Chapter 269 Waste
The capital of Zhao State is not far from the coastline.

Therefore, shortly after the Taozhuang army came ashore to form a team, they marched forward according to Junwu's instructions.

Since the Taozhuang army relies on employment for a living, the skills of marching and fighting are not weak.

Although it is not as strong and strict as the Vietnamese army, it can still be regarded as a ban.

According to the request of Prince Yue Junwu, Guo Jing led the team forward.

With only about 6 soldiers and horses, they quickly approached the capital of Zhao State with light clothes.

Before setting off, Guo Jing also worried that these 6 people were too weak to conquer the entire Zhao Kingdom.
If the State of Yue can attack in detail from the side of the mountains and contain the troops of the State of Zhao, the chances of winning may be better.

I still remember that Prince Yue shook his head at that time.

Prince Junwu of Yue, who has never liked to talk too much, probably valued Guo Jing, so he explained additionally: "Now there is an eyeliner arranged by Zhao Huang and Lu Qing in the territory of Yue.

Therefore, the more the Yue State stood still, the more it could paralyze Emperor Zhao.Only when the Taozhuang army unexpectedly appeared behind Zhao Guo could the enemy be defeated at the first touch. "

Guo Jing himself is also skilled in military affairs, and after hearing Jun Wu's words, he felt that Prince Yue was really clever.

Even if the enemy has planted eyeliner under his nose, he can still use it, and it has become the secret to defeating the enemy.

When he met Prince Yue Junwu at the beginning of the year, Guo Jing admired this man's martial arts and believed that Prince Yue must be the No. 1 in the world.

Who knows that now it seems that he is really a born king.

Not only is it useless, but the strategy is also unique in the world.

If this continues, sooner or later the entire Huaxia will become the territory of the Yue Kingdom.

His wife Huang Rong once analyzed with him in private:
If there is no second country in the world, mercenaries like them will have no source of income, and will be regarded by Qiang Yue as a thorn in his side.

Fortunately, now Guo Jing has caught the line of Prince Yue.

If you can prove yourself in today's battle, then take advantage of the situation and implore the Yue Kingdom to formally incorporate their Taozhuang Army.

From then on, there is no need to suffer from the fear of not having tomorrow if you have today.

Guo Jing's thoughts were naturally sensed by Jun Wu.

When he met Guo Jing at the beginning of the year, he didn't formally incorporate him, just to keep a dark army for himself.

After the battle ended, the Taozhuang Army was officially exposed to the world.

And after Zhao Guo was removed, there was no other country in the world whose power was worthy of Jun Wu's vigilance.

At that time, Guo Jing's wish will naturally be fulfilled, and the Taozhuang Army will be officially included in the Yue Kingdom.

In order to make Prince Yue take good care of himself, Guo Jing was very serious about marching orders.

The entire Taozhuang army seems to be able to feel the mood of General Guo Jing, and their steps are orderly.

There was no resistance along the way, even if a fisherman saw this army from a distance, he fled away.

It didn't take long for the Taozhuang army to press in front of Zhao Guohuang's capital.

Jun Wu and Guo Jing rode their horses in front of the army.

And blocking the army is a towering city wall.

The city walls are thick and fortified, and the city gates are made of solid wood. Obviously, a lot of manpower and material resources were spent on the construction.

Guo Jing looked at the thick city gate, and sighed slightly in his heart: "Such a solid and thick city wall is not easy to capture."

Unexpectedly, Prince Yue Junwu, who was riding in front of him at this moment, didn't look back, and said, "No matter how solid the city wall is, it can't withstand the ant's nest from collapsing from the inside."

Guo Jing suddenly heard this and was startled.

He felt that this remark made a lot of sense.

Although Guo Jing is very talented in fighting and martial arts, he is not a person who is good at eloquence.

After he heard Jun Wu's words, it was as if he had been given a slap in the face.

Guo Jing didn't even realize that Prince Yue had just answered the question he hadn't said, and just thought about Jun Wu's "philosophical words".

At this time, there was a sudden "creaking" sound in the silence.

