The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 30 I Rejected When He First Proposed

Chapter 30 I Rejected When He First Proposed
Although Jun Wu couldn't understand what was written on the paper talisman that suddenly appeared in front of him.

But he still bounced out of the window like an arrow from the string.

This time he used the kung fu of "Happy and Unfettered", and he disappeared from the palace in an instant.

It's almost like a ghost.

Even his three subordinates didn't realize when the Fifth Prince disappeared.

The previous few times, Jun Wu did not move when he saw any visions.

That's because Jun Wu still can't guess who is plotting against him.

But now it's obvious.

The one who can use paper talismans to send messages to himself is probably the eldest prince Jun Yi who has always been dressed as a Taoist priest.

Although it is also possible that someone else is pretending.

But the paper talisman was burned, and the handwriting was still in the air.

Such techniques must be the essence of Taoism.

How can someone who is not a member of the Daoist sect easily imitate it?

Now that he knows that it is the eldest prince Jun Yi who is looking for him.

On the contrary, Jun Wu didn't need to be careful.

No matter how the other party moves, he only needs to subdue Jun Yi with one force.

With such thoughts in mind, Jun Wu didn't stay any longer.

It didn't take long to run, and suddenly his body stopped immediately.

The body that is flying at high speed can suddenly stop still, which in itself is a manifestation of internal strength.

It is also a proof of the extreme strength of the physical body.

If you just forcibly use internal force to stop the forward trend, the physical body will not be able to bear the pull of the two huge forces.

Jun Wu didn't show his hand intentionally, but there was still a sudden round of applause around him.

Now Jun Wu is stopping in a forest.

It was getting late, and there was silence in the woods.

Jun Wu's eyes stopped precisely in one place.

There, a young man wearing an apricot robe and a bun came out.

Jun Wu saluted the man calmly and said, "I've seen Brother Da Huang."

And this young man is none other than the great prince of the Dayue Dynasty—Jun Yi.

He has a handsome appearance, coupled with a Taoist uniform, he really has a sense of elegance and dust.

Jun Yi smiled and said to Jun Wu: "Five emperors are really good at kung fu. I haven't used my full strength on the city wall that day."

Jun Wu's face became serious, and he asked, "I don't know why Brother Dahuang is looking for me on purpose?"

Although Jun Yi and Jun Wu are three years apart, they are both tall and straight in terms of their figures.

Jun Yi smiled lightly, and said: "This is not a place to talk. Brother Wu Huang follow me."

After saying that, he pulled himself up and rushed forward.

Jun Wu's eyes lit up.The "Happy and Unfettered" kung fu he owns is the best kung fu in lightness kung fu.

But Brother Dahuang's lightness kung fu and physical skills are obviously not weak.

Among the other imperial heirs, none of them could reach the height of the elder brother.

Even Shan Meng, who rushed to the top of the city that day, displayed ten success powers in the face of danger, still not as good as the eldest prince's rush today.

You must know that Qinggong is not just a single skill.

If the internal strength is weak, even if the lightness kung fu is excellent, it will be difficult to perform.

When Jun Wu saw the figure of Brother Da Huang was about to disappear, he immediately pulled out to chase after him.

In this personal competition, Jun Wu was determined in his heart.

Although the First Prince had excellent lightness skills, Jun Wu chased him even faster.

He simply followed closely behind him, not easily getting ahead.

A few days ago, Jun Wu just took over a battle with the second queen, Jun You.

At that time, the second emperor sister had achieved a small amount of internal strength in 50 years, and she had already amazed everyone.

Only now did I know that Brother Da Huang hid deeper.

Everyone in the companion capital is focused on hiding their strength, so Jun Wu only needs to show his lightness skill just right.

Although all kinds of thoughts were surging in his heart, Jun Wu still activated his body skills and chased after the big emperor brother.

And the scenery in front of him rushed behind him, and Jun Wu found out that the elder brother was going to lure him to the northwest earth mountain.

