Chapter 334
The evil ghost rushing towards Junwu never expected that he was actually killed by his prey.

And Jun Wu easily sucked the ghost's soul power into the Chaos Palace, but it only increased for ten years.

He couldn't help but "tsk", as if he was extremely contemptuous of this brat.

But Jun Wu suddenly raised his head, his eyes became sharp and looked into the distance.

On the unsheltered wilderness, there is a dark shadow rushing towards the distance.

"There is still a fish that slipped through the net." Jun Wu's heart moved, but the dark shadow ran away.

It turns out that this shadow is also an evil ghost in the evil ghost path.

He had also noticed Junwu appearing in the wilderness, and wanted to rob the previous evil spirit.

Unexpectedly, Jun Wu just turned the previous evil spirit into ashes as soon as he made a move.

Where did the new evil spirit dare to stay, he ran away.

You must know that there is no reason to talk about evil ghosts.

When the two ghosts meet, there is only the ending of the soul power of the weak into the strong.

The new evil spirit was glad that he had noticed it early enough, and had already escaped such a long distance, so he was probably fine.

But the evil ghost was frowning as he ran, for some reason he heard the muffled sound of thunder rolling.

This evil ghost is in the underworld, how can there be thunder?

He just asked this question, and then it stopped abruptly.

It turned out that a black lightning strike hit the evil spirit.

Jun Wu looked at the evil spirit from a distance.

Without lightness kung fu, it is really troublesome for the evil spirits who have fled far away.

Jun Wu still doesn't know the situation in the evil ghost's way, so he doesn't want to scare the snake so quickly.

Fortunately, the power of the Heaven's Punishment Orb is different in the underworld from that in the underworld.

When in the yang world, the lightning caused by the Heaven's Punishment Orb was so white that it could be detected from a distance.

While in the underworld, the thunder and lightning of the Heaven's Punishment Orb was pitch black, except for the dull sound, there was no white light, and it was not very eye-catching.

After the black lightning flashed across, the evil spirit who fled far away turned into a cloud of blue smoke and disappeared.

It's just that with the disappearance of the evil ghost, Jun Wu didn't notice the growth of his own soul power.

Jun Wu made another "tsk".

It seems that if you don't use your soul power to destroy the evil ghost, you can't devour the opponent's soul power.

After Jun Wu wiped out the two evil spirits he encountered, he continued walking forward.

The place where he is now is the evil ghost realm at the outermost of the six realms of the underworld.

Although each way is controlled by its own ghost king, the way of evil ghosts today is different from the past.

In the depths of the barren wilderness where the evil ghosts live, a group of evil ghosts are gathering together.

They used to be evil ghosts who did harm to the world and refused to enter the underworld obediently.

If he hadn't been arrested by ghost messengers, he would still be doing evil in the world today.

At this moment, these evil spirits gathered together bitterly.

And standing among the ghosts was an extremely tall man.

This man was different from the other evil spirits in that he was covered with a strange black linen cloth covering his whole body.

And the stench came from the black linen from time to time, even the other ghosts had to endure it.

The black-robed evil spirit that made him and the ghosts so fearful was called General Chen.

Today is the day when he gathers the ghosts.

Each path in the underworld should have been guarded by its own ghost king.

But the way of evil ghosts is special.

Now Bai Ya, the ghost king of the evil ghost realm, has not come out to take charge of affairs for a long time.

The fierce ghosts in the evil ghost way all bowed their heads to the generals who were also evil ghosts.

The general looked at the surrounding ghosts with a pair of miserable eyes through the black robe.

Finally he asked in a gloomy voice, "Why are there still ghosts here?"

All the ghosts look at me and I look at you, but they don't know what's going on.

But one evil ghost speculated: "Maybe when they were out hunting ghosts, they folded themselves and became someone else's soul power..."

Hearing this, all the ghosts felt a sigh of relief.

Quite some things hurt the taste of its kind.

Instead, the general in the black robe made a strange "clucking" sound.

It sounds like grinding teeth, or twisting joints.

This voice actually made all the ghosts feel cold.

They all suddenly raised their necks and dared not make a sound.

These evil spirits were detained in the underworld, and after being forced to drink Mengpo soup, they couldn't remember anything but their own names.

Although I don't know what a powerful ghost the general was in the past, but in this evil ghost way, even some ghost servants dare not provoke him.

The number of evil ghosts in the original evil ghost path is far more than the current number.

After the general was arrested, I don't know how many evil spirits became his soul power.

His power has also become stronger and stronger, even some ghost messengers have to detour when they see him, so as to avoid dealing with this evil ghost.

Now in the evil ghost way, the ghost king Bai Ya rarely shows up, but the general has become the most feared guy among the ghosts.

And after the general made a strange sound, he said in a gloomy tone: "In this evil ghost's way, there is someone who dares to kill my evil ghost..."

After that, he became silent, the silence was so depressing that other evil spirits did not dare to move an inch.

Time seemed to stop in half.

Finally, a voice came from under the black robe: "Tie the evil ghosts, and all the living ghosts will be tied up to see me!"

All the ghosts who had gathered together got this order, they panicked and said yes, and then scattered and fled in all directions one by one.

To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter whether you can find the living ghost who defied the general.

The most important thing is to escape here as soon as possible, not to be implicated by the general's anger.

Seeing that all the ghosts suddenly disappeared.

The general sat down on the ground again.

There is nothing in the realm of evil ghosts to hide.

Except for a black robe, there is nothing to hide the general.

He looked through the hemp robe and looked at the dim place in the distance, and thoughts rolled in his heart.

In this way of evil ghosts, the general seems to be saying the same thing in front of all the ghosts.

In fact, the general knew in his heart that his rights came from the acquiescence of the ghost king Bai Ya.

The reason why he can turn a blind eye to the general's behavior is naturally beneficial.

At some point, Bai Ya, the ghost king of the evil ghost realm, suddenly no longer manages the evil ghosts, but secretly supports the most powerful generals of the evil ghosts.

And the general asked the other evil spirits to hand over some new dead ghosts every time a period passed, withholding half of their soul power for private use, and secretly handing over the other half to the ghost king Bai Ya.

Bai Fang and the general seem to be righteous on the one hand and evil on the other, but in fact they have been colluding for a long time.

And the evil ghost way also maintains this ridiculous balance.

This kind of balance is actually in jeopardy, and it cannot withstand the intervention of new forces.

So when the general notices that the two little ghosts under him suddenly disappear, he must be vigilant.

If there is a new power suddenly appearing, then the general must kill him!

Just as he was thinking this, a figure suddenly walked towards him from a distance.

The general shuddered, and looked out of the black robe, and saw a guy with the appearance of a young man walking towards him.

The general's heart skipped a beat, it seems that the new evil spirit is him!
(End of this chapter)

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