The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 313 I just want to make money

Chapter 313 I just want to make money

Hearing the self-proclaimed name of the owner of Jilong Village, Jing Tian couldn't help frowning.

How did you come up with such a name?
It sounds like a wild boy who had no food since childhood.

Back then, there were always 4 people under the command of Jilongzhai, occupying two hills in Qilian Mountain.

The owner of the village, He Liansha, is even more powerful in martial arts, and he is also loyal to himself.

He Liansha used to be a general who followed Sedum.

Because he is not Han, he cannot talk to other courtiers and generals.

Even because of his perverse personality, he turned against many people.

Later, a censor impeached him and wanted to rebel against Tibetan soldiers.

It was Jingtian who knew that Helian had no objection to killing.

It's just that it will be difficult for North Korean and Chinese officials to calm down if they don't show some punishment.

In the end, Jing Tian turned out to be a fake show and made He Liansha "rebel" with [-] elite troops.

Enter the Qilian Mountains and fall into bandits.

This is actually a dangerous move.

It was precisely because of his trust in He Liansha that Jing Tian let He Liansha leave.

He Liansha had originally turned against the ministers, knowing that he would never be able to stand with these people in the court again.

I am even more grateful to Sedum for not caring about these things, and instead let herself go.

At that time, He Liansha followed Jingtian's order and led his men to station in Qilian Mountain.

On the surface, He Lian's killing was against the court.

In fact, he is a secret seed planted around the capital by Sedum, who is not long in the world.

Up to now, in Jilong Village, there is still the imperial decree written by Jing Tian back then, ordering He Lian to be the general of rebellion, and hereditary will not replace him.

If you encounter rebels or rebels, Jilongzhai will bring the brother Qinwang in the village.

Sedum is a cautious person, always leaving behind.

The rebellious general and the national protector are both the power he left behind for future generations.

Having said that, Sedum did not realize that the power of time is so powerful.

He turned the loyal defender of the country into a person who is greedy for comfort.

It also turned the powerful rebel army into a grass bandit with only 200 people.

Not to mention his Qi State, which has long since perished!

At this moment, Huang Ergou, who was kneeling in front of Sedum in a weird posture, couldn't help muttering in his heart.

He knew about the traitorous general.

At least when the boss of the old village ordered him to take over, he secretly showed him the "handbook" hidden in the camphor wood box.

It's just that the old village master is semi-literate, and he can't read more than half of the characters on the handbook.

And his Huang Ergou can only understand seven or eight big characters.

As long as there are more strokes, he will not recognize them.

As for the thought of loyalty to the emperor, it is even more ridiculous.

Today's Huang Ergou has only one thought in his mind, which is how to make money!
When Huang Ergou took over Jilong Village, there were only 60 or [-] people left in the village.

They don't even have the strength to go down the mountain to make a vote, so the brothers can only obediently grow some food and vegetables in the stockade to survive.

What kind of bandit is this?
Afterwards, the other villages on Qilian Mountain received news that they wanted to besiege Xia Guohuang with a big vote.

Jilongzhai is not qualified to take a share of the pie because it is too weak.

Fortunately, I heard that none of the people who went to besiege Xia Kingdom's imperial city came back alive.

It is said that these people were all killed by Prince Yue.

Huang Ergou's heart trembled, and he was overjoyed.

Since this battle, Qi Lianshan has suffered a lot.

On the contrary, Jilongzhai managed to expand a lot of territory and absorbed many brothers.

Under the leadership of Huang Ergou, the fierce dragon village expanded from five or sixty people to one or two hundred people.

While he had a great sense of accomplishment in his heart, he couldn't help but feel secretly troubled.

Since Qi State became Jiaping Road, the world under the mountain has gradually become peaceful.

If they want to go down the mountain to "do business", they will easily be encircled and suppressed by the army.

As a result, the food and drink of one or two hundred bandits fell on Huang Ergou, which often made him anxious.

Now this Duke of Qi Jingtian suddenly came to his door, it was like sending him a fat sheep.

As long as he is stabilized, Huang Ergou can claim credit to His Royal Highness, and it is not a dream to exchange for real money.