Jun Wu is not worried that Brother Da Huang wants to lure him out of the capital.

Because if this is the case, Brother Dahuang himself has violated one of the four precepts.

There is no such a bad deal in the world.

Sure enough, the great emperor brother flew to the top of the mountain and stopped immediately.

At this time, a bright moon had just climbed into the sky.

Brother Da Huang stood on the top of the mountain, looking at Jun Wu leisurely.

The full moon behind him looked cold and huge.

Jun Wu also stepped lightly on the top of the dirt mountain, and then he stood firmly.

It's as easy as if the chase never happened.

At this time, he said with a serious face: "What is it, you can talk about it."

The eldest prince Jun Yi smiled and said: "The fifth emperor's younger brother is very good at lightening his body.

Well, let me be straight.

The reason why I came here today to fight against you in a dignified way is to find the fifth emperor brother. "

Jun Wu sneered coldly: "Sorry, I don't want to kill you by mistake."

The eldest prince Jun Yi showed a restrained smile on his face, and said: "To each other, I don't want to kill you by mistake."

Jun Wu clasped his fists together and said, "I'm sorry to bother you." Then he turned to leave.

But in the next instant, the eldest prince Jun Yi had already stepped in front of Jun Wu and said:
"But today's battle is inevitable for us."

Jun Wu knew that Brother Dahuang came to him, it would not be a purposeless invitation to fight.

He deliberately put on an appearance of no interest, just to let the eldest brother spit out all the truth in his heart.

Jun Wu raised his eyebrows and looked at Brother Dahuang, as if he was waiting for Jun Yi to explain the truth.

At this time, the elder brother Jun Yi coughed and said: "The situation of you and me should be exactly the same now.

They are all stuck before the Middle God Realm and cannot go up. "

Jun Wu secretly said in his heart: "Sure enough."

Although the big emperor brother had never made a move before.

But judging from the sprint just now, his kung fu is no longer under Shanmeng.

Now when he opened his mouth, he even claimed that he was also stuck before the Middle God Realm.

This made Jun Wu look at the heir of the Dayue Dynasty with admiration even more.

With the system close to me, I was actually stuck in the same realm as the native prince.

Although Jun Wu himself was nourished by the elixir, his martial arts moves were already proficient at birth.

Even if he is stuck in the same realm, Jun Wu is still better than others.

What's more, once he breaks through the realm, then the blood of the real dragon can help him make a huge difference.

At this time, the eldest prince Jun Yi continued: "I'm afraid the problem we are facing now is the same.

Now as long as we don't leave the accompanying capital, no one can help us break through to the Middle God Realm.

Originally, Pan Yulong's time was an excellent opportunity.

Who knew that he, a top expert in the Middle God Realm for 300 years, would walk away as soon as he said it. "

After finishing speaking, he shook his head, as if expressing his disdain for that supreme expert.

Jun Wu was taken aback.

Pan Yulong was "deceived" by him using the "Deterrence Technique".

No one in the world knows this except himself.

Even Pan Yulong himself might feel that it was too easy for him to leave that day after a while.

But it never occurred to him that he was being controlled mentally.

Now listening to what the eldest prince Jun Yi said, is it actually the key to help him break through the middle god realm?
At this time, the eldest prince Jun Yi said again: "But Pan Yulong's martial arts are too high, even if he doesn't leave that day, it will be too dangerous after all.

Now the entire company has no real masters.

If I have to say, you and I are evenly matched.

Aren't you the beneficiary of this competition? "

Jun Wu listened to the words of the eldest prince Jun Yi with a serious face.

What I think in my heart is: evenly matched?Not necessarily.

He knew that some key places had been pointed out by the First Prince, but there were still some hidden in the clouds.

If it is not clear, there will be hidden dangers after all.

At this time, Jun Wu deliberately said in an indifferent tone: "It is you who are desperate, but not me. I refuse this competition.""

(End of this chapter)

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