Chapter 248 Reunion

No further instructions from Jun Wu are needed.

After the heads of the bandits were all in different places, the hundred Yue soldiers swung the short blades around their waists and chopped off the bandits' necks.

These bandits lost their leader and were shocked by Junwu's powerful strength.

They no longer have the will to fight.

Even if there is a disparity in the number of people.

In front of the Vietnamese army who will not be injured and only harvests heads, they are just leeks waiting to be cut.

Not to mention the astonishing power of the three monsters, they can't stop moving across the battlefield like killing instruments.

Every time it rises and falls, two or three bandits can be torn into corpses.

After a while, countless corpses will be piled up on the battlefield.

Even the bandits who wanted to escape were chased by the soldiers of the Vietnam Army who supervised the war on horseback, and killed them with a knife in their vests.

Say no one stays, no one stays!
The blood gradually turned cold, and the battlefield that had been screaming and killing gradually subsided into a deathly silence.

As the sky gradually became golden, the slowly congealed blood was also dyed with a strange brilliance.

After 6 or [-] people died in an instant, the place became extremely quiet.

The masters of the Yinyuan gang only felt that their vests were getting cold for a while.

They had just witnessed one of the strangest massacres in the world.

The massacre of 100 to 6 people by [-] people.

How is this possible?
Until the last survivor also fell in a pool of blood.

The general of the Vietnamese Army clapped his horse back to Jun Wu, and said respectfully, "His Royal Highness, all the bandits who besieged the Summer Palace have been wiped out."

When he said this, he was low and serious, as if he didn't take his bizarre feats seriously at all.

And Jun Wu also held a letter in his hand and watched silently.

He didn't look up, his eyes were still wandering over the letter paper.

It seems that they want to find clues on this letter paper.

Obviously, it was no accident that these bandits appeared outside the Summer Palace.

Someone must have noticed that Jun Wu has not been in the Central Plains for a long time.

That's why they went around such a big circle to test him.

This person may not dare to harass the still powerful Yue State, but he has set his sights on the weak Xia State.

The fiancée and the father-in-law are besieged, and as long as Jun Wu is alive, he will definitely come forward to rescue the siege.

And the cannon fodder of these bandits who were tricked into besieging Xia Kingdom would not be a pity to die.

But if these bandits were safe and sound, they would even leave Xia Guo with the money swaggeringly.

Then Jun Wu is really dead.

In the whole world, there may not be many people who care so much about Jun Wu's life and death.

As for the IOU that Nangong Daolian carried in his bosom, it was as expected.

It is completely impossible to find a clue of who is behind the scenes.

Jun Wu finally squeezed the letter into a ball in his palm.

Then I saw the ball of paper slowly turning into ashes, floating into the air and finally disappearing.

Jun Wu raised his head and said to the rest of the people: "Go and meet Xia Zi."

After saying that, he walked forward.

The [-] Vietnamese troops that had been repaired and three eccentric apprentices followed behind Jun Wu.

They had just experienced a bloody battle, and the blood of each was boiling.

Even though he stepped on the stump all the way, he did not shake his iron hoof approaching forward.

When they stepped over layers of corpses, they finally came to the Xia Palace.

At this time, I saw Xia Zi was lined up in front of the gate of the Summer Palace with the only remaining entourage.

Xia Zi had already seen the situation where Junwu wiped out [-] to [-] bandits with a team of a hundred people.

Today's Xia Zi looks more haggard and thinner than before.

I don't know how much storm he has endured in the past few months.

It was only now that he saw Junwu again, and the fire of hope was rekindled in his eyes.

Although he is the co-lord of the world, he is actually just a poor old man who can bully even bandits.

He has no power in his hands, and is a big piece of fat in the eyes of everyone.

Before meeting Jun Wu, he had 20 troops in his hands.

This was once his most important secret hole card.

When the 20 troops were taken away by Jun Wuqiang.

Son-in-law Jun Wu became his trump card.

Everyone in the world knows that Jun Wu is great, so naturally no one dares to attack Xia Zi unconsciously.

Sometimes Xia Zi sits alone in the dark room and settles accounts.

I just feel that it is a blessing in disguise.

He can get peace without having to work hard to support a huge army.

And once Jun Wu really holds the world.

The master of this world will ultimately be the blood of the Xia family.

But these calculations began to change three months ago.

Although Xia Zi looked like a peaceful and kind-hearted middle-aged man who knew no martial arts.

But he is extremely sensitive to the wind and grass in the world.

Jun Wu disappeared in the Central Plains for three months, except for some caring people, Xia Zi naturally noticed it too.

Now the 20 troops are not coming back.

But the son-in-law disappeared out of thin air.

In order to keep the last land of Xia Kingdom from cutting off in his own hands.

He had no choice but to take the risk and borrowed 1000 million taels of silver from outsiders, preparing to secretly prepare the army again.

For Xia Zi, this was a last resort.

He is not a fool, so he used his brains when borrowing money and chose a seemingly safe candidate.

But after all, Xia Zi didn't expect that he was being used mentally or unintentionally, and was eventually used.

As the co-lord of the world, Xia Zi was besieged by bandits because of borrowing money.

It's a big joke for the world to spread this matter.

At this moment, Xia Zi's face was haggard, his eyes dodged.

In the end, he couldn't say anything to Jun Wu.

Unexpectedly, Jun Wu patted Xia Zi on the shoulder, and said with a relaxed and calm face: "Father-in-law, it's okay. None of the bandits who besieged you were left alive.

The IOU is also destroyed, and Xia Zi's reputation will not be ruined. "

After hearing Jun Wu's words, Xia Zi's expression changed from haggard to frightened.

His son-in-law, Xia Zi is clear.

The more polite Jun Wu is, the more he plots against himself.

Xia Zi even gave his daughter and the army to Jun Wu.

He calculated that he really didn't have anything to give Jun Wu any more ideas.

At this time, Jun Wu smiled and said: "Although it is against the rules, I don't know where Princess Xia is now?"

Jun Wu and Xia Yun are unmarried couples.

Can't see each other until the official pass.

Xia Zi nodded his head and said: "Yun'er, Yun'er, quickly ask the princess to come out."

The servants in the Xia Palace took orders to go, and after a while, Xia Yun, the Princess of Xia Kingdom, came to the gate of the Xia Palace with two maids.

Ordinarily, Princess Xia is the most honorable girl in the world.

Just because Xia Guoguo was weak, there were very few servants by her side.

Although Xia Yun was gentle and noble, he didn't have any ceremonial guards or chariots, and only came on foot.

When she saw Jun Wu, she had a bright smile on her face, and her eyes were shining with gentle light.

The original eight-point color actually seems to have a very beautiful appearance.

Shangguan Wan'er, who had been following Jun Wu, sighed suddenly when he saw Xia Yun.

This is the real princess!

Even under siege, there was no fear on his face.

She fully believed that Jun Wu would show up in time, instead of messing up like herself.

The crown prince Junwu, he doesn't need anyone to do it for him, everything is under his plan.

Shangguan smiled and quietly covered the sparkle in his eyes with his eyelashes.

The prince and princess are a match made in heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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