The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 308 The Toughest Opponent

Chapter 308 The Toughest Opponent

Yu Yiyi's life was so short, and her pure experience did not bring her the wisdom to know people.

Now her almond eyes are wide open, but they have lost focus.

Hot blood gushed out from the blade on his chest.

She died so quickly that she didn't have time to think about who killed her.

Perhaps it was the last mercy to this girl.

And the sudden death of a person finally caused the people who gathered around to watch the fun to panic.

Many of them screamed and were about to fall back.

It's just that there is a dense crowd behind him.

As a result, the area around the square became extremely chaotic for a while.

Not to mention that Prince Yue Junwu suddenly rushed in one direction like an arrow off the string.

What kind of martial arts is Jun Wu?

He originally possessed the lightness kung fu of carefree and unrestrained, but also absorbed the strange star of Chai Xukun.

No one in this world should be able to escape Jun Wu's pursuit.

However, Jun Wu rushed towards a man in black with lightning speed.

But in just an instant, the man was no longer where he was.

All that was left were the crowded people who were staggering to and fro.

Jun Wu's heart shuddered, knowing that the man in black must be Mu Xiantong.

It seems that he has other skills besides sleeping insects.

What Jun Wu expected was right, the man in black was Mu Xiantong.

He hid in the crowd, and when he killed Yu Yiyi with a throwing knife, he knew that his position would be exposed.

Mu Xiantong also knew that Prince Yue was a great man, and he might have no chance of winning if he confronted him head-on.

But Mu Xiantong was helpless.

He was not afraid of being exposed, but he was worried that Yu Yiyi, that stupid girl, would tell Xia Ziyu's location.

Although Mu Xiantong is a flirtatious man, he can easily speak sweet words to any woman.

But he is absolutely loyal to Xia Ziyu.

Mu Xiantong was inspired by Xia Ziyu more than a thousand years ago and followed him to help the world.

After thousands of years, he resolutely followed Xia Ziyu back to the world from the netherworld.

The purpose is to help Xia Ziyu restore the order of the world.

For this great goal, Mu Xiantong can sacrifice himself, but he must not expose Xia Ziyu easily!
But Mu Xiantong is not a fool.On the contrary, his heart is fortitude and ruthlessness.

No matter how Jun Wu humiliated the Southern Border Witch Queen and Yu Yiyi in front of everyone, Mu Xiantong could keep his heart calm.

He even shot a throwing knife without thinking, exposing his position.

It's just because Mu Xiantong still has confidence in his own strength.

Sure enough, when he glanced back, Prince Yue Junwu was rushing to where he was just now.

It was a close call.

If it wasn't for "Shrinking the Earth", Mu Xiantong must have died on the spot.

But before Mu Xiantong could rejoice, he suddenly saw Prince Yue Junwu Junwu's sinister eyes staring at him.

Mu Xiantong's heart was beating wildly, this Prince Yue was really not simple.In an instant, he found his new position in the crowd.

He didn't have time to think, so he had to use the "shrinking ground magic power" to disappear flat again.

Jun Wu squinted his eyes, looking at the direction where the man in black disappeared again.

This time Jun Wu didn't go after him.

He is already convinced that Mu Xiantong possesses the advanced technique of moving a distance in an instant.

And the panel in front of him also showed the same:
"Shrinking the Earth", an ancient technique.

It was taught by Xia Ziyu to Zheng Guogong Mu Xiantong.

It can move a certain distance with full power in an instant.

It has been lost since Mu Xiantong's death.

Unable to crack.

Jun Wu snorted, it seems that these "ancient magical skills" cannot be deciphered by the blood of the real dragon.

It doesn't matter, then leave it to him to crack it himself.

Jun Wu could see from the explanation that although Mu Xiantong's "Shrinking Earth Supernatural Power" is wonderful, it also has limitations.

Obviously he can't use this method to move too far.

In this situation, Mu Xiantong must be in the best position to hide among the chaotic crowd.

Jun Wu looked around and saw excited and terrified Yue people.

But he couldn't find Mu Xiantong's new location for a while.

Because there are too many people around, they squeeze each other, and it is impossible to drive them away immediately.

Suddenly Jun Wu heard the wind blowing in the back of his head, and he moved a short distance to the side without panic.

He saw a flying knife flying past his ear.

Jun Wu stretched out his two fingers to grab the flying knife, so that the flying knife did not hurt the people.

Judging from the strength of the flying knife, Mu Xiantong's internal strength is really not weak, and it may have been more than 1000 years old.

Apparently he was trying to cause chaos by using the magical power of shrinking the earth and the ability of throwing knives.

This is a set of strategies to exhaust the enemy. When Junwu becomes careless in order to deal with the flying knives at all times, it is the moment for Mu Xiantong to escape in chaos.

A smile appeared on Jun Wu's face.

Although Mu Xiantong was not the strongest enemy he had encountered, he was the one with the most outstanding wit.

The square is surrounded by people from the Yue Kingdom.

As the prince of Yue, Jun Wu naturally couldn't let the common people get hurt in front of him.

At this moment, these common people have long been in a mess, and many people fell down because of each other.

And Mu Xiantong in black was hiding among the common people, so it was extremely difficult to find out at once.

Even if Jun Wu finds his location, he can use the "Divine Ability to Shrink the Earth" to immediately hide in the next place.

Even Jun Wu had to deal with the throwing knives that kept shooting at him.

It's not just that the common people are in a mess.

The three monsters standing in the middle of the square were also sweating.

Although they didn't know Mu Xiantong's tricks, they could already see the seriousness on Master's face.

Jun Wu has always killed the enemy cleanly, and he has never encountered such a delay in seeing blood.

Just as the three demons were nervously looking at their master Junwu, they suddenly saw that he no longer squinted his eyes slightly, but suddenly relaxed his face.

The three demons were all overjoyed, knowing that this was what the master had already fully grasped.

They haven't seen how the master can display his supernatural powers.

But his eyes widened incredulously.

In the previously empty square, Jun Wu suddenly threw a man in black to the ground heavily.

As if it appeared suddenly.

The man had shiny hair and a neat mustache on his lips.

But now he was spitting out blood, and the white marble floor under him cracked into fragments more than ten feet away.

I don't know how much force this man was thrown to the ground.

And next to the man, Prince Yue Junwu happened to be standing leisurely.

In a panic, the people saw His Royal Highness throwing a man in black onto the square. Although they didn't know the reason, they all burst into cheers and resounded throughout the square.

The three demons couldn't figure out why the master who was still in the crowd just now suddenly appeared in front of them.

Mu Xiantong was even more confused.

Everything had gone according to his plan.

Mu Xiantong used the ability of "shrinking the ground" to constantly change directions in the crowd, which put Prince Yue in a stalemate.

But in an instant, he was thrown onto the square.The powerful impact severely injured his lungs.

He knew that he was afraid that he would return to Netherworld again, but Mu Xiantong endured the severe pain and looked at Jun Wu, and asked with the last of his strength: "How... how... did you..."

(End of this chapter)

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