Chapter 263
Yao Rulong was full of shock.

Because the deepest secret that was suppressed in his heart was revealed so easily.

He stared at Junwu closely with his eyes, and pressed his hands on the saber, wondering whether he should make a move on this young man.

But Jun Wu's sharp eyes saw through Yao Rulong.

Yao Rulong is only in his 30s, with a fairly muscular figure, thick black eyebrows and two beards.

He is a man with sharp skills and some ambitions.

Such a person, leaving it to Zhao Huang and Lu Qing might as well keep it in his own hands.

You must know that Junwu's purpose is to take Zhao Guo into his pocket, and find that Tianyan Orb by the way.

And Zhao State is not like the Qi State back then, with a foolish monarch.

Lu Qing was once a young, vigorous, shrewd and decisive king.

And what Jun Wu has to do is to completely break Lu Qing's deep foundation in Zhao Guo.

If you want to break it, you have to break it completely.

It is necessary to make him unpopular among the nobles, and to make his army openly mutiny.

The most important thing is to make Lu Qing completely lose popular support in Zhao State.

It is not easy to do this.

That's why Junwu needs to buy more hearts.

For example, Yao Rulong in front of him is someone who can be used.

Even though he thought so in his heart, Jun Wu leaned back in the seat and asked with a sneer on his face: "Is Yao joining the army?

Now that the state of Zhao is in such chaos, even the imperial city is already unsightly.

You are here to force women, hehe, ambition is nothing more than that. "

After listening to Jun Wu's words, Yao Rulong was heartbroken, as if he was discouraged.

It's just that he was not reconciled to being accused like this, and replied: "My son's words are wrong.

Now the products of Zhao State are abundant, and the people have spare money in their hands.How come you said that the people are in dire straits. "

Jun Wu played with the wine cup in his hand and said: "After all, it is the three generations of the Imperial Forest Army. If you don't know the suffering of the people, you can't blame you."

Unexpectedly, Jun Wu's words stabbed Yao Rulong even more.

He has always pretended to be completely different from his colleagues who drink and gamble all day long. He is humble and dare not forget his country, and he always has people in his heart.

On the contrary, it was the young man on the opposite side wearing a gorgeous light, drinking and having fun in the Goulan courtyard, and said that he, Yao Rulong, did not know the suffering of the people.

Yao Rulong snorted, and asked stubbornly, "I don't know what sufferings you have heard about?"

Jun Wu put the small wine cup in his hand on the table for a meal.

Under the candlelight jumping, he said with a solemn face: "Although Zhao Guo is rich in products, the low prices hurt the peasants.

Nowadays, a large number of land and fish catches are rotten in the hands of farmers and fishermen.

The aristocrats, however, indulged the big merchants in taking stock, selling at high prices while lowering prices.

Just wait until the farmers can't survive, then they can take the opportunity to buy land.

The products are abundant, and the rich are all these merchants and nobles. "

Yao Rulong was shocked when he heard Jun Wu's words.

He had never thought of these reasons before.

But after being brought up by the son opposite, I realized that every word pointed out the disadvantages of the times.

Originally, Yao Rulong thought that such a gorgeously dressed and refined young master was at best a big talker.

Who would have expected that he would turn out to be a man with a deep heart.

At this time, Jun Wu continued: "These days Zhao Guo is not only rich in products, but even women are pregnant a lot more than in the past.

From this point of view, it seems that Ding Xingwang, a dignitary in the state of Zhao, has become prosperous.

Hehe, Emperor Zhao has been drafted into the army again and again, but he doesn't know where he will be sent to fight? "

After hearing this, Yao Rulong was dumbfounded again.

Although he is an imperial guard in the capital, he also knows the fact that Emperor Zhao recruited troops and deployed them on the frontier.

Now the world is worthy of Zhao Guo's recruitment and defense, naturally only Qiang Yue's family is left.

Yao Rulong was thinking wildly in his heart.

But Jun Wu continued: "Women live helplessly with their stomachs upright, but men are going to die on the battlefield.

I don't know whether to pity the woman or the man. "

What Jun Wu said was straightforward, but once again it hit Yao Rulong's heart directly.

This has been the case in wars since ancient times, and the bones of the dead have made the name of the general.

If it was many years ago, Yao Rulong would not feel that there was anything wrong.

It wasn't until these years that Yao Rulong heard too many stories about Prince Yue Junwu that he gradually admired this genius in his heart.

He can always go straight to Huanglong with a small number of elite soldiers.

Whether it is swallowing Wu in one battle or attacking Qi with all troops, the enemy can be surrendered with the least number of troops.

Yao Rulong was in Zhao Ying, but secretly yearned for him.

But at that time, Yao Rulong only saw the tragedy of the man's death on the battlefield, but never thought about how the wife of the family would live.

At this time, Jun Wu chanted again: "Poor bone beside the Wuding River, still the person in the dream of a spring girl."

Although Yao Rulong had never heard these two lines of poems, he was struck by the sadness in the poems.

He himself has a wife and children, and he has seen the difficulty of his wife's childbirth.

Thinking that if I died on the battlefield at that time, my wife at home would not know how to live with her belly stretched out.

After hearing Jun Wu's words, Yao Rulong's complexion became darker and darker.

At the same time, a sense of self-satisfaction rose in his heart.

The son in front of him is obviously younger than himself, but he has such insight.

A thought even arose in Yao Rulong's mind: the Emperor Zhao is far inferior to this young master.

Jun Wu watched Yao Rulong's expression change, and knew that the heat was enough.

At this time Yao Rulong suddenly heard a voice in his ear saying: "If you don't want to be a moth, why not follow me?"

Yao Rulong was taken aback, he opened his eyes and looked around.

It seemed that none of the other singers or luthiers heard that voice, and they all looked as usual.

And I clearly heard this sentence clearly, it was exactly what the young master said.

Yao Rulong opened his eyes wide and looked at Jun Wu, suddenly a thought rose in his heart.

He opened his mouth and said to Jun Wu: " are..."

On the opposite side, Jun Wu was sitting upright, smiling and nodding to Yao Rulong.

All the doubts in my heart were instantly resolved.

Where can there be a second such young master in this world?
Whether it's a handsome appearance or a calm demeanor, there is only Prince Junwu of Dayue in this world who can be him!
Not to mention the gully in his heart, naturally only the emperor deserves to have it!
Seeing him now, Prince Yue Junwu is compared to Zhao Huang Luqing, and the sun and the moon are compared to fireflies.

Yao Rulong's heart was hit by a rush of blood, and suddenly he bowed deeply to Jun Wu under the surprised eyes of everyone.

Now in Zhao Guo's imperial city, Jun Wu naturally had to hide his identity when he appeared here.

Yao Rulong can only do this if he wants to express his loyalty.

Jun Wu just smiled lightly and nodded to him.

Obviously, Yao Rulong has already been taken under his command.

Yao Rulong was excited, and he said to Jun Wu: "After being taught by the young master today, I will know how shallow I was in the past.

Today, I will fight this matter by myself.I'm going back to my life. "

After all, there was a stubborn expression on his face.

Since he, Yao Rulong, had surrendered to Junwu, he would naturally not bring back the woman who had forgotten to return to the pavilion.

In this way, he must be wrathed by Emperor Zhao's thunder.

Yao Rulong has already made a decision in his heart, he can handle this matter by himself.

Unexpectedly, Jun Wu smiled, and said: "It's okay for you to go back. As long as I am here, no one in the world can touch you, so you can rest assured."

(End of this chapter)

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