monsters the most was that only a part of more than a thousand people left with Prince Han Yunhe.

Until Han Prince Yunhe was far away, there was still a team of 200 people, each driving a wooden cart and staying beside Shangguan Wan'er.

Obviously, these 200 people were all members of the Yinyuan Gang led by Shangguan Wan'er.

The three demons didn't know the pros and cons of it, but the general of the Vietnamese army looked at Jun Wu with questioning eyes.

Although it is no secret that they travel, it is not a good thing to bring so many idlers.

It's just that Jun Wu nodded to the generals of the Vietnamese army in a subtle way, signaling that it's okay for them to follow.

The general of the Vietnamese army immediately lowered his head, as if respectfully accepting orders.

After the silent exchange between him and the two of them, the team continued to approach Xia Guo.

But Shangguan's smiling face was always calm

Except for the first time asking about Jun Wu's whereabouts, and Jun Wu avoided answering.

After that, she never asked Junwu where he was going.

She seemed to have seen everything in her eyes long ago, and she just served Junwu personally.

Along the way, the team led by Jun Wu lived in the inn belonging to the Yinyuan Gang.

Everything is best eaten.

The three demons eat some mushrooms and grasses in the sea of ​​[-] trees on weekdays.

When I saw big fish and meat in the outside world, I would eat it with an open stomach and eat it sweetly.

During this period of time, the three demons felt happy, and Shangguan cherished it with a smile.

It's just that the journey will end.

It didn't take long for them and their party to finally arrive at the border of Xia Kingdom.

Seeing that the summer palace is just ahead.

Shangguan Wan'er became more and more anxious, but Jun Wu always had a calm and calm look on his face.

Finally, when he brought a team of 300 people to the edge of the summer palace, he realized that the old man's palace was surrounded by troops again.

(End of this chapter)

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