Chapter 342
Ever since Bai Fang became the king of evil ghosts, he has always been respected and feared by all ghosts.

He never thought that he would have such a humiliating day.

As tall as two people, Bai Fang with purple-black skin walked heavily in the direction of Mount Naluo.

It was dark all around.

And on his shoulders was a handsome young man, it was Jun Wu.

Behind White Fang, the ghosts with different thoughts had disappeared.

But White Fang had already vowed secretly that when he came back, all these ghosts would be gone.

And Jun Wu who was sitting on Bai Fang's shoulders, he will also kill him in the most cruel way!

These thoughts came over and over in White Fang's mind.

But he didn't know that all his thoughts had already been known by Jun Wu.

At this time, Jun Wu held a cane in his hand, just like the reins of Bai Fang.

The other end of the cane was deeply embedded in White Fang's waistcoat.

The rattan seems to be static, but in fact it is always growing.

And what nourished the vine was the flesh and blood of Ghost King Bai Ya.

The rattan continued to drill in, and the ghost king Bai Ya was always enduring the itching pain from the vest that could not be ignored.

It's a pity that his mouth was covered by a hood made of rattan, and he couldn't even cry out in pain. It was really humiliating.

The more the ghost king was humiliated, the stronger the killing intent in his heart.

Both Bai Fang and Jun Wu walked forward in the wilderness in silence.

Don't look at the ghost king who is only walking, he is already extremely tall, but now he can run several times faster than any fast horse in the world.

Not long after, Jun Wu, who was sitting on the ghost king's shoulder, saw an endless stone wall uprooted from the flat ground in front of him.

It is said to be a stone wall, because it is all bare stones, and there is no slight slope vertically.

But it is too tall, the top can't be seen, and the ends can't be seen on both sides.

Such a behemoth, even the mountains in the world can't compare.

Jun Wu knew in his heart that this must be Naluo Mountain.

Even if the ghost king is tall, facing the endless Naluo Mountain, he is as small as a grain of sand.

I don't know how long the ghost king has been running forward, but Nailuo Mountain is still in front of him, it seems that even the distance has not changed.

Jun Wu secretly admired him.

One is that Naluo Mountain is indeed a sacred mountain that can only be seen in the underworld.

In the human world, even the addition of three mountains and five mountains can't compare to the boundless expanse of Naluo Mountain.

The second is to lament that the ghost king is really powerful.

There is no sunrise and sunset in the underworld, and there is no telling time.

But Jun Wu guessed that Bai Ya, the ghost king, had been running around without sleep for several days with Jun Wu on his back.

Jun Wu is sitting all the time, so he can bear it naturally.

But White Fang had been running for so long, yet he couldn't even see that he was short of breath or weak.

If it wasn't for the fact that Jun Wu didn't have a brand on him, he would have taken the lead.

He also used the Tianyan Orb to control the picked seeds, and tied Bai Fang firmly in his hand.

Just relying on hand-to-hand combat, Jun Wu must not have the toughness of Bai Fang.

They ran for a few more days, and White Fang finally came to the foot of Naluo Mountain.

At this time, both of them looked up, and saw the stone wall of Naluo Mountain soaring up to the sky, so majestic that the top could not be seen.

White Fang took a deep breath and climbed up the mountain wall with almost no edges and corners with both hands.

Until this time, Jun Wu had to look at the ghost king with admiration.

When he was running with Junwu on his back, he had already shown amazing physical strength.

Now he is not resting, and he is climbing straight up with Jun Wu on his back.

The most astonishing thing is that his climbing speed is no slower than that of running.

Only such a guy can become the ghost king of the evil ghost way!

Although he was defeated by Jun Wu as soon as he made a move, in fact, he was extremely powerful in terms of strength alone.

While admiring Bai Ya's bravery, Jun Wu also sensed Bai Ya's thoughts.

At this time, Bai Fang seemed to be numb and kept climbing upwards, but in fact, he was always thinking about how to kill Junwu.

Although White Fang thought of several ways along the way, they were not safe enough in the end.

He knew that Jun Wu held the door of his life in his hands.

If the method he thought of couldn't kill him with one blow, maybe he would be the one who died.

It has been dragging on like this until now, and it seems that after another three or four days of climbing, he should be able to climb to the top of Naluo Mountain.

At that time, if you can't solve Jun Wu on your own chassis, you will really need the help of the Monster Beast Dao Ghost King.

Bai Fang was arrogant in his heart, and he had long thought of defeating the other ghost kings.

It is really difficult for him to seek help from the monster king Lei Zha.

Bai Fang couldn't stop thinking about it, and finally his eyes lit up, and he saw an exceptionally smooth mountain wall in front of him.

If he continues to go up, he will inevitably pass through this mountain wall.

At that time, he only needs to pretend that his hands are unsteady and shake Jun Wu down.

Then this little boy is going to be smashed at the foot of the mountain.

As for the vines on White Fang's vest, he would slowly try to get rid of them later.

White Fang made up his mind, so he continued to climb upwards.

It's just that Jun Wu didn't need to use mind reading skills to notice that the ghost king's speed suddenly became faster at this moment, as if he was thinking about something.

In just a moment, White Fang reached the smooth mountain wall.

Bai Fang had already rehearsed in his mind how to pretend to miss and how to shake Jun Wu off the mountain wall.

After realizing that everything was safe, he slid his right hand as he had rehearsed in his mind.

His shoulders swung back, as if he had lost his center of gravity.

It's just that the ghost king's two feet are still firmly stepping on the cracks in the stone, and he won't really fall down with himself.

White Fang's gestures were extremely realistic, he thought to himself.

But he was surprised to find that Jun Wu was always sitting firmly on his shoulders, with his arms folded, and he didn't look like he was about to fall.

On the contrary, if I don't reach out and grab the stone wall again, I will really fall down.

These two are like two gamblers.

They are all betting that the other party will not be able to support it first.

In the end, Bai Ya stretched out his hand to grab the stone wall again with resentment in his heart, and if it was a moment later, he and Jun Wu would fall down together.

And Jun Wu sat on Bai Fang's shoulders with his arms crossed all the time, without showing the slightest panic.

Bai Fang, who was carrying him, couldn't help but marvel: what is the origin of this kid? Not only is his mind extremely stable, but he is even more determined.

This bet, I lost in the end!
But Bai Fang, who had just climbed up the stone wall with both hands, suddenly felt the pain in his back become more intense.

Even though his mouth was gagged by the bridle, he still let out a muffled grunt.

At this time, a cold voice sounded next to his ear: "If you try to be smart again, I will never let you go."

Hearing this, White Fang suddenly felt his blood turn cold.

It turns out that all the pretentiousness I did just now was in Jun Wu's eyes.

Resentment, depression, and unwillingness are intertwined.

But White Fang had no choice but to keep climbing.

He secretly decided in his heart that as soon as he climbed over Naluo Mountain, he must call Lei Zha!

The same is true in Jun Wu's heart, he thought to himself that once he crossed Naluo Mountain, Bai Ya's life would not need to be spared.

(End of this chapter)

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