The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 259 A Man's Oath

Chapter 259 A Man's Oath
Yingniang woke up suddenly, her face was like a begonia sleeping in spring.

She has fair skin with a hint of pink.

Feeling the weight on her body, Yingniang immediately recalled what happened in Qingshu Temple yesterday, feeling ashamed and happy at the same time.

Yingniang was originally a famous actress.

She used to think that marrying Mrs. Wei as Mrs. Wei before she was old and fading was the pinnacle of her life.

How could Yingniang think that she would still be favored by Emperor Zhao.

She couldn't help recalling that last night, Yingniang was sitting on the low edge next to the women's family.

Beside her are the cold eyes of the ladies, while from time to time there are hot and slutty eyes on the other side.

Just when Yingniang was complacent about this, she suddenly noticed that the drumming and discussions around her had stopped.

Yingniang raised her eyes, and was surprised to find that Zhao Huang and Lu Qing had stepped down from the high throne.

And his eyes were full of desire, staring at himself.

Yingniang is not a girl with yellow flowers, her husband, Lord Wei, is also at the banquet at the moment.

She is too familiar with Zhao Huang Luqing's eyes.

So that Yingniang didn't know what to do for a while.

But Zhao Huang and Lu Qing walked towards him regardless.

Suddenly, Zhao Huang's tall figure covered Yingniang, blocking the candlelight and everyone's eyes.

Even Yingniang, who is older than Fengyue, knows that she is blushing at this moment.

Surrounded by the exclamations of the ladies.

Yingniang felt dizzy, and then realized that she was being hugged by Zhao Huang and Lu Qing.

She couldn't count how many meaningful eyes looked at her.

Yingniang could only cuddle weakly in Zhao Huang's arms.

What can a weak woman like her do?

Then Yingniang was brought to this room.

She is a woman who has seen the world, and she also enjoys the glory and wealth in Lord Wei's mansion.

But the room is dotted with bright yellow silk and satin, which is the symbol of the emperor!
Yingniang felt that she was fascinated again.

And the weight on her seemed to wake up too.

Zhao Huang Luqing took a deep breath on her neck and said, "It smells so good. I just can't hold back the smell of your powder."

After finishing speaking, he pinched Yingniang's upturned nose.

Ying Niang said softly: "Your Majesty, now that I have come to this point, how do I go back..."

Zhao Huang Luqing pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "Who told you to go back?"

After saying that, he sat up, put on a black silk brocade robe casually and said, "Now you are my woman."

Suddenly he straightened his face and asked, "Don't you like that old guy, Sir Wei?"

Yingniang hurriedly said in a tired voice: "Is there any man in this world who is more heroic than Your Majesty?"

After Zhao Huang heard this, for some reason, he thought of Prince Junwu of Yue in his heart.

Although Zhao Huang has never seen him, he has also seen Jun Wu's portrait.

He quickly waved Jun Wu out of his mind.

Zhao Huang Luqing stroked Yingniang's hair favorably with a trace of pride, and said: "For you have vision.

The most heroic man in the world must be me.

The other brats who are still young are not good enough. "

After finishing speaking, he stood up again, walked a few steps in this spacious and luxurious room full of bright yellow silk and satin, and said: "The country of Zhao is rich in products and has a prosperous population.

It is naturally different from the rest of the barren backcountry. "

After finishing speaking, he pinched Yingniang's chin again, his slender eyes were full of smug smiles: "Seeing your extraordinary knowledge, I ordered someone to make a decree to make you a concubine."

This sentence made Yingniang's eyes full of joy.


She will also become a real noble from now on.

The woman who looked down on her in the past will crawl at her feet instead.

Although Yingniang half-closed her eyelids submissively, she couldn't hide the sparkle in her eyes.

Seeing that he could make such a beautiful woman ecstatic with a single word, Zhao Huang was also satisfied.

Just at this time, a eunuch outside cautiously delivered a message, saying that Wei Wuhou Lu Bu had been waiting outside for a long time.

Zhao Huang Lu Qing frowned when he thought of the upright, heroic and popular General Lu Bu.

Finally Lu Qing said, "I'm coming right now."

After finishing speaking, he pulled Ying Niang again, took a deep breath on her neck, and said, "It smells so good."

Then he walked to the outside room proudly.

There, there is a palace lady to change clothes for him.

Ying Niang, who was still sitting alone on the huge slum, was filled with excitement.

There are a lot of things going on in my mind.

Eventually her eyes hardened.

First, she needs more face powder.

His Majesty the Emperor loves him so much, mostly because of the incense powder.

Yingniang still has self-knowledge, knowing that although she is beautiful, she has not reached the level of chaos like Daji and Baosi.

It's a pity that the fragrance powder on her body was a gift from Lord Wei.

Now, no matter what the reason is, it is absolutely impossible to go back to Lord Wei again.

She immediately got up from the slump, anxiously looking for the clothes from last night.

Fortunately, she finally discovered that her entire set of skirts and gowns had been carefully hung up by the palace servants, and had been fumigated and scalded.

Yingniang found her purse, where there was still half a packet of incense powder.

She was careful not to mess with it, and looked back and forth at the paper bag.

Finally she found three small words "Shu Yutang".

Got it!

Yingniang proudly pinched the paper bag with her slender fingers.

This time, she believed that she could absolutely hold on to her own destiny, just like holding this paper bag.

On the other side, Zhao Huang and Lu Qing frowned slightly and sat on the throne.

Beside him is Wei Wuhou Lu Bu.

Lu Bu is the third generation of Wei Wuhou who was hereditary.

He also made military exploits many times, so he was given the honor of being seated in front of the emperor.

These honors were bestowed by Lu Qing's old father who loves to buy people's hearts.

And Lu Qing has been extremely dissatisfied with these veterans since he took the throne.

At this moment, Lu Qing yawned, which made Lu Bu almost cry.

Suddenly, the nine-foot man stood up and said excitedly, "Your Majesty, every word of the minister's honest words is harsh. Think twice, Your Majesty!"

Lu Qing put his head on his hands and said, "That's enough. I understand."

Lu Bu looked at Zhao Huang suspiciously, as if he thought Zhao Huang and Lu Qing didn't hear a word of what he said just now.

He has a straightforward temperament, and the doubts in his heart are straightforwardly displayed on his face.

Lu Qing frowned deeper, as if enduring a headache.

He said abruptly: "Okay, that's all for today. Also, I want to make Yingniang a concubine..."

Lu Bu took a deep breath, with disappointment written all over his face.

As expected, Huang Zhao didn't hear a word of what he said just now!

At this moment, Lu Bu said in a painful voice: "Your Majesty, I just advised you to return Duke Wei's Mrs. Ru back to the residence immediately, don't let the old minister feel cold.

You suddenly want to make such a will!

Besides, that Mrs. Ru was born in a lowly background, and she is as good as a husband.How could she mess up Zhao's lineage! "

"Enough!" Zhao Huang Luqing who couldn't bear to listen to it suddenly angrily shouted.

"Your family's youngest daughter, Chan'er, has always been famous in Beijing for her talent and beauty.

Since you are worried about the blood in my palace, let Lu Chaner from your family enter the palace to serve me! "

(End of this chapter)

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