Guo Jing immediately became alert and looked at the city gate with vigilant eyes.

At this time, Jun Wu suddenly smiled and said, "The ant's nest is open."

After a while, the city gate was pushed open by everyone from inside.

And among the hundreds of people who pushed open the city gate, there was a bald old man who was Lord Wei.

There is also a strong man, Yubayashi joined the army Yao Rulong.

It's just that the two of them are mixed in the crowd, not particularly conspicuous.

As soon as the two of them opened the gate, they saw the dense army, riding proudly on the horse, leaping over the prince Junwu in a mighty and heroic manner.

Both of them involuntarily hid the joy on their faces, and only secretly nodded to Jun Wu as a salute.

Then all the shouters and others continued to push the city gate vigorously.

There are so many people pushing the city gate, there are always several hundred people together.

They are old and young, and judging from their clothes, they are of all kinds.

The reason why these people would take the initiative to push open the city gate when the Vietnamese army came was precisely because they were dissatisfied with Zhao Huang and Lu Qing.

Zhao Huang and Lu Qing have been doing perverse actions these days, constantly harming the people.

The wives and children were separated, and the people were full of voices.

Later, the oath made by Wei Wuhou Lu Bu when he died tragically in front of the palace spread like wildfire.

Every citizen in the capital felt faintly in their hearts: "Even people like General Lu Bu cursed Zhao Guo to perish.

This country of Zhao may really not be able to hold on anymore. "

Not long after, the prophecy suggesting that Prince Yue Junwu would punish Zhao Guolu Qing spread around the streets.

The people of Zhao State who were oppressed had a thought in their hearts: "Patience him for a few more days, just wait for the prince of Yue Kingdom to come, and the hard days will be over!"

Sure enough, when someone spread the rumor in the city that they saw the white sails of more than a hundred large ships on the sea and the flags belonging to the Yue State on the ships, the people in the Zhao Kingdom's imperial city were immediately ebullient.

The real dragon turned into a wave and the country of Zhao died!
This is real!

I don't know who took the lead, but the people of Zhao State rushed towards the city gate.

There are a total of eight gates in Zhao's imperial city, and there are only two gates along the coast.

The people rushed towards the direction of these two city gates.

Although the soldiers guarding the city are armed with weapons, how can they be against these menacing people!
In just a short while, both city gates were in the hands of the people who were out of control.

They worked together in unison, and they forced the city gate open.

When the city gate suddenly opened, I really saw a neat army outside the city gate, and saw the mighty and heroic Prince Yue Junwu.

These people actually made a voice like a mountain roar and a tsunami:

"Long live His Royal Highness the Prince!"

"Long live His Royal Highness the Prince!"

"Long live His Royal Highness the Prince!"

Immediately afterwards, people knelt and kowtowed to Jun Wu like a black wave.

The shouting sound lasted for a long time.

The people in the entire Zhao Kingdom's imperial city turned out to be betraying Zhao Huang and Lu Qing at this moment like a mountain falling.

And this tsunami-like call finally spread into the palace of Zhao State.

Zhao Huang Lu Qing is still sitting on his throne.

But at this moment, he couldn't help shaking, and he couldn't control his actions.

Many eunuchs and maidservants in the palace escaped.

Now Yingniang is the only one who is still kneeling in front of Emperor Zhao.

After being silent for a long time, Zhao Huang and Lu Qing suddenly became furious.

He finally stood up and kicked Yingniang hard in the heart.

Kick the woman to the ground.

Zhao Huanglu shouted loudly: "Bitch! The rivers and mountains of my country of Zhao were destroyed in your hands."

Then, with trembling hands, he took out a sword inlaid with gold and jade from the weapon rack, and was about to slash at Yingniang's body.

He lifted up the golden sword, and Yingniang opened her eyes wide in despair and screamed, "Your Majesty, spare me."

But there was a "Dang", and the sword fell to the ground with a heavy sound.

A tall and straight young man walked in from the bedroom door calmly.

Seeing his handsome face and cold face, he said mockingly: "What a waste."

(End of this chapter)

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