Chapter 282
Seeing that the entire South Korean ministers are about to be suffocated to death by the Yubo barrier of the South Korean Gongyun Zhongjun.

Sitting high on the throne, Jun Wu, who was dressed in a golden and black python robe, just mocked: "You are too weak, you are not my opponent."

The voice echoed over the Han Palace, full of contempt.

Even the vibrating air under the control of the Yubo barrier seemed to freeze for a moment.

At this time, Jun Wu continued: "It seems that the people behind you are nothing more than that."

I don't know if he said this to the South Korean Gongyun Zhongjun who has never shown his true face.

But as soon as these words came out, the chants in the air suddenly seemed to be irritated and became more passionate.

The surrounding air seemed to become substantive, and more Korean courtiers couldn't stand the jade wave barrier and screamed and bled to death from their seven orifices.

When Jun Wu saw this, although his face was still indifferent, he knew in his heart that he had guessed right again.

Although he has already realized that another force has appeared in this world and is trying to oppose him.

But it's still not clear what the other party's origin is.

Today, he gathered all the courtiers in South Korea together, just to use his ability to discern people's hearts to get information about his opponents.

Sure enough, although these Korean courtiers have their own stomachs, Jun Wu still perceives a person called Yun Zhongjun.

I even learned that Yun Zhongjun's strongest martial art is Yubo Barrier.

But Jun Wu also realized that Yubo Barrier has a fatal flaw.

Afterwards, Jun Wu deliberately provoked each other with words, and even killed the general Du Qing in a tragic way, all in order to attract that Yun Zhongjun.

In this way, not only can he know himself and the enemy, but it can also ruin Yun Zhongjun's popularity completely.

After all, ants still steal their lives.

As long as Yun Zhongjun does something that disregards the trust of South Korea's officials, it will be impossible to repair it.

Following Yunzhongjun's entry, Junwu fell into deep thought again.

If the opponent is only Yun Zhongjun alone, he is really too weak.

If he wanted to challenge Junwu on his own, he would be a little overwhelmed.

So Jun Wu deliberately ridiculed him with words, saying that the people behind him were nothing more than that.

Sure enough, Yun Zhongjun couldn't be provoked, and after hearing this, he used all his internal strength to cast the jade wave barrier.

In this way, Jun Wu can be sure that there is indeed an expert behind Yun Zhongjun.

Jun Wu, who was sitting on the throne, narrowed his eyes slightly.

Since Yun Zhongjun insisted on hiding, no matter how exciting he was, he was unwilling to come out.

Just make a break!
At this time, Jun Wu suddenly sat upright, and let out a long roar with a solemn face.

The whistling sound was sharp and high-pitched, and it was as harsh as tearing the air in an instant.

In the entire hall, those civil servants who had no inner strength were instantly stunned by the sharp sound waves and passed out.

The rest of the people also seemed to be deafened, and their ears suddenly lost their hearing.

But correspondingly, the strong pressure suppressed on their hearts suddenly disappeared.
The deafness only lasted for a short moment, and then gradually he was able to find the surrounding sounds again.

But the singing voice that has been floating in the hall has completely disappeared.

At the same time, Prince Yue Junwu stood up.

The golden and black python robe on his body was shining brightly, and his handsome face was full of contempt.

I just heard him say to the courtiers in the palace: "A person who doesn't care about the lives of his courtiers can secure the world?"

After saying that, he turned around and walked into the hall.

Although he walked cleanly, Jun Wu knew that behind him, various changes were brewing.

And his biggest conspiracy against Yun Zhongjun has already begun to ferment.

Following closely behind Jun Wu are two intact yellow gates.

They followed Junwu respectfully, holding a golden hook in each hand, and raised the curtain for Junwu.

Neither of them knew martial arts, but their faces were as usual, as if they were not affected by the Yubo barrier just now.

The original Han Huang Yunxiang and Prince Yunhe also stood up.

They looked at the officials and nobles who were in a state of distress, and they were a little gloating on their faces.

That's right, these people used to be his courtiers.

But they plan behind their backs every day, how to pull Yun and his son from the throne, how to cut off their heads.

Now seeing these ministers in such a hurry, the father and son couldn't help showing a hint of mockery on their faces.

Then the two followed into the inner hall.

Obviously, those who chose to be loyal to Prince Junwu of Yue were all unharmed.

The rest are the Korean officials who are still kneeling on the ground.

Some of them have already bled to death from seven orifices.

The rest is also a pain in the heart, and I can't recover for a while.

Many of these people are members of Gongyun Zhongjun of South Korea.

But instead of protecting them, Yun Zhongjun didn't care about their lives.

A sense of desolation slowly rose in their hearts.

These South Korean ministers suddenly felt that they were as helpless as bereaved dogs.

Han Huang Yunxiang has made known to the world and completed the abdication.

From now on, there will be no more Korea, only Habando.

The real owner of the River Banquet Road has left, and the candles in the hall have been extinguished one by one.

Those who remain with His Highness have become dispensable burdens.

Finally, the living Korean officials coughed violently and supported each other to stand up.

No one among them wanted to say another word.


What else can be said, everyone shook their heads at each other, and slowly walked out of the huge palace with their dendrobium boards.

The setting sun slanted, elongating the shadows of these courtiers, just like the melancholy in their hearts.

Marquis Qiu Ji of Jinyang is the highest in martial arts among Korean princes.

But at the moment he was staggering.

After Qiu Ji walked out of the hall, he waved away the carriage driven by the servant.

He paced round and round in the entire Korean imperial city as if he had lost his mind.

I don't know where Churchill is going.

Finally, when the night fell and the figure of the old man was no longer so conspicuous, he suddenly turned and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Qiu Ji disappeared in an alley, and then kept walking through the dark passage.

No one can imagine that in the crowded and scattered imperial city of South Korea, there is actually a secret passage hidden behind many houses.

Qiu Ji walked briskly for a moment behind the dark house and among the walls, and finally entered a small courtyard.

The yard looks very ordinary from the outside.

It's just an ordinary family with gray walls and black tiles.

But as soon as I entered the courtyard, I found that the inside was extremely elegant.

The courtyard is full of green grass, and there are a few goldfish swimming in a small flowing spring.

Qiu Ji walked quickly across the yard and gently pushed open a black wooden door.

Behind the wooden door is a room.

It's just that there are no lights in the house now, and the house is very dark.

Qiu Ji closed the door carefully, so that the room was completely dark.

Qiu Ji said respectfully to the room: "Your Majesty, how are you?"

After a while, a hoarse voice came from the room and said, "I got some injuries. But it's okay.

Come and give me a hand. "

Qiu Ji immediately said: "Yes!"

He groped his way into the inner room, and sure enough, he saw Han Gongyun Zhongjun inside.

A little bit of candlelight kept jumping.

It reflected Yunzhong Jun's long body.

I saw a sharp knife in his hand, and his body was covered with blood.

Qiu Ji was horrified when he saw this.

But Yun Zhongjun said to him hoarsely: "Come quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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