Chapter 257
Not long before Concubine Ji stormed into Wanggui Pavilion's pear blossom room angrily in Lord Wei's home and was knocked unconscious.

Lord Wei came in respectfully.

When he entered the Lihua Pavilion, he saw a handsome young master sitting in the pavilion.

Lord Wei's old heart was excited again.

You can do things again!

But he immediately discovered that there were three men beside this handsome young man, each with their own strange appearance.

Lord Wei couldn't help hesitating.

But Jun Wu said indifferently: "It's okay, these three are all my apprentices."

Lord Wei looked at the three of them, and could not help cursing in his heart: "It's really cunning!"

They are obviously older than Jun Wu.

But he worshiped Junwu as his master.This is a bit too thick-skinned.

If I knew this earlier, I should have worshiped Prince Yue as my teacher, damn it!

Even though he was thinking this way in his heart, Lord Wei said to Jun Wu with a smile on his face: "Congratulations, my lord, for having a good disciple.

Each one is a talented person, and all of them are born with extraordinary stalwarts. "

When Lord Wei said this, the three monsters who followed Jun Wu all smiled when they heard it.

Where do they know the flattery in the world.

I only know that this bald old man really thinks he is a handsome talent.

Seeing this, Jun Wu smiled and said nothing.

He only said to Lord Wei: "Sit down. Has anything strange happened to Zhao Guo since I left?"

Lord Wei sat down respectfully.

This Wanggui Pavilion is the largest brothel in Zhao State.

Maybe Jun Wu just values ​​talking about things here and it is not easy to attract people's attention.

Originally, the singing girls in Wanggui Pavilion were all women with excellent looks and exquisite figures.

But none of these women has entered the pavilion now.

Before they entered the house, You Wu Neng distributed a gold ingot to each of them and ordered them not to enter the house to disturb them.

These singers got such big gold ingots, their eyes were straight.

Who else will come into the house and ask for help?
Lord Wei knew the solemnity of today's affairs, so he said in detail: "Your Highness, there are indeed a few strange things in Zhao Guo.

The first is the newly elected prince who was deposed by Emperor Zhao.

It has been more than a month so far, and the crown prince has still not been determined. "

Jun Wu nodded silently.

Then Lord Wei continued: "In addition to this, a meteor suddenly appeared in the sky of Zhao country a few days ago, as bright as day.

After that, Zhao's products began to increase greatly, and fish harvests, mountain delicacies, and farmland products were all like a blowout.

Don't know if there is any connection. "

Jun Wu silently tapped his fingers on the table.

It seems that the Tianyan Orb, which makes the trees in the sea of ​​[-] trees grow wildly, has arrived in the country of Zhao.

Back then, Xia Ziyu rewarded five princes with five jewels.

All the other orbs have disappeared one by one.

The remaining Tianyan Orb should have belonged to the State of Zhao.

But for some reason, this orb appeared in the sea of ​​[-] trees, and became the instigator of trapping the group of monsters.

There may be something hidden in this.

But after Jun Wu used the power of the Heaven's Punishment Orb to burn down the trees in the Hundred Thousand Trees Sea.

The Tianyan Orb actually rushed out of the stone shell by itself and flew into the sky.

Now it seems that it may have returned to Zhao.

It is precisely because of the power of the Tianyan Orb that Zhao's products have become richer.

After trying to understand the festival, Jun Wu suddenly asked: "Aside from deposing the crown prince, is there really no other difference between Emperor Zhao?"

The bald-headed Lord Wei thought about it for a moment, and then said: "Zhao Huang has never trusted me. But I have been in Zhao Guo for many years, and I still have some friends.

As far as I know, Emperor Zhao has always been ambitious.

In the past, the State of Zhao was easy to defend but difficult to attack because it was surrounded by mountains.Therefore, there has never been a large number of recruits.

But from the past few days, Zhao Huang has concentrated the whole country's army in one place.

In addition, many civilians were recruited into the army.

And the location of the assembly is exactly the border between Zhao State and Yue State..."

At this point, Lord Wei stopped talking.

But it was already very obvious that Emperor Zhao regarded the Yue Kingdom as his biggest enemy.

It is said that Junwu has swallowed both the Qi and Wu countries in the past.

As long as Zhao Huang is still awake, he should guard against Qiang Yue.

But the world is so big, there are only a handful of people who hate Junwu the most and are most wary of Junwu.

Zhao Huang should be one of them.

During the few months when Jun Wu suddenly disappeared from Huaxia, the person who set a trap for Xia Zi and planned to spy was most likely Zhao Huang.

Perhaps the spies did not cause much consequence.

But it will make Emperor Zhao feel like spying, and there must be a bigger conspiracy in the future.

This Emperor Zhao may also have the heart to aspire to the Central Plains.

Jun Wu narrowed his eyes and sorted out the clues in front of him.

Now that Zhao Guo has ambitions, it's time for him to attack Zhao Guo.

As if aware of Jun Wu's thoughts, Lord Wei whispered beside him: "The reason Zhao Guo has lived in peace these years is precisely because it is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces the sea on one side.

It is extremely difficult for any country to dispatch troops to attack Zhao.

And I've heard of it..."


The bald Lord Wei looked around with a pair of triangular eyes before saying, "Zhao Huang probably bought a lot of eyeliner outside.

If the army of another country takes action, he will know it immediately. "

The implication is already very clear.

Although the Yue State has a strong military force, in the past, it relied on lightning tactics to destroy Wu and Qi.

The so-called soldiers are expensive and fast.

The reason why Junwu was able to occupy the two major powers without bloodshed was precisely because of the word "surprise".

Zhao Huang may have learned a lesson from the fact that the two great powers were destroyed.

Zhao Guo was originally protected by natural dangers.

If Yue State mobilizes the power of the whole country, it will be possible to break through the mountain gate with iron hoofs.

But in this way, the people of Yue State will inevitably fall into hardship.

So Zhao Huang made several preparations.

First, put all the troops on the border of Yue Qi to prevent the Yue country from raiding.

The second is to buy the eyes and ears in the Yue State, so that as long as the Yue State has to dispatch troops and generals, it will be immediately alert.

Compared with Wu and Qi, the emperor of Zhao is really not easy to deal with.

It is not an easy task to defeat such a sober and vigilant emperor.

Jun Wu squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then suddenly said: "If that's the case, then let Zhao Huang become stupid."

After hearing this, the rest of the Haitang Pavilion opened their eyes wide, waiting for Jun Wu's next words.

Jun Wu didn't hide anything, he said to Lord Wei: "Now I have a few difficult things that I need you to take care of."

Lord Wei immediately said solemnly: "I will do my best to fulfill His Highness's order."

Jun Wu nodded and said a few things one by one.

After hearing this, Lord Wei's eyes lit up.

In the past, he only knew that His Highness Prince Yue's martial arts was the best in the world.

Who knew His Highness the Crown Prince was so cunning.

For a moment, Lord Wei only felt a shudder in his back, and once again warned himself that he must never be an enemy of Prince Yue in this life!

When everything was discussed in the seat, the door of the Lihua Pavilion was suddenly pushed open.

Just then, a beautiful lady rushed in angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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