Chapter 267
The Zhao prison in Zhao State was built near Haitaofang in the north of the imperial city, and its scale was not too large.

The Zhao Prison has an upper floor and a lower floor, and it can only hold a few hundred people if it is full of beatings.

During the reign of the first emperor, he almost never sent prisoners to Zhao Prison.

Because Zhao Prison is to be detained first and then tried again, heavy weapons cannot be opened constantly.

For a long time, if there is a nephew who is not motivated in the family of the noble relatives in the imperial city, the worst thing is to send him to Zhao Prison to be a small official like a prison officer.

Although it has a bad reputation, it is still a leisurely job that is not easy to make mistakes.

But times are changing after all.

For example, during these days, the warden in Zhao Prison was suffering.

Zhao Prison, which can hold only a few hundred people, is now overcrowded.

The current warden Zhang Cong has not been home for many days, and his beard grows extremely long.

He already had a smell on his body, but he didn't dare to complain, just because there were too many people sent to Zhao Prison in the past few days.

And these people are all dignitaries from the past.

In the past, even an earl like his father couldn't talk to them.

An unfavored bastard like myself can't get into the eyes of these nobles at all.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, this little prison officer of himself seems to be able to control the life and death of these noble people.

Zhang Cong didn't know whether to be happy or afraid, but he always felt sad in his heart.

At this moment, Zhang Cong was disturbed by a noise outside the door. A small prison guard rushed in and said to Zhang Cong, "My lord, the Imperial Army has brought another group of people. You should suffer again tonight."

Zhang Cong sighed and said, "Brothers from the imperial army, please come in quickly."

Then I saw a muscular man lift the curtain and walk into the house.

As soon as Zhang Cong saw the person, he smiled and asked, "Brother Rulong!"

It turned out that the person who came in was Yao Rulong.

This Yao Rulong, as the hereditary forbidden army, and Zhang Cong, who is the jailer of Meng Zuyin, can be regarded as brothers who play together.

It's just that Zhang Cong frowned slightly after seeing Yao Rulong today.

He always felt that Yao Rulong seemed a little different today, and he didn't know if there was something on his mind.

Seeing Zhang Cong, Yao Rulong finally smiled and said, "Brother Cong, I'm going to trouble you today." Then he waved his hand back.

Then, the imperial guards forced two men and five women into the house.

They were all wearing white jackets, carrying shackles on their shoulders, and their hair was disheveled, so they were in a mess.

Zhang Cong was taken aback after seeing the appearance of the seven people, and then looked at Yao Rulong in disbelief.

It turned out that among the seven people brought here, two men, Zhang Cong, had been seen from afar.

Even though their hair is disheveled and their faces are slumped and dirty, they don't know how many crimes they have suffered.

But they were all arrogant people in the past, and they were all relatives of the Lu clan!

Yao Rulong just nodded to Zhang Cong, and it was hard to say how much it contained.

Zhang Cong couldn't help it, so he picked up a brush and said to the seven people step by step: "Report the name of the criminal. What did you do when you entered Dezhao Prison?"

Among the two men who were imprisoned, one was older and still had a bit of a temper.

He replied angrily: "I am Lu Zhengyuan, queen of the Xiling King. If you have committed any crimes, ask that kid Lu Qing!

Our whole family is doing the right thing, and we don't know what crime there is! "

Even though Lu Zhengyuan was shackled at this moment, he still had no fear.

The man standing next to him was younger, only in his teens, and he was also staring at Zhang Cong with righteous indignation.

It's like treating Zhang Cong as Zhao Huang and Lu Qing.

Zhang Cong avoided their eyes.

These two were real masters in the past, so why would they talk to Zhang Cong?
Now they are all in trouble.

In fact, it is not only Lu Zhengyuan who is in trouble these days?
Since Wei Wuhou Lu Bu was stabbed to death by a random spear in front of the Jinshui Bridge.

Then it attracted thunder and thunder, killing all the imperial guards at that time.

From then on, Emperor Zhao went crazy.

Previously, the nobles in the capital had just been forced to marry their daughters into the royal family.

