The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 279 Who else is dissatisfied?

Chapter 279 Who else is dissatisfied?
In a remote village in the northern outskirts of the city, Yi Tugou, the leader of the beggar gang, thought he had made all the preparations.

As long as he survived this self-sufficient Zhuangzi for a year and a half, he would most likely be able to escape completely from the hands of devils like Prince Yue Junwu.

In fact, Yitugou was not bad as expected.

There is really no way for a prince from another country to conduct a search in the imperial capital of South Korea.

Then as long as they stick to being turtles, they won't be in too much danger.

But he never expected that Junwu would become the real master of this land in a blink of an eye.

It has only been half a day since Jun Wu and Han Huang Yunxiang reached an agreement to abdicate and become a minister.

At this moment, Jun Wu is sitting in a resplendent internal energy.

Wearing sacrificial attire, he looked solemn and handsome, exuding a majestic and dangerous charm.

Such a prince of the Yue Kingdom made the maids serving around him blush and heartbeat.

In particular, his face was as deep as water, as if he was in deep thought, which made people want to peek secretly.

At this moment, Jun Wu was really in deep thought.

He has now realized that a new force has emerged in this Chinese land.

The owner of this power may be stronger than any opponents he has encountered in the past.

But that's where things get interesting.

For example, in front of you, Jun Wu will recall the experience from the moment he met Shui Yang until he took Shangguan Wan'er into the gun king Miao where the beggar gang gathered.

Because of his ability to see through people's hearts, he is always accepting the consciousness of the people around him.

If there is any abnormality around, he can find it immediately.

However, after careful recollection, Jun Wu was sure that no one had any intention of tipping off during this period of time.

The bad news that he wanted to find the beggars' gang was really leaked.

Jun Wu weaves together all kinds of clues during this period, and finally can only come to one conclusion:
Among the enemies of Junwu, there are also alien stars who can read people's hearts.

Perhaps the news that Junwu was going to capture the Temple of the King of Guns had not been leaked through the method of reading consciousness.

Jun Wu suddenly sneered, and muttered to himself: "Interesting."

At this time, a cautious voice sounded in my ears: "Your Highness, the time has come."

It turned out that Xiao Huangmen was standing respectfully at the gate of the palace with his whisk in hand.

Jun Wu stood up, and the brocade robe embroidered with gold thread on his body was shining brightly under the candlelight.

But this is not as dazzling as Prince Yue Junwu.

He strode out to receive his latest prize.

At the same time, in the lobby of the main hall of the Han Palace.

Korean civil and military officials and nobles stood on the spacious and tall lobby holding Dendrobium boards.

The surrounding candles are burning high, and the golden lampposts are neatly arranged on both sides.

No matter how big the hall is, it still shines like daylight.

Today is not a day for a great court, but Han Huang Yunxiang, who has always been weak, made an exception and summoned all officials and nobles to the court.

The courtiers exchanged glances, unable to guess what was going on.

Several nobles looked at each other proudly and smiled.

What Yunxiang and the others are going to say should be nothing trivial.

Otherwise, to amuse them nobles like this, they have to find some excuses to make Hanhuang suffer a little more.

Nor did these courtiers and nobles wait too long.

Han Huang Yunxiang and Han Prince Yunhe went to the hall together.

But to the surprise of the ministers, the father and son did not wear the costumes of the emperor and the prince, but were dressed as officials.

Could it be that the father and son have finally recognized the situation and are about to announce their abdication?
The nobles and officials looked at Jinyang Marquis Qiu Ji with strange expressions.

If the Yun family father and son really want to abdicate, he is the most qualified to take over the position in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.

Qiu Ji has white hair, but he is still quite burly.

At this time, he stood proudly, enjoying the envy and jealousy in everyone's eyes.

Although Qiu Ji couldn't guess at the moment what Han Huang Yunxiang was doing.

But he decided in his heart that if Han Huang Yunxiang really wants to abdicate, only His Majesty Yun Zhongjun is the most qualified person to take the throne.

If Yun Xiang really wants to abdicate, he will immediately put His Majesty Yun Zhongjun on the throne!

Just when everyone was suspicious, the musician in the palace suddenly played a passionate and majestic piece of music.

This music has been used to greet the emperor since ancient times.

All the South Korean ministers forgot about etiquette and turned their necks to look inside the hall, wanting to know who would come out from the golden-red curtain.

After a while, there was a yellow door in full costume who bowed respectfully and raised the curtain with a golden rod, and a handsome and mighty young man wearing a black python robe came out from the inside.

In an instant, the entire hall erupted into an uproar.

The appearance of this young man has been seen by many South Korean officials in the past.

Even if you haven't seen him before, you can guess that such a handsome and extravagant man is Jun Wu, Prince of Yue Kingdom!

Prince Yue Junwu unexpectedly appeared on this occasion!
Could it be that the Korean emperor Yunxiang wants to cede the Korean land to the Yue Kingdom to rule it?
This is too appalling, no wonder all South Korean officials can't imagine it.

After seeing Jun Wu go up to the palace, Yun Xiang and Yun He immediately gave Jun Wu a great gift as a courtier.

And Jun Wu also stood upright and calmly accepted the etiquette.

Then Yun Xiang said loudly to the South Korean ministers: "From today onwards, I will surrender to the Yue State. In the past, the land I governed was under the leadership of the Yue State. In the past, all my subjects were Yue ministers. All my subjects were Yue people. "

After finishing speaking, he turned around again and gave a big gift to Jun Wu.

This time, the entire hall was in an uproar.

All the civil and military officials had forgotten it, and all the nobles in South Korea were furious.

They have long planned to pull Han Huang Yunxiang from the throne.

But who would have expected that this soft bone would sell the throne first!
Such a humiliating thing, Kui Yunxiang could do it!
Especially Qiu Ji, he really didn't expect Yun Xiang to make such a move!
At this time, on the high hall, Jun Wu wearing a python robe was sitting on the throne like a real king, and his eyes scanned the officials in front of the hall calmly.

All kinds of complicated voices came into Jun Wu's consciousness.

Some were surprised, some were angry, but these consciousnesses were too strong, so they could only convey the most superficial emotions.

Jun Wu smiled lightly, it was time to put more pressure on them.

At this time, Jun Wu said to everyone: "From now on, this place will be renamed Heyan Road, and it will be ruled by the Yue Kingdom. Kneel down."

No one kneels.

Everyone has long been dissatisfied with Yunxiang's rule, and they all looked at Jinyang Marquis Qiu Ji.

Even if it is really necessary to change the dynasty, it should be the Marquis of Jinyang who has the final say!

Seeing Man Chaodu looking at Junwu with angry eyes, he suddenly sneered and said, "Okay."

As soon as the words fell, everyone in His Highness suddenly felt a strong pressure.

Jun Wu on the throne didn't move a finger, but the officials of His Highness suddenly couldn't control their knees.

Just listen to the sound of "dongdong".Hundreds of South Korean ministers all knelt in front of Junwu.

Then Jun Wu asked again: "Who else is not convinced?"

(End of this chapter)

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