Even if he can be recruited by His Highness the Crown Prince, he will be at ease for the rest of his life!

The two of them immediately entered Huang Ergou's house.

Huang Ergou was still kneeling in a daze.

Sedum spoke with her head held high.

While Huang Ergou's eyes rolled around, Sedum had already talked a lot.

In the end, he frowned dissatisfiedly, looked at Huang Ergou who couldn't even kneel down, and said, "Did you hear what I said clearly?"

Huang Ergou hurriedly said: "I heard everything clearly! I heard it clearly!"

Jing Tian sighed, and then said: "Anyway, you take the brothers in the village and go ten miles south of the capital, and try to find the orb fragments."

Huang Ergou was taken aback for a moment, and said in his heart that he couldn't just agree to him so easily, he must find a way to hold back Sedum.

At this time, Huang Ergou changed his pitiful appearance and said: "Your Majesty, you have seen that there are only more than 100 brothers in our village.

In order to have a bite to eat on weekdays, everyone has to go to the fields to work.

If everyone pulls out their hands to find the orb fragments, we'll all starve to death! "

Jing Tian was even more annoyed when he heard such words.

A good cottage actually earns a living by doing farm work all day long.

Besides, those skinny guys in the yard are obviously playing dice, so what kind of farm work are they doing?

Even though he was so slanderous in his heart, Sedum finally forcibly suppressed the resentment in his heart.

To find the fragments, he alone is not enough.

Not to mention that he could be blown apart as soon as he touched the shards.

Today's sedum requires a lot of hands.

And the only ones he can use are these people in Jilong Village.

At this time, Jing Tian took a deep breath to calm down the anger in his heart, and then said to Huang Ergou with a majestic expression: "How much money do you need to support the brothers in the village?"

Huang Ergou's eyes rolled wildly, trying to report a huge number to hold back Sedum.

Then he said: "At least 1000 taels of silver! You must know that if the farming season is missed, the brothers will not be able to eat for a whole year..."

Jing Tian sneered, interrupted Huang Ergou and said, "5 taels of silver is for you, don't procrastinate any longer!"

After hearing this, Huang Ergou almost sat down on the ground.

5 taels of silver!
I'm afraid the owner of the biggest cottage in Qilian Mountain has never seen so much money before, right?

If Jing Tian can really afford so much money, maybe it's not bad to follow him.

Huang Ergou's heart was easily shaken.

He suddenly kowtowed like pounding garlic and said to Sedum: "Thank you for your kindness!"

Huang Ergou said in his heart that this guy turned out to be the one who has an eye for money, so why bother talking to him so much if he knew it earlier.

After the matter was settled, Sedum left the Qilian Mountains with satisfaction.

But Huang Ergou was still in a daze, rejoicing at the 5 taels of silver he was about to get.

At this time, the door of his room was suddenly kicked open.

Huang Ergou was startled, and was about to curse: "Who is that damn..."

When he saw the person who kicked open the door of his room, his legs went limp in instant fright, and he knelt on the ground with a plop.

At this time, Liu Jin and Ye Yan, the guards of His Royal Highness, rushed into the house first, and checked the surroundings of the house.

Then, three strange-looking men entered the house carrying two large boxes each.

The last one to come in was Prince Junwu of Dayue.

I saw him wearing a silver cloak, and a black brocade robe set off his handsome appearance.

It's just that Jun Wu's face is gloomy at this moment, and he is staring at Huang Ergou.

But when Jun Wu waved his hand, the three strange-looking men put the two big boxes on the ground.

The six boxes hit the ground with a heavy muffled sound, and dust was stirred up on the muddy ground for a while.

Huang Ergou had been a bandit, and he knew what was in the box as soon as he saw the smoke.

Sure enough, the three men opened the lid of the box, and in an instant the golden light illuminated the gloomy cabin brilliantly.

The six boxes are filled with gold.

Huang Ergou's mind suddenly went blank.

Then he kowtowed to Jun Wu, and said without repeating: "Your Highness, the villain has lost his head!
From now on, the villain will be a dog of His Royal Highness, a running dog!
Please His Royal Highness forgive the villain! "

(End of this chapter)

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