Within a few days, they were all imprisoned themselves.

In fact, Zhao Huang didn't believe in the reincarnation of heaven and the fact that the heavenly thunder struck the imperial army to death.

He knew that there must be a master designing himself.

At the same time, Lu Qing is more afraid of gossip.

These days he sent eunuchs to sneak into the market to find out who was talking about Lu Bu.

Every time a person who discusses privately is caught, he must be severely tortured.

In the end, they have to be forced to find a few dignitaries behind the scenes to close the case.

If there is something good on the top, it will be great on the bottom.

In just a few days, many nobles were falsely accused and implicated in prison.

The charges are all capital crimes of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country.

Because of this, Zhang Cong couldn't go home for several days.

When these nobles entered Zhao Prison, they had to shed several layers of skin alive, and they would not be able to get out in this life.

Even now, the guards in charge of torture and execution in Zhao Prison are tired and out of shape, but there are still nobles who are being sent in continuously.

Today, when Lu Zhengyuan gave him a stern call, Zhang Cong only dared to lower his head, picked up a brush and wrote two words on the paper.

Zhang Cong is not a bad person, but he also knows that as a prison officer, he can't save anyone.

It can't be saved, at most no more harm will be done.

Zhang Cong waved his hand and asked the guards to take Lu Zhengyuan's family out of Zhao Prison.

Only then did Zhang Cong raise his head and said to Yao Rulong, "Brother Rulong, why is the world so chaotic now?"

Yao Rulong was alarmed, knowing that the mission given to him by His Highness the Crown Prince was to disrupt the state of Zhao.

He smiled wryly and said, "Your Majesty is dissatisfied with the old ministers in the past. Although you and I are humble, we should remind our parents to be careful."

Zhang Cong's face changed immediately after hearing this, he never thought that this wave of prison disasters would involve his family.

He opened his mouth to ask another question, but at this time another wave of noise sounded outside the house.

The jailer came back again and said, "My lord, the old lady is waiting for you outside and said that she has something important to see you."

Zhang Cong was surprised.His mother was just an aunt, with a low status and never had the freedom to leave the house.

How could you come here at this time?
Zhang Cong was waiting to ask a few more questions, when the door curtain was pulled open.

It was really his own mother who ran over crying and said to Zhang Cong: "Brother Cong, your wife was forcibly taken away!"

Zhang Cong had never been so shocked before. He immediately asked loudly, "Mother, don't talk nonsense! Someone forcibly dragged her away."

Aunt Zhang said in tears: "Your wife went to the street to buy some brocade thread for me. Suddenly, she was dragged away by a group of guards, saying she was going to serve His Majesty!
She is a married lady, how could she be photographed! "

After saying that, Aunt Zhang cried so loudly that she almost fainted.

Zhang Cong couldn't sit still anymore. He had a deep affection for his wife and his wife, and his heart burst out of his chest when he heard that his wife had been taken away.

Regardless of his identity or Yao Rulong, Zhang Cong rushed out of Zhao Prison.

When he came to the outside world, Zhang Cong was a little dizzy from the glare of the sun.

After several consecutive days in the dim Zhao Prison, he suddenly couldn't adapt to the light outside.

It wasn't until the dizziness subsided that he could clearly see the chaos in the capital.

There were people crying all over the street.

Some vicious and domineering people ran around yelling and cursing.

There are also some imperial guards who randomly drag women around.

Whether it's a girl or a woman, as long as they are a little bit attractive, they will be locked into the cart forcibly.

The miserable cries of the women resounded through the long street.

Some of the people cried and begged for mercy, and some stared at the imperial guards with angry eyes, but they dared not speak out.

A prophecy rumor echoed silently in everyone's hearts.

I don't know when it started, this prophecy rumor spread in Zhao Guo's capital.

"The absurdity of Lu Qing imitated King Zhou, and the evil girl who harmed the country lived in Weiyang.

All the loyalists in the family died in vain, and the real dragon turned into waves and the country of Zhao died! "

Zhang Cong was overwhelmed by the chaos in front of him, but at this moment he heard someone shouting loudly: "The real dragon is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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