Chapter 338
In the evil ghost's way, the surrounding fields are barren, not even a single weed can grow.

There is no separation between the sky and the earth, all is darkness.

It seems that the evil ghost is placed in a chaotic eggshell.

But unfortunately, there is still a protruding part in this eggshell.

This unexpected place is that in the deepest part of the evil ghost's path, there is a stone fortress.

The shape of the fortress is so rough that it is even suspected that it is just a natural stone cave.

The person living in this gray stone castle is Bai Ya, the ghost king of the evil ghost realm.

It seems that while the generals are rising to rule the order of the evil ghosts secretly, the ghost king Bai Ya has locked himself in the stone castle all day without seeing the light of day.

Even ghost messengers can hardly see the ghost king Bai Ya.

But this time, a ghost messenger came in a hurry, ignoring the ghost king Bai Ya's order, and kept knocking on the gate of the stone castle.

Surprisingly, after the ghost messenger knocked on the door for a while, the heavy gate of the stone castle opened by itself.

The ghost looked ordinary, and stepped into the dark stone castle cautiously.

The surrounding area was dark, but luckily the stone fortress was open, so it wouldn't collide with any houses.

The ghost king Bai Ya's voice floated in the pitch black space, "What's the matter..."

The ghost messenger carefully discerned the voice of today's ghost king, and he didn't seem to be angry.

He finally settled down.

If a ghost messenger suddenly came to disturb the ghost king Bai Ya's cultivation, he would be severely punished.

It was because of this that he was coaxed and threatened by several ghost messengers to report to the ghost king Bai Ya.

The ghost messenger who had been prepared in his heart to be severely punished suddenly had a secret joy in his heart: Maybe the ghost king is in a good mood today, maybe he can spare himself.

The ghost messenger continued to walk forward cautiously, trying to find the location of the ghost king in the dark.

Finally, in a corner of the stone castle, Guicha saw a vague figure.

This figure was hidden in a purple-black mist. It was unusually tall, as tall as two people. Who else could it be if it wasn't Ghost King Bai Ya?
The ghost messenger bowed deeply to the black figure and said: "His Royal Highness Ghost King, there are rumors of evil spirits making trouble in the evil ghost way."

"Oh?" Ghost King Bai Fang made an unbelievable voice.

He was silent for a while before asking: "Where is the general?"

The ghost messenger said: "It is the general who said it was the rebellion. He forced the little ghost to look for you everywhere, and threatened that you should go to see him!"

Ghost King Bai Ya was silent again.

After a long while, he suddenly asked: "Are you sure that the general is making trouble? Could it be that you ghost messengers let him be arrogant when he let go of the words, and didn't investigate first?"

Fortunately, Ghost King Bai Ya is in a very good mood today.

Normally, he probably wouldn't ask questions, but directly punished the ghost.

Even so, the ghost messenger was still frightened and stammered: "This, this, subordinate, subordinate..."

The ghost king still replied in a rare and pleasant voice: "It is likely that the person who is looking for me is not the real general. Because... the general has already sworn allegiance to me."

These words made the ghost guard with his head down couldn't help but look up for a moment, and took a peek at the ghost king Bai Ya.

As a ghost king, it is not impossible to say that an evil ghost under his control bows down to him.

But they are evil ghosts!
The evil ghosts in the evil ghost path are originally unpardonable ghosts arrested from the underworld.

Although it is not enough to enter the realm of purgatory, it is still an evil spirit that will never repent for life.

Being surrendered by the evil ghosts is not something to show off.

On the contrary, it would be best for Ghost King Bai Ya to distance himself from these evil spirits.

Why would the ghost king say such things to himself, a little ghost, today?
In short, Guichai gave a vague "huh" and didn't express too much.

But Ghost King Bai Ya didn't intend to stop there.

He continued: "I have been retreating in the stone castle these days, and I don't have the energy to take care of the evil ghosts.

What's more, in order to defeat the other ghost kings, I need more soul power.

Thanks to the minister for sharing my worries.Only then will there be no shortage of soul power supply..."

After hearing this, the ghost messenger was already in a cold sweat.

The ghost king asked the evil ghosts under his rule to provide him with soul power. If this matter was reported to the Hades, even the ghost king Bai Ya would not be spared.

And there is only one thing this ghost needs to think about at the moment.

"Why did White Fang tell himself these things?"

"Could it be that Ghost King Bai Ya regards himself as his confidant?"

Ghosts are not so big-hearted.

He knew that his trip might be bad luck.

And the ghost king Bai Ya continued: "In order to win over the other ghost kings, let Hades finally choose me instead of others. These days I have to neglect the errands of the evil ghosts... hey..."

White Fang let out a long sigh.

The ghost messenger smiled awkwardly and said, "How could it be? The Evil Ghost Dao is in perfect order under your rule, King of Ghosts..."

Ghost King Bai Ya directly interrupted: "The reason why there is no chaos is because of the deterrence of the generals.

He should be dead now, and the evil ghosts will become chaotic again. "

The ghost officer reluctantly said: "This subordinate is incompetent, so this subordinate will go and arrest those evil spirits who are making trouble... arrest them!"

But Ghost King Bai Ya shook his head and said: "They were all arrested by you from the underworld.

But now I have been in the evil ghost's way for a long time.Eat a lot of soul power of evil spirits.The rest, you ghost messengers will not be able to subdue. "

The ghost messenger was speechless.

At this time, Ghost King Bai Ya said again: "Fortunately, I have already completed my unique skills. I don't need generals from now on."

The ghost officer hurriedly patted the horse and said: "Congratulations to the ghost king, congratulations to the ghost king!"

At this time, the ghost king Bai Ya finally stood up from the darkness.

He walked towards the ghost step by step and said: "Although the stunt has been practiced, but if you don't try it, you won't know how effective it will be."

At this time, seeing the tall and strong figure of the ghost king, he almost cried and said: "My subordinates immediately go and capture the troublesome evil ghost, so that the ghost king can stretch out his hand."

Bai Fang smiled and shook his head, "There's no need for that. Aren't you right in front of my eyes?"

After hearing this, the ghost servant fell to the ground.

Sure enough, the ghost king Bai Ya said so many words to him, but he didn't intend to let him leave alive.

The ghost messenger is still waiting to plead a few more words.

And the ghost king suddenly stretched out his palm to the ghost messenger and said: "This trick is called the burning heart of the suffering ghost, and all evil spirits with brand marks will suffer from the burning of the brand marks.

You ghost messengers were just grieving ghosts from the underworld... In the entire underworld, there is no one who is not afraid of "Bitter Ghost Burning Heart". "

After finishing speaking, he saw the ghost messenger suddenly screaming in pain, writhing and struggling on the ground.

Gradually, a blue brand on his body became brighter and brighter.

Like a ball of blue flame, it finally swallowed the whole body of Guichai.

Until the blue flame went out, the ghost messenger also disappeared out of thin air.

Ghost King Bai Ya raised his head and took a breath, knowing that his soul power had increased slightly.

This was the soul power of Bai Fang after the ghost had disappeared.

Ghost King Bai Ya suddenly sneered.

There is no evil spirit in the entire underworld that does not have a brand on it.

And as long as there is a brand, there is no way to resist his "Bitter Ghost Burning Heart".

Naturally, White Fang would not wish to fight Pluto.

As for the rest of the ghost kings, if they meet him, they will definitely lose.

Ghost King Bai Ya stepped out of the castle confidently.

From now on, he will be under one ghost and above ten thousand ghosts in the underworld.

"Bitter Ghost Burning Heart" still needs to be honed.

Then start with the sudden appearance of evil spirits!
(End of this chapter)

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