Chapter 3
Suddenly hearing the words of the young man in the rear compartment, the two guards broke out in a cold sweat.

The two of them already knew that all the emperor's heirs had taken anesthesia tonight.

This anesthetic is still a rare thing left by the old master. After taking it, he will not wake up for three days and three nights.

It will neither affect the health of several emperors, nor avoid many troubles on the road.

Knowing this, the two guards had no scruples about each other, and spoke the truth.

Who would have thought that the Fifth Prince would wake up so quickly at such a young age.

Recall what they just said.

Whether it's Liu Jin, who is more mature, or Ye Yan, who is always thinking about making contributions, they are all trembling.

They have never dealt with the fifth prince Junwu.

But the princes and princesses in the world are difficult to serve, there is no falsehood about this.

Jun Wu saw the two guards stiffen like stones.

He sneered again and said, "I still had the guts just now, where are you now?"

Liu Jin and Ye Yan continued to petrify.

Looking at the stiff backs of the two, Jun Wu said again: "One of you wants to retire safely, and the other wants to make contributions.

But now it's all on my boat.

If you are unwilling to be loyal to me and hide everything, it is difficult to guarantee that we will capsize together. "

Upon hearing this, Liu Jin and Ye Yan immediately swore: "This subordinate will never dare to do this!"

Jun Wu interrupted them indifferently and said, "Then tell me about the true dragon blood first."

Without looking back, Liu Jin knew that the fifth prince was talking about himself.

He hurriedly replied: "It's not that the subordinate deliberately concealed it.

In fact, it was because these were all rumors that could not be traced in the palace.

That's why he didn't dare to tell the truth in front of the Fifth Prince. "

Then he swallowed his saliva and continued: "This subordinate also heard rumors,
Our Dai Viet dynasty should usher in true dragon blood within these 200 years.

And that true dragon blood can lead Yue Dynasty to rule the world.

At that time, the countries of Han, Liang, Bian, and Qi will surely bow their heads and proclaim themselves ministers.

What's more, it is said that the blood of the true dragon is... will not die. "

Jun Wu nodded, these words were similar to what he heard at the royal family banquet.

He turned to ask again: "Are you all from Shaolin Temple?
15 years of internal strength?20 years of internal strength?What does it mean that the energy breaks through the spine? "

Liu Jin sighed slightly after hearing this question.

Their five princes don't even know the basic knowledge of martial arts.

How will he compete with other heirs after three years?

But Liu Jin naturally didn't dare to express such thoughts.

He only replied seriously: "There are different schools of martial arts in the world, and there are constraints and suppressions between weapons and moves.

It's hard to say which faction is number one in the world.

But what they have in common is the word 'internal force'.

Our two senior brothers are both ashamed of our sect, and now we still only have a small amount of internal strength within 20 years.

If you can survive 100 years of internal strength, your energy will break through the spine, and you will go through the heart disaster, you will be able to enter the middle god realm.

Since then, the body has become horizontally connected, and blunt objects cannot be injured, but sharp objects can also be hard-wired. "

Jun Wu nodded and asked, "How many people in the world have reached the Central God?"

At this time, Ye Yan, who had been unable to make a sound, hurriedly said: "I know that.

Most of the masters and guardians of various sects have entered the middle god realm.

We Shaolin Eighteen Arhats are all masters of gods. "

Liu Jin also added: "The middle god realm requires more than 100 years of internal strength, which is one in a million.

If one can enter Zhongshen, it is not just a simple accumulation of internal strength, but also a more refined understanding of martial arts moves.

Only the masters of various factions can achieve it.

Above the Central God is Dacheng.Legend has it that it takes a thousand years of internal strength to achieve it. "

Jun Wu couldn't help asking: "Thousands of years? Can people live so long?"

Liu Jin and Ye Yan laughed when they heard this question.

When you first enter the way of martial arts, most of you will ask such questions.

Even the two of them asked the master this way.

Liu Jin explained: "The number of years of internal strength in our martial arts is not based on years.

It's about the improvement of internal strength of an ordinary person who practices martial arts with all his strength for a year.

But for those natural martial arts materials, it doesn't take so long to achieve the internal strength of a year.

It is also possible for a top-level grandmaster to achieve two or three hundred years of internal strength at the age of half a century. "

Jun Wu still asked calmly: "Then how many masters are there in this world who can achieve great success?"

Liu Jin didn't expect that their fifth prince would always have an attitude of not being surprised when he was young.

This can't help but make Liu Jin feel a little bit more fond of the fifth prince.

He replied: "Shenzhou is so big that even my subordinates cannot know everything.

So there may be masters who can enter the Dacheng realm, but we ordinary people have never seen it. "

"I've never heard of a living one." Ye Yan quickly added: "Some legends say that the masters who become saints are in the realm of Dacheng.

It's just that in terms of age, it should be several hundred years old.I don't know if I'm still alive or not. "

These words fell into Jun Wu's ears, but it was as if he had grasped the key.

Seeing Jun Wu asked calmly, "Then do you think it is possible for them to be alive?"

In Junwu's past world, the person with the longest life span recorded in history was over 130 years old.

In ancient times like the present, the age of five or sixty would be the end of life for most people.

But analyzing the words of this young and impulsive guard, it seems that it is not impossible to live hundreds of years.

So Jun Wu purposely asked the young man with clichés.

Ye Yan was obviously very excited when asked by his master.

Although the fifth prince is the weakest among all the emperor's heirs, a prince is a prince.

Ye Yan thought for a moment, then replied: "I believe that there must be living Dacheng saints in the world.

For example, the white-headed Taoist priest was already 300 years ago.So far there are still rumors of his fairy trail appearing in a certain place.

If it is not to enter the Dacheng, the body will no longer decay, how can it be achieved? "

Jun Wu nodded again.

It seems that the unfailing physical body and entering the realm of great success are complementary to each other.

Such a world is quite interesting.

Jun Wu raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

His two guards were half turned sideways as if answering the Fifth Prince's words.

But suddenly seeing the fifth prince's smile, his heart trembled.

The fifth prince's appearance is unmatched in beauty, which is incomparable to all the emperor's heirs.

But what really shocked them was not the fifth prince's appearance, but the indifference and coldness in his smile.

Like a fairy born out of the world, he only regards the world as a game.

Jun Wu then asked: "Then what do you mean by breaking through the spine?"

Liu Jin continued to reply respectfully: "The spine of a mortal has 33 sections. Essence and internal strength increase at the same time.

Every time a section grows, it will break through the shackles of a section of the spine.Once the four caudal vertebrae and the five sacral vertebrae break through.

Then enter the middle god realm.But breaking through the last segment of the sacral vertebra is far more difficult than other vertebrae.

Once a breakthrough is made, the potential in the body will continue to be drawn out.

Essence and internal strength complement each other, and they are a hundred times more powerful than other warriors. "

Jun Wu listened to all the things he cared about.

If you know something deeper, this pair of suffering brothers will not know more.

Then he said to Ye Yan calmly: "Okay. Now attack me with all your strength.

Don't worry, I won't take your life. "

(End of this chapter)

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