The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 299 Green Ridge Blood Flower

Chapter 299 Green Ridge Blood Flower

The short swords whistling from all around the valley were too dense.

In addition, there is a hole in the short sword, and it will make a loud noise when it is hit in the air.

No matter how powerful a warrior is, he is nothing more than a pair of eyes.

They judged the hidden weapons in the air, mostly by listening to the sound and distinguishing the position.

But now dozens of stalks flew from all directions, and they all let out a sharp whistling.

Even the three demons who are extremely sensitive to voice panicked for a while.

The three demons and the eldest prince Jun Yi were each hit in a moment.

What is even more unimaginable is that the internal force carried by these short swords is still strong even after such a long distance.

Although none of the three demons were hit by the sword head-on, they were all scratched, but the injuries were not light.

Wherever the sword goes, the skin and flesh are instantly opened, fresh
Blood gushes out.

But those real martial arts swords are still flying from all directions one after another. If it takes a while, someone will definitely be seriously injured.

At this time, Prince Yue Junwu finally said: "Brother Huang, I will kill all of your subordinates!"

The eldest prince Jun Yi is struggling now, so he has no time to answer, so he just nodded with a bitter face.

Jun Wu was no longer polite.

Although these Taoists scattered in the mountains and bushes are far apart, the obsession in their hearts is so strong that Jun Wu feels it clearly.

They all had only one thought: "We must not let Junwu pass!"

This scene is very similar to the situation before the station.

The same is an enemy whose strength and identity do not match, and the same has only one thought strangely.

It was as if all their original thoughts were erased, and only one thought was implanted for driving.

The idea of ​​the people in the post station last time was to "let the intruders leave."

This time, the thought was very specific, "Don't let Junwu pass!"

Obviously, his actions were already within the enemy's calculations.

And who in the world can pull such a trick under Jun Wu's nose?

Jun Wu immediately thought of the so-called Xia Ziyu.

"Hmph, old thing!"

Jun Wu didn't hesitate anymore, he suddenly jumped up, clasped his hands in his arms, and suddenly parted outwards.

Then the Three Demons and the Great Emperor felt a violent gust of wind blowing around them.

They hurriedly hugged the stone piers and pillars around them, but even so, their hair and clothes were still flying rapidly, and they hit their faces with pain.

It turned out that Junwu suddenly exerted his internal force, and the powerful internal force of more than a thousand years stuck to the surrounding air, taking advantage of the terrain of the canyon to form a flat tornado.

Everything is swaying rapidly in the tornado that is so powerful that the sky and the earth change color.

The trees were pulled to the extreme by the strong wind as if they were about to break apart.

Not to mention more than 20 Taoist priests in the Hanging Palace.

They were still unleashing their real martial arts swords in unison to kill Junwu, and they were completely defenseless.

The next moment, it was swept up by the powerful air current.

These people completely lost any support, and screamed instinctively in the air.

The strong wind took them to spin extremely fast over the valley, like leaves that were weak in the strong wind.

If Jun Wu loosened his internal strength, they would definitely fall from the air, and they would definitely die.

The hearts of the Three Demons and the eldest prince Jun Yi who were holding the stone pillars and stone piers were all blank in shock.

In particular, Jun Yi was once defeated by Jun Wu, but that was a few years later.

Who would have thought that when he saw Prince Junwu's ability again, it would be so strong again!

Compared with the current Prince Yue Junwu who is like a god, Jun Yi feels that his strength is just like an ant.

Maybe I don't care if I trampled an ant to death.

So it seems that Jun Wu can spare him such a contender for the succession to the throne, which is really worthy of gratitude.

Jun Yi thought wildly in his mind, and looked up at the sky again, only to find that the situation in midair had changed again.

It turned out that the people in the hanging palace who were screaming in mid-air all became a vertical line at some point.

Jun Yi felt weird in his heart, and when he looked carefully, he found that the top of the vertical line in the sky was the Taoist who was the first to notice the weirdness.

And Jun Wu, who controlled the tornado on the land, looked at this vertical human line and secretly thought it was interesting.

The reason why these people lined up in a straight line was not because of him.

It's that these Taoists, who can't even control their bodies, use their last strength to slide their hands and feet, and they have to form such a vertical line in the sky.

These people have no chance to confer in heaven, and they do such things by instinct.

So what is the purpose of them lining up in a vertical line in the sky?
Jun Wu, who was squinting his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes and understood the intentions of these Taoists.

It turned out that they guessed that when their internal strength was withdrawn, these people would fall from the sky and die.

And they tried their best to be under the Taoist at the top, to save the life of the Taoist at the top?

If there were so many human flesh underneath, maybe the top Taoist would not have fallen to his death!
It would be incredible if more than 20 Taoist priests had such thoughts spontaneously.

Jun Wu once again recalled the weird situation at the post station.

The rough envoy and handyman who should have been the lowest in status let the postmen and postmen in the post station obey him.

Both are unreasonable and very similar.

But I don't know what caused such a weird situation?
Jun Wu saw these weirdnesses in his eyes, and suddenly smiled lightly: "I just won't let you get what you want!"

As soon as the words fell, his eyes became sharper, and the flow of internal energy also changed suddenly.

The tornado that had swept everything into the air changed its direction in an instant.

It was as if it exploded in mid-air, and the strong wind threw the more than 20 Taoist priests in all directions.

Just because the internal force was too strong, the more than 20 Taoists didn't even come and let out a scream, and they were all blasted towards the lush green valleys on all sides.

Then a terrifying scene happened.

In an instant, the green mountains seemed to be bursting with blood.

It turned out that the bodies of these Taoists were directly pierced by the branches of the trees.

Under the spray of blood, the originally verdant trees were dyed blood red.

Not a single Taoist was spared, everyone was pierced by the trees, and died completely.

The Three Demons and the First Prince Jun Yi watched this happen.

Their open mouths were finally closed.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have believed that there would be such a way of killing people in the world?
It seems that everything is a plaything manipulated by Jun Wu at will.

How to kill you today depends entirely on the momentary inspiration.

After Jun Wu killed all these Taoists, he lightly jumped down from midair.

The eldest prince Jun Yi and the three monsters quickly adjusted their emotions and walked towards Jun Wu.

At this time, Prince Junwu said to them indifferently: "Although the weird Taoists in Xuankong Palace are eliminated, the reasons must be investigated."

He looked around and said: "The Hanging Palace is to guard the throat of the witches of Southern Border. Since the enemy is doing something here, it is probably for the witches of Southern Border."

The eldest prince Jun Yi hurriedly said: "It's too bad, during the time when the criminal minister rushed to the capital to report the news, I don't know if anyone has tampered with the hanging door!"

Jun Wu's expression remained normal and he said, "Take us to see it!"

 Let everyone enjoy the new book "Swordsman Fengyun Zhi" by the crazy brothers on time.Needless to say, the structure of the writing, go and see for yourself.Crazy brother was suspended for a year due to family affairs last year, but he didn't expect that there would be no eunuch, and he was also popular and strongly promoted.As a persevering author, after being silent for so long, I'm sure I won't let everyone down!The old author is guaranteed, and a poem written by Crazy Brothers in 2018 is attached:

  Mourning the death of Mr. Jin Yong
  The sword goes away and people are empty and thin, and the sword hides the immortals in mourning.

  The shadow of martial arts in the world, the world is full of grandeur.

  Full of chivalry, such a showy year, such a showy year
(End of this chapter)

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