Chapter 320
Jun Wu just stretched out his arm and aimed at Sedum.

A hot force in the heart burst out from the palm according to the heart.

Then the already pale Sedum was blasted apart by a white light, leaving no blood foam.

This Jingtian wants to die with Junwu wholeheartedly, but he is the only one who returns to nothingness.

Jun Wu sneered.

Compared to Mu Xiantong who is difficult to deal with, Sedum is a too simple person.

If he had realized earlier that thousands of years had passed in the world, and the whole world had already been owned by Yue, he might not have lost so badly.

How is it possible to defeat Junwu in Junwu's land?
This is Jun Wu looking around the valley again.

Countless blood was sprinkled on a piece of yellow dust.

These people were all killed by Sedum.

Even those who are still alive are curled up and shivering.

Apparently they were driven mad by Sedum's "The Ten Furies of the Ming King".

From now on, it may be like this crazy appearance.

Jun Wu's God's Blessing Orb can heal injuries, but I don't know if it can soothe the mind?
Jun Wu walked towards a trembling soldier.

The man's eyes were full of despair, and his face was dirty with tears.

Jun Wu stepped forward and gently placed his palm on the soldier's head.

But after a while, the soldier's expression really changed.

His eyes changed from frightened to dazed, and then he looked at His Royal Highness in front of him as if seeing a god.

Suddenly, the man knelt on the ground with a plop, kowtowing to Jun Wu.

And Jun Wu nodded lightly to him, and walked towards the next survivor.

However, within half a day, all the soldiers who were still alive in the valley recovered.

Originally, apart from being frightened, most of them were still wounded.

Unexpectedly, they were cured one by one by His Highness the Crown Prince.

Some people even realize that the asthma problem they have had for many years has been cured unconsciously.

Although these people have experienced a scene of terror, they unexpectedly obtained the most spiritual body.

All the soldiers kowtowed to His Royal Highness to thank His Highness, and said in their hearts: "Your Highness must be the reincarnation of a true god to have such magical skills!"

After Jun Wu treated all the living people in this valley one by one, he didn't delay any longer.

He led several of his men and immediately ran towards the capital of Yue Kingdom.

Although Jingtian died, Xia Ziyu was still alive.

If you want to find out his movements, you have to return to the imperial capital immediately.

But when Jun Wu returned to the East Palace on a starry night, he was still taken aback.

The steward of the East Palace told him that Xia Yun, the princess of Xia Kingdom, had come to seek refuge alone, and she was resting in the side hall at the moment.

Xia Yun is Jun Wu's fiancée.

It is said that the two should not meet before they are married.

But Jun Wu is not a rigid person.

What's more, Xia Yun always abides by the rules, if he came here suddenly, something big must have happened.

Jun Wu didn't wait for anyone to send a message, and immediately strode towards the side hall.

He walked like flying, but frightened a few court ladies.

When Jun Wu lifted the bead curtain of the side hall, he saw Xia Yun sitting in the side hall, being served by a maid drinking a bowl of hot soup.

Jun Wu's sharp eyes swept across Xia Yun's body, and saw that this woman who had become gentle and peaceful had become thin again.

At this moment, Xia Yun cut off his long hair and tied a bun on top of his head like an ordinary man.

The willow-leaf eyebrows on the face are also deliberately painted thick and black.

It's just that her body is naturally delicate and slender, which is difficult to change, and she can only be covered up with thick cloth.

Jun Wu looked at the maid with majestic eyes.

The little girl's heart skipped a beat, and she resigned immediately knowingly.

At this moment, only Jun Wu and Xia Yun are left in the side hall.

At this time, Xia Yun, who was dressed as a boy, suddenly bowed deeply to Jun Wu.

And Jun Wu gently lifted her slender body up, saying: "You and I are a fiancée. Why bother to salute me.

You came all the way to Yue country alone to find me, and you suffered a lot. "

Xia Yun was taken aback when he heard this.

Why did Jun Wu know that he came to Yue country alone?
But she stopped short of that.

Her fiancé, Jun Wu, has always been like this, omniscient and omnipotent, as reliable as a mountain.

Xia Yun really came from Xia Kingdom.

In order to hide her whereabouts along the way, she even cut off her long hair to deceive others.

As a princess, although she is not squeamish, she has suffered a lot from the country of Xia on foot.

Not to mention that after finally arriving at the East Palace of the Yue Kingdom, it was only after realizing that Jun Wu was not there.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before I finally saw Jun Wu.

Xia Yunqiang's strong will was finally released, and she said to Jun Wu: "Please hurry up and save my father!"

Jun Wu suddenly read a lot of confusing information from Xia Yun's consciousness, and it was obvious that the girl was anxious at this time.

He comforted: "Don't worry, speak slowly."

At this time Xia Yun said: "A few days ago a person claimed to be Xia Ziyu and broke into the Xia Palace.

Father is also alert, and when he noticed something unusual in the situation, he told me to run away quickly.

I walked all the way from the summer palace and waited here for a few days.

Counting the days now, Emperor Father has been arrested by that man for more than a month! "

Obviously, if Jun Wu doesn't go to save Xia Zi again, then the shrewd old man will be in trouble.

Jun Wu immediately stood up and said, "I'll go right away!"

Then he looked at Xia Yun and said, "You stay here, and I will find someone to protect you."

Xia Yun nodded obediently, looking at Jun Wu with tender eyes.

This is her future husband, so reliable.

She used to think that she would probably become a bargaining chip, marry someone who didn't love her, and live her life numbly.

But he didn't know that God treated him so kindly and made her the fiancée of the dream lover of a Chinese girl.

And Jun Wu also knew that the situation in Xia Zi's place was extremely serious, and now was not the time for children to love each other.

He purposely left the Three Demons to take care of Xia Yun, and asked Sha Xing to guard near the East Palace at all times.

Then Jun Wu single-handedly ran towards the summer palace.

At the same time, in Xiaguo Palace, Xiazi was lying dying on the bed in the bedroom.

He was a bit chubby, but his complexion was blue and his cheeks were sunken.

An old Huangmen with a sad face sighed and inserted an iron needle into Xiazi's arm.

Lao Huangmen is one of the few servants in the summer palace, who has been serving Xia Zi's daily life.

Who knew that he had to do such a thing now.

One end of the iron needle was inserted into Xia Zi's arm, and the other end was connected to a leather tube.

After a while, a red trickle flowed out of the leather tube and flowed into an iron bowl.

Obviously at this moment Xia Zi is extremely weak, so the blood flow is very slow.

After a long while, the blood in the bowl was not more than half.

Finally, another rough man in the room didn't have the patience to wait any longer.

He grabbed the iron bowl and poured it into a small jar.

The dark stuff in this small vat turned out to be full of blood.

I don't know what method that rough man used to keep the blood from coagulating.

Afterwards, the rough man took out a cloth pocket and poured the jewel fragments inside into the small jar.

Suddenly, I saw a strange light emitting from the small vat.

The rough man couldn't wait to take out a precious orb from the jar.

Although the orb glowed softly, it was covered with blood.

The rough man couldn't help but "tsk" when he saw the orb, and said to himself: "It's much smaller than the Tianen Orb back then."

Obviously, it was because he failed to collect all the fragments.

But now that time is running out, he has no choice but to wait any longer.

When the rough man kept looking at the blood-stained orb in his hand, a pair of weak eyes looked at his back.

Those eyes belonged to Xia Zi.

He was lying on the bed dying at the moment, and no one came to help him remove the needle in his arm.

But his arms had long been numb, and there was nothing but anxiety in his lifeless eyes.

"Yun'er! Be sure to hide it! Don't